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Dì十kè 你juéde zuótiān 的 kǎoshì 怎麼 yàng?

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Presentation on theme: "Dì十kè 你juéde zuótiān 的 kǎoshì 怎麼 yàng?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dì十kè 你juéde zuótiān 的 kǎoshì 怎麼 yàng?

2 nán (adjectival verb) difficult róngyì (adjectival verb) easy
Do you think/feel speaking Chinese is difficult? 你juéde說中文nán 嗎? 你juéde说中文nán 吗? 你juéde我們的中文kǎoshì róngyì不róngyì? 你juéde我们的中文kǎoshì róngyì不róngyì?

3 yǔfǎ (n.) grammar 你 juéde 中文的 yǔfǎ nán 不 nán?
你 juéde Yīng文/Fǎ文的yǔfǎ róngyì 嗎? 你 juéde Yīng文/Fǎ文的yǔfǎ róngyì 吗?

4 可是 (conj.) but Use 可是 to finish the following sentences:
我juéde 中文很 nán,可是… 我xiǎng 學|学chàng中文gē。 我xiǎng 去中guó 學|学xí,可是… 我沒|没有qián。 • 小Wáng 有很多 shū,可是…  他都沒|没有kàn。

5 kāfēi (n. coffee) & kāfēiguǎn (n. café)
我 juéde Xīngbākè 的 kāfēi …可是… …很好 hē…tài guì了! Bīnzhōu Zhōulì dà學|学有沒|没有Xīngbākè 的 kāfēiguǎn? Xīngbākè 星巴克

6 bēi (n.) classifier for cup
2 cups of coffee 兩|两bēi kāfēi 3 cups of tea 三bēi chá 4 glasses of cola 四bēi可lè chá

7 Hái 有 To introduce additional information……
(adverb.) in addition, furthermore To introduce additional information…… 你 xǐhuan zuò 什麼?|你 xǐhuan zuò 什么? (singing, dancing + reading) 我xǐhuan chànggē,tiàowǔ,hái有 kànshū 。 • 你們有什麼 hē 的(dōngxi)? 你们有什么 hē 的(dōngxi)? (Water, cola + coffee) 我們|们有 shuǐ,可lè, hái有 kāfēi。

8 幾|几 Find out how many Chinese characters one knows.
Question word Find out how many Chinese characters one knows. 你rènshì 幾個 (hàn)zì? 你rènshì 几个 (hàn)zì? Find out how many kids one has. • 他們有幾個 háizi? 他们有几个 háizi?

9 幾|几 Quantifier: several 幾|几 + classifier + noun
I know several Chinese friends. 我 rènshi 幾個中guó péngyǒu。 我 rènshi 几个中guó péngyǒu。 I want to buy several cups of coffee. 我yào mǎi幾bēi kāfēi。 我yào mǎi几bēi kāfēi。

10 我們xiànzài yào 學“了”的yǔfǎ!

11 Completed action: ActV + 了: (pp. 204-206)
Completion of an action is signaled with the particle了. 了 is either placed (1) after the action verb, or (2) after the action verb + object.

12 Action Verb +了 + Object (1) When the object of the action verb includes a number V +了+ number + classifier + O He drank two glasses of water. 他 hē了兩|两bēi shuǐ。

13 Action Verb +了 + Object (2) When the object of an action verb refers to something specific V +了+ 這|这/那 + classifier + O Teacher Wang taught this character today. Wáng (王)老師jīntiān(天) jiāo了這個(hàn)zì。 Wáng (王)老师jīntiān(天) jiāo了这个(hàn)zì。

14 Action Verb +了 + Object (3) When the object includes a description
V +了+ description 的+ O I sold my first-year Chinese book. 我mài了我(的)一niánjí的中文shū。

15 Action Verb +了 + Object (4) When the verb refers to an action that is
completed as soon as it is performed • V +了+ O I forgot several characters. • 我wàng了幾個|几个zì。 I forgot what his name is. 我wàng了他 jiào什麼míngzi。 我wàng了他 jiào什么míngzi。

16 Verb + Object +了 (1) When the phrase describes general events
such as eating, bathing, reading, etc. I read yesterday. 我 zuótiān kànshū 了 (2) When the object has no meaning outside of the phrase (e.g., xǐ zǎo, shuì jiào) 我jīntiān 晚shang xǐzǎo了。 7/7 (Tue.) 7/8 (Wed.) 7/9 (Thu.) zuótiān jīntiān 明tiān

17 Verb + Object +了 (3) When the object of the verb stands for some category of things rather than for something specific or definite I ate as early as 6 pm. 我xiàwǔ六diǎn jiù吃飯了。 我xiàwǔ六diǎn jiù吃饭了。

18 Verb + Object +了 or Verb +了+ Object?
Some nouns can be interpreted as either specific or general depending on the context of the sentence or on the speaker.  The same verb + object sequence may include 了 after the verb or after the object. I drank coffee this morning. 我 jīntiān 早shang hē 了 kāfēi。 specific 我 jīntiān 早shang hē kāfēi 了。 general

19 Two fixed rules about the use of 了
(1)了 only indicates a completed action when it follows an action verb. Stative verb: xǐhuan Modal verb: huì (2) 了 cannot be used when talking about actions that did not occur.

20 An action has not happened
• (S) + 没(有)+ ActV (O) He didn’t have lunch. • 他沒吃wǔ飯。|他没吃wǔ饭。 Do not use 了 when stating that an action did not or has not happened. • 他沒吃了wǔ飯。| 他没吃了wǔ 饭。 • 他沒吃wǔ飯了。| 他没吃wǔ 饭了。 20

21 An action has not happened yet
• (S) + hái没(有)+ActV (O) (+ 呢) 他hái沒有起chuáng呢! 他hái没有起chuáng呢! Tell your classmates: You do not have a boy-/girlfriend yet. 我hái沒|没有nán/nǚ péngyou (ne)! You have not done homework today yet. Zāogāo!我 jīntiān hái沒|没有zuò gōngkè。

22 Asking whether an action has happened
• V (O)了嗎? | V (O)了吗? Xiàkè了嗎|吗? • V (O)了 沒|没有? • Xiàkè了沒|没有?  Xiàkè了!  Hái沒|没有Xiàkè。

23 不 vs.没 沒|没 negates the verb 有 沒|没 + ActV
Indicates that an action did not occur 我jīntiān早shang 沒|没(有) hē kāfēi。 不 + ActV Indicates that an action is not happening now, or does not happen 我不hē kāfēi。

24 不 vs.没 I don’t sleep in the afternoon. 我 xiàwǔ 不 shuìjiào。
I you did not sleep last night. 我zuótiān 晚上shang 沒|没(有) shuìjiào。 Tell your classmate s/he can’t speak English (in Chinese class). • 你不可以說|说Yīng文。

25 Tài + Adjective Verb +了 Your friend wants to introduce an 85-year-old to be your date…  Tài 老了! Your friend is driving 100 miles per hour…  Tài kuài了! Too slow!  Tài màn了! kuài ‘fast’ màn ‘slow’

26 Kuài (time/ VO)了 Kuài (time; VO: coming of an event)了
It will soon be (time/ VO); almost Kuài (time; VO: coming of an event)了 Indicates that it will soon be that time. It’s almost 2 o’clock! Kuài 兩|两 diǎn (zhōng)了! Remind your roommate it’s about time to go to the class. Kuài shàngkè 了。

27 Yǐjīng (adv.) already (S) + yǐjīng + V + 了
The situation has already happened. I already bought a new computer. 我yǐjīng mǎi了 xīn的diànnǎo。 很xīn 不xīn

28 Yǐjīng + V +了 When the verb phrase consists of 是 + age or 是+ time, 是 is usually omitted, and yǐjīng occurs right before the age or time. I’m already 21 years old. 我yǐjīng 二十一suì了。 It’s 10:30 now already. Xiànzài yǐjīng 十diǎn bàn了。

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