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Work session 1 – Create your action!

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Presentation on theme: "Work session 1 – Create your action!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Work session 1 – Create your action!

2 What is our task? Form groups of 3-4 persons; you can choose to work with your colleagues, if you like to. You need to think on a measure, strategy or planning instrument you would like to apply in your own background – your city. It can be one of the presented ideas but as well any other you would like to follow up on. Choose one city amongst your work group, if you are coming from different ones. Finally, you need to detail your idea by the following points:

3 The ACTION Card

4 Enter a group name or your names!

5 Enter the measure name!

6 Define the main responsible actor!
e.g. a municipal department, regional one or some private actor

7 Add other important partners for the measure!
e.g. more departments, stakeholders, associations, businesses…

8 Tell the results on what you did in the end!
… not what you achieved! Like 10 stakeholder workshops or 15 intermodal nodes installed.

9 Give an idea on the resources needed!
… can be in staff numbers or €.

10 Give an idea on the time needed!
… like no. of weeks, months or even years.

11 Briefly tell on the background where
the measure starts or why it is necessary.

12 Briefly tell how you achieve the outputs!

13 Briefly tell main results / outcomes you expect!



16 Our next task – from action to impact!
We build teams of persons by previous groups joining up. Each group takes its action card to the exercise. The new team chooses one of the action cards for the work exercise. The task is: Present the action briefly Define the possible impacts of the action jointly in the group We do this by making use of a Card Game invented and successfully tested within the URBACT III programme!

17 The Card Game Details The input for the game is the action card as created in the previous work. The action is tested against a set of possible impacts described by IMPACT Cards. The impact cards are structured in topic families with several impacts – one per card: Mobility Environment Social Health Urban Quality Local Economy

18 The Card Game Details Additionally, the action gets related to its scale of the impact. It is possible to add any impact card: For an existing impact family For a new impact family For the scale of the action New impacts do not need to be positive impacts! If time allows, we add another dimension to the game: the barrier cards. You can fill in these red cards to address any barrier that you expect for the implementation of the action.

19 The work assignment Familiarise with the Card Set - 10 min
Select one action for the exercise and have their inventors present it – 5 min Propose and discuss impacts of the action by the impact families, the scale of impact and add any missing impact using the empty black cards – 45 min If time allows, start to discuss possible barriers to the action by inventing barrier cards using the red cards. Last but not least: select one or two person to present your work result to all and prepare the presentation – 10 min

20 Plenary Presentation

21 Hot Debriefing What did I not What I liked this like this afternoon..
My suggestion for the next workshop! What do I take home?

22 Claus Köllinger
Thank you! @EltisPortal Claus Köllinger

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