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Administrator Training Benefit Plans & Administration Presented By: Whitney Field HR Technology Advisors.

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Presentation on theme: "Administrator Training Benefit Plans & Administration Presented By: Whitney Field HR Technology Advisors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrator Training Benefit Plans & Administration Presented By: Whitney Field HR Technology Advisors

2 Agenda: Benefit Plans Data Gathering Benefit Administration
Vendor Records Deduction Codes Benefit Types Benefit Plan Waive Reasons Benefit Profiles Life Event Change Types

3 Data Gathering Benefit Information Gathering Spreadsheet provides:
Plan Name Carrier Plan Dates Waiting Period & Eligibility Deduction Rules Coverage Amounts and Details Salary/Rate change rules Premiums Summary of Benefit Coverage

4 Vendor Records Company Settings>Payroll Setup>Vendors
Used to create a record for the each Carrier Store the Carrier contact information and address Allows you to generate activity reports by Carrier Used to determine Payee information. Most commonly used for Garnishments. Can also be used to direct deposit HSA/FSA employee and employer contributions into a designated bank account.

5 Deduction Codes Company Settings>Payroll Setup>Deduction Codes
Determine if the Deduction Code should be set up pre or post tax for each specific benefit plan Can not use the same Deduction Code across different Benefit Types Determine the Employee Frequency of the deduction. Every Scheduled Pay – the deduction will occur the same as their pay frequency Block Last (3rd or 5th) will block the deduction from the 3rd payroll of the month on Bi-Weekly payrolls and the 5th payroll of the month of Weekly payrolls Every Pay – the deduction will occur every time a pay is generated which includes Supplemental payrolls An Employer Frequency is used to show how much the employer is contributing towards the premium. This frequency can be different than the employees.

6 Creating a New Deduction Code
Step 1: Add New Deduction Code Step 2: Select Roll up Deduction which determines taxability and W2 Box Type Section 125 (pre tax) Standard (post tax) HSA and FSA plans have specific roll up deductions to use Step 3: Enter a Code and Name Step 4: Enable “Has Vendor” box and select vendor from list (optional) Step 5: Select Employee Frequency Step 6: Select Employer Frequency (if applicable) Step 7: Determine if Deduction should be added to any Lists Displayed

7 Benefit Plan Configuration
Types: used to identify the different types of benefits. Please note Health can only be used for Medical plans. Plans: where the benefit plans are stored and configured Profiles: used to identify the different benefit classes within a company. These profiles are assigned to employees and determine which plans they can see during enrollment. Life Change Event Types: used to determine the various life event types and which plans can be added/dropped. Benefit Waived Reason: List of Waive Reasons a user can select from during enrollment.

8 Benefit Plan Types If you want to show a detailed side by side comparison of 2 or more plans you can add Comparison Features to the Plan Type. The plan details associated with each of these features is entered inside the benefit plan.

9 Benefit Plans When creating a Benefit Plan you need to determine the coverage type. This will change how the plan is reading information from within the plan (use of units) and/or information from the employee or dependents record. Premium: used for plans with monthly premiums Age of Employee: will determines the employees age and assign a rate Coverage Amount: can be a fixed amount or determined from the employees salary

10 Benefit Plan Details

11 Benefit Plan Details Enable features/functionality that can show how much the employer is paying and if you want to make the collection of dependent data required.

12 Benefit Plan - ESS This window allows you to include a URL that employees can link to during enrollments and also upload the Summary of Benefit Coverage that can be accessed as well. You can also upload the carriers logo.

13 Benefit Profile Determines what plans are made available to an employee during their enrollment Controls the messaging that is seen on the screen Determines how long the enrollment period is for a new hire Set you Open Enrollment Dates Enable plans to be “Auto Enrolled”

14 Benefit Administration
When an employee “Submits” their enrollment for approval an notification can be sent out. A Company Administrator needs to go in and approve the enrollment request My Employees>HR Maintenance>Benefits>Change Request Summary When approving the enrollment request the Administrator must enter in the Coverage Effective date in the dialogue box that appears. Upon approving the request the benefit plans are added to the employees HR Tab and the corresponding Deduction records are created on the Payroll tab.

15 Adding/Modifying Benefit Plans Manually
Within the HR tab of an employees record you can add or modify their elections and coverage dates.

16 Benefit Reporting My Employees>HR Maintenance>Benefits>Benefit Plans My Employees>Payroll Maintenance>Deductions Reporting

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