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Detector Session Summary
Things to add Btau nu Beta’ Ks LFV F.Forti, INFN and University, Pisa 5th SuperB Workshop Paris, May 10, 2007
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Highlights from the session Detector group organization May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
EUDET Gregor EUDET is an “Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3)” within the EU funded “6th framework programme” Support improvement of infrastructure for detector R&D with larger prototypes - but not the R&D itself Will create a test beam facility (for now in DESY) that other groups can use Very interesting for our future testbeams Started a positive interaction 2006 2007 2008 2009 now Demonstrator Integration Starts Available Final Telescope Available DESY Magnet available CERN test beam May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
SVT Rizzo Lot of activity on MAPS development, mechanical structure and cooling SLIM5 collaboration: INFN + Minister of University and research funding Pisa (coordination), Pavia, Bergamo,Trieste, Torino, Trento, Bologna May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
MAPS results and perspectives
90Sr electrons Landau mV S/N=14 Cluster signal (mV) Vthr Noise May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Mechanical issues Bettarini Conclusions Provided a working design for the striplet L0 R&D ongoing for the mechanical/thermal issues of the pixel L0 with the CMOS MAPS sensor. Focus on: power dissipation minimize the material The spec’s of the problem are defined: room for new ideas and mechanical solutions! Series of test-beams for the demonstrator (1st starting in summer 2008 and then in 2009) Looking for the best test-beam facility. Cooled channel May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Fit to resolution function:
DCH Grancagnolo Gas = X0 (80%He+20%iC4H10) Wires = X0 Fit to resolution function: (from KLOE data) l = 770 14 mm np = 12.9 0.1 cm-1 sD = 140 mm cm-1/2 st = 4.8 0.2 ns sb b Interesting proposal Needs further study and investigation Computationally very intensive May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
PID Ratcliff Three active groups: SLAC, Ljubljana, BINP DIRC Barrel readout Forward (Backward PID): TOF, Focusing RICH Projected performance May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Forward PID Ratcliff TOF resolution Physics case Cost/benefit analysis Technology choice/maturity Bench tests of fast timing PMTs are encouraging to date. Best results with the laser diode: - s ~ 12 ps for Npe = (as expected from 1cm thick Cherenkov radiator). - s TTS < 26 ps for Npe ~ 1. - Upper limit on the MCP-PMT contribution: s MCP-PMT < 6.5 ps. - TAC/ADC contribution to timing: s TAC_ADC < 3.2 ps. - Total electronics contribution at present: s Total_electronics~ 7.2 ps. More to come soon….We plan to continue detector work and confirm TOF performance in a test beam run this year….However, test beams at SLAC after this year are a concern. Križan May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Forward PID Križan MCP PMT development in BINP Photocathode ageing is rate dependent Counting rate was increased from test to test keeping the integrated cathode charge constant (~5 nC) 3 MCP PMTs have the same life time as 2 MCP with protective layer Kravchenko May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
EMC Hitlin Active group in CALTECH (Ren-yuan Zhu) May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
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Acceptance studies Mazur Btn benchmark Basis for a cost benefit analysis of a backward calorimeter Need to commission a full detailed study for the TDR BKGD/Signal with smearing Forw acc. BKGD/Signal with smearing Backw. acc. May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
IFR Cavoto R&D NOW (TO DO) For the scintillator we are in 2002 (virtually) No active group (yet) Need to get going if we want to be ready in time May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Luitz Summary “BaBar++” design of Online and DAQ seems feasible for Super B Factory Hardware re-use very limited Software re-use needs careful consideration In many cases a redesign with lessons learned probably the better approach All challenges can (probably) be solved with technology available today – just at a higher cost More R&D in many areas needed for more detailed design R&D Projects – further study Detailed evaluation of channel counts, and per-channel DAQ requirements Study backgrounds and occupancies and their effect on event sizes Study attainable performance of L1- Bhabha veto Assess cost of extending L1-Accept capacity to 150kHz Headroom, no Bhabha veto, later lumi upgrades Investigate consequences of overlapping events, triggers and trigger queuing Queue modeling for data path to determine buffering requirements Study adaptation of the current “Level-4” BaBar physics filter to Level-3 quantities Look at control system alternatives to EPICS May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Interaction region Summary We have an IR design that has acceptable SR backgrounds with a crossing angle of ±17 mrad and an energy asymmetry of 7x4 The BGB and coulomb scattered beam particles as a background need to be calculated and controlled (been done?) Radiative bhabha backgrounds are still high due to the strong bending of the outgoing beams The total SR power generated by the IR is high for the same reason. This can cause emittance growth. Especially vertical emittance growth since this is in a coupled region. A through exploration of parameter space is needed to find the best IR design Sullivan Background simulations need: Better organization of the software Interfaces for the beamline optics Interfaces for the geometry/detector Better organization of people Calderini May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Detector group organization
For the CDR writing we had identified subsystem editors/conveners This structure has concluded its function Many thanks for the effort and commitment We should move forward to the next phase Goals: Advance the R&D activity as coherently as possible Start creating the infrastructure and doing the work needed for a Technical Design Report Prepare the ground for the formation of a collaboration We need to keep a delicate but essential balance: Move forward coherently Leave room for other groups to join May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
R&D Perspectives R&D will be funded at the local or regional level until there is a SuperB collaboration. Groups approach(ed) their funding agencies to get support for what they’re interested in. Nonetheless now that we have a CDR detector, coordination of activities is important: Identify the most important R&D issues Avoid duplication of effort Act together to ask for money Provide a structure for new activities or new groups May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
R&D Coordination I think it would be useful to setup a structure of R&D conveners for the subsystems with the job of: Keep track/coordinate activities Help groups focus on what is needed Provide a point of reference for groups or individuals wishing to participate Help prepare funding proposals or reports Each subsystem should have one or two conveners Let’s use the rest of this workshop to discuss about names Not all the vacancies need to be filled now Not a life sentence: which should allow dynamic adaptation as things evolve May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Subsystems MDI (including beam pipe) SVT (including Layer0) DCH EMC (including endcaps) PID (including endcaps) IFR Electronics Trigger/DAQ Computing Software Beam tests May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
R&D Review and choices At some point we will need a more formal R&D review process Committee to review and monitor activity and provide advice to the management IMHO this should be setup when the collaboration is formed or forming For some regions it may be advantageous to create this committee earlier We need to explore the ramifications of this proposal Eventually we will have to make choices about technology Usual difficult balance between good that works and better that might not We should use the time in front of us to develop the new technologies as much as possible Act together as a group working towards an experiment Minimize pain and disappointment when choices will actually be made by the SuperB collaboration May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Software Simulation We need to ramp up our simulation ability More and more detailed Connection with physics group and accelerator design Physics studies Background simulation Detector studies Infrastructure We need to start setting up a software infrastructure (and group) From repository to framework We’ve been using SLAC/Babar so far. How much longer ? May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Last but not least Infrastructure in Tor Vergata We need to proceed with a feasability study for the Tor Vergata site It is essential to define building volumes and functions Experimental hall(s), support buildings and caverns, shafts, assembly halls, … We have regular meetings with the Tor Vergata engineers and architects Need input and answers from the Accelerator and Detector group May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Conclusion Detector group very active But a lot ground to be covered Essential to Keep going Allow new forces to join May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
Detector Layout – Reuse parts of Babar (or Belle)
BASELINE OPTION May 10, 2007 F.Forti - Detector WG Summary
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