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Geology notes for

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1 Geology notes for

2 Geologic time notes pg. 45 Notes must be cornell style:
If you forgot questions in red on the left hand side of the page. Vertical line down page – must be there no exceptions. Answers in blue ink, black ink or pencil. Five sentence summary in Green ink: Summary must be labelled by first drawing a line under the last sentence of notes then writing the word summary in green with a colon after it then writing your summary.

3 Earth History: Geologic Time

4 1. What is Geologic Time? Geologic Time: It is very, very long.
Earth is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years old based on the rock and fossil record. Geologic time is broken up into sections based on major changes in Earth .

5 2. What are the Divisions of Geologic Time?
Largest Division: Eons Eons divided into Eras: PreCambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Ceno - recent Meso - middle Paleo - ancient Zoic - life Eras are divided into Periods

6 3. When was the PreCambrian
3. When was the PreCambrian? 543 million years ago to ~ 4 billion years ago (?) “Age of Bacteria” Oldest Era Longest era because we know so little about the earth that long ago Life: Very little life: only basic forms including bacteria, the oldest fossils ever found, seaweed, jellyfish, and worms Photosynthesis of the seaweed added oxygen to the early atmosphere, paving the way for land life.

7 4. What was the First Life? One celled plants (algae) entered the fossil record approximately 3 b.y. ago (Precambrian). Large colonies of this algae are called stromatolites.

8 5. What were Atmospheric Changes?
Through photosynthesis, O2 was released into the atmosphere and ocean allowing animals to eventually evolve.

9 6.When was the Paleozoic 543 million years ago to 248 million years ago?
“Age of the Fish” Explosion of life in the sea: trilobites, shellfish, Fish Life appears on land: Ferns, Amphibians Pangaea formed Largest mass extinction ever at the end of the Paleozoic. 90% of species became extinct.

10 7. When was the Carboniferous Time
In Europe the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian periods are together called the Carboniferous period. Vast swamps and forests from that time created the huge coal beds found throughout eastern United States.

11 8. When was the Mesozoic 248 mya- 65mya
“Age of the Reptiles” Life: Reptiles are the dominant life on land. Dinosaurs exist. Birds appear. Forests of trees appear Pangea broke apart during this peroid. Dinosaurs become extinct in a mass extinction at the end of the Mesozoic.

12 9. When did Reptiles Appear?
Appeared in the Permian and quickly became the dominant life form. 9. When did Reptiles Appear? …until Dinosaurs took over. They ruled the planet throughout the Mesozoic era (the “Age of Dinosaurs”).

13 10. When did Birds first appear?
Some of the dinosaurs are thought to have evolved into birds. Archaeopteryx is the oldest fossil bird found to date.

14 11. How did Dinosaur Extinction happen?
2. Meteorite impact causes multiple natural disasters 1. Volcanoes erupt and fill the atmosphere with CO2 and gasses that BLOCK the sun light preventing plant life…….

15 12. What is Evidence of a Meteorite?
Layer of Iridium in rock layers

16 13. When was the Cenozoic 65 mya- present
“Age of the Mammals” Life: Large mammals appear, Humans appear Ice Ages occur and ice sheets advance

17 14. When did the Mammals appear?
Mammals first appeared in the Mesozoic as small rodents. After the dinosaurs were erased at the end of the Mesozoic, Mammals quickly evolved to become the dominant life form. The Cenozoic is the “Age of Mammals”.

18 Present We live in the Holocene epoch, of the Quaternary period, of the Cenozoic era.


20 Get out a sheet of loose leaf paper
Open books to page 397 Do 3 column Vocabulary.

21 In pg. 46 When did the dinosaurs roam the earth?

22 Do it now pg. 46 What is the current Epoch, Period and Era of present time?

23 Go to the following Link Thru 1
Get a piece of white paper from Mr. Ossana or that Mr. Ossana passed out to you. Create a poster using this link Use your poster to compare (things in common) & (Contrast) Things that are different. Poster must have pictures and be colored. Use pencils from side of the room. Get your poster stamped before you staple tape or glue it to page 47. Staple tape or glue your poster in on page Pg. 47.

24 Thru 2 pg. 47 I think my original idea that is evolution………………….. is correct / incorrect because……….. which was supported or not supported in the comparison & contrast poster between Darwin and Lamark.

25 Thru 3: pg. 47 Calvin Cartoon
On the next slide look at the Calvin and Hobs Cartoon, but first read the instructions on this slide. Answer the following question: LaMarck vs Darwin: Read the following cartoon and explain how Calvin’s use of the stilts is like the evolution of the giraffe's neck………………. This further helps support my idea of evolution because…………………………...

26 Calvin and Hobs Cartoon

27 Thru 4 Who was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck ? Pg. 47
When was Lamarck born? Where was Lamarck born? What were Lamarck’s ideas? Did Darwin learn anything from Lamarck? Explain Lamarck’s idea of use and disuse. Does use and disuse follow the same principles that you learned in genetics? Why or why not – Explain your answer for #6.

28 Do it again pg. 46 Who were Darwin and Lamark?

29 Out pg. 46 Why are some traits more advantageous than others?

30 In pg. 48 What is evolution?

31 Do It now pg. 48 How have your ideas of evolution and natural selection changed?

32 Cornell Notes pg. 49 You have to make the questions. 4th quarter more responsibility. Questions in Red Answers in blue ink, black ink or pencil. 5 Sentence summary in Green.

33 The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Part 1

34 1. What is Evolution of Evolutionary thinking (Pre-Darwinian)
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck ( ) – French naturalist, proposed a theory that organisms were driven by some inner force toward greater complexity. But thought that org. could pass on traits to their offspring that they acquired during their lives. (“Lamarckism”, proposed in 1809)

35 2. What is Lamarckism? Lamarck based his theory on two observations thought to be true in his day: “Use it or lose it” - Individuals lose characteristics they do not require and develop those which are useful. Inheritance of acquired traits - Individuals inherit the acquired traits of their ancestors.

36 3. what is Lamarckism Continued?
Examples include: the stretching by giraffes to reach leaves leads to offspring with longer necks; Strengthening of muscles in a blacksmith's arm leads to sons with like muscular development. This theory was later disproved!

37 4. When & Where was Darwin’s Voyage?
Charles Darwin Set sail on the HMS Beagle in 1831 Became the ship’s naturalist Arrived in the Galapagos Islands in 1835 Observed that the animals on the islands were similar to those on the mainland

38 5. What animals did Darwin See on the Galapagos?
Galapagos Animals The Galapagos animals, while similar, were also different from island to island as well as to the mainland Most obvious difference were the sizes and shapes of the finches’ (small birds) beaks Sizes and shapes of the beaks were adapted to what the birds ate

39 6. What did Darwin Learn on his Voyage?
On the Origin of Species (Darwin’s book) For the 20 years that followed his return to England Darwin studied plants, animals and adaptations Darwin wrote about how species can change gradually over many, many generations and become better adapted to new environmental conditions.

40 7. What is Evolution? The gradual change in a species over time.

41 8. What is Natural Selection?
Organisms that are better adapted to an environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than organisms that are less well adapted.

42 9. What are Adaptations? Katydids have camouflage to look like leaves.
Non-poisonous king snakes mimic poisonous coral snakes.

43 11. What are Factors that affect Natural Selection:
Overproduction most species produce far more offspring than will/can survive Overproducers Producers mature rapidly  mature slowly short-lived: most die before they reproduce live long lives: low juvenile mortality rate  have many offspring - tend to overproduce have few offspring at a time invest little in individual youngsters  care for their young population not regulated by density: boom and bust population figures population stabilizes near carrying capacity

44 12. What are Factors that affect Natural Selection Continued?:
Competition: since food and resources are limited, the offspring have to compete to survive Darwin called it: “Struggle for existence”

45 13. What is variation? Variation: Members within a species exhibit individual differences – these differences must be inheritable Natural selection won’t work in a population of clones! Remember that a key to variation is sexual reproduction.

46 14. Why is variation important?
Variation is important to help ensure the survival of a species against traumatic environmental influences.

47 Do it again pg. 48 What did Lamarck believe?

48 Out pg. 48 What did Darwin Believe?

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