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Founders of Sociology SOCI 1010 Unit #1.

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1 Founders of Sociology SOCI 1010 Unit #1

2 Auguste Comte 1798 - 1857 Founder of sociology Coined term “sociology”
Advocated applying the scientific method to the social world

3 Herbert Spencer Evolutionary theorist -societies evolve from lower to higher forms Coined term “survival of the fittest” Known for social Darwinism

4 Karl Marx 1818 - 1883 German philosopher Conflict theory founder
Class conflict - key

5 Emile Durkheim 1858 - 1917 French Sociologist 1st Sociology Professor
Work on suicide A founder of functional perspective

6 Max Weber 1864 - 1920 German sociologist
Viewed religion as a key force in social change Famous for work on bureaucracy Sociologists need to be value-free

7 Review Who Am I? 1. I coined the term “sociology.”
2. I am the founder of conflict theory. 3. I advocated “value-free” research and investigated bureaucracy. 4. I was the first professor of sociology.

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