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Rachel Pike TED Talk – The Science Behind the Stories

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Presentation on theme: "Rachel Pike TED Talk – The Science Behind the Stories"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rachel Pike TED Talk – The Science Behind the Stories
Global Climate Change James BalogTED Talk – Time-Lapse Proof of Extreme Ice Loss Al Gore TED Talk – What Comes After AIT?

2 The Greenhouse Effect The atmosphere’s ability to absorb radiant heat from the sun Greenhouse Gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, & nitrous oxide

3 Measuring CO2 in the Atmosphere
1958 a geochemist named Charles Keeling installed an instrument at the top of Mauna Loa (shield volcano) in Hawaii. Takes daily atmospheric CO2 levels Middle of the Pacific Ocean = an average for the planet

4 CO2 levels fluctuate with the seasons
Summer – CO2 levels drop – because of photosynthesis Winter – CO2 levels rise – because of fallen leaves

5 Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels
CO2 levels have risen over 20% in less than 50 years From Mauna Loa data CO2 levels are higher today than they have been for the last 420,000+ years From Ice core, tree rings, lake & ocean sediments, & coral reef growth rate data


7 Greenhouse Gases and the Earth’s Temperature
CO2 levels and global temperatures show the same trend over the last 400,000. Today we are releasing more CO2 than any other greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. From power plants that burn coal and vehicles that burn gasoline



10 Kyoto Protocol This agreement would require 38 industrialized countries to reduce the emissions of six major greenhouse gases by 5.2 percent during the period.

11 Global Warming Average temperature at Earth’s surface has increased during 21st century


13 2010 was the hottest year on record for the planet.

14 2012 was hottest year on record in the United States.


16 Enhanced Greenhouse Effect:
Water absorbs heat slower than land, so global warming might be worse in the 2nd half of 21st century then the 1st half!

17 Modeling Global Warming
Predictions about future changes in climate are based on computer models using math equations.

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