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Unit 4 Vocabulary Test Friday October 7th.

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1 Unit 4 Vocabulary Test Friday October 7th

2 Unit 4 Vocabulary Accentuate- to stress, single out as important.
The girl wanted makeup that would accentuate her blue eyes. Bizarre- conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual. How the football game ended was plain bizarre. Commemorate- call to remembrance The Los Angeles Dodgers held a ceremony to commemorate long time broadcaster Vin Scully. Despondent- without or almost without hope. The soldiers who had been on duty for years were despondent on them getting home. Embargo- a government order imposing a trade barrier. The USA initiated an embargo on Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11. Unit 4 Vocabulary

3 Unit 4 Vocabulary (cont.)
Divulge- make known to the public information previously kept secret. The mayor wouldn’t divulge the financial problems of the city. Cower- crouch or curl up. The enemy cowered in fear. Fallacy- a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning. The rumor that the husband had cheated on his wife was a complete fallacy. Formidable- extremely impressive strength or excellence. The opposing team turned out to be a formidable opponent. Inference- drawing a conclusion on the basis on circumstantial evidence. The scientist was able to infer the outcome of the experiment from previous failed attempts. Unit 4 Vocabulary (cont.)

4 Unit 4 Vocabulary (cont.)
Jovial- full of or showing high-spirited merriment. The kid was jovial when he walked into the candy store. Metaphor- a figure of speech that suggests a non-literal similarity. When you compare fire and ice it would be considered a metaphor. Nuisance- anything that disturbs, endangers life, or is offensive. Having to do homework on the weekends can be a nuisance. Participle- a form of the verb used as an adjective. When someone says they are dreaming, “dreaming” is a participle. Protagonist- the principle character in a work of fiction. Jonas is the protagonist in our novel The Giver. Unit 4 Vocabulary (cont.)

5 Unit 4 Vocabulary (cont.)
Quandary- state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options. The student was in a quandary on whether or not to cheat on the test. Recede- pull back or move away or backward. The water began to recede weeks after the flooding. Silhouette- a filled-in drawing of the outline of an object. All the police had was a silhouette of their culprit. Tranquility- an untroubled state, free from disturbances. People go on vacation for the feeling of tranquility. Unanimous- in complete agreement. It was a unanimous decision to order pizza over Chinese food. Unit 4 Vocabulary (cont.)

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