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Henri Laurencin / Pieter Everaers

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1 Henri Laurencin / Pieter Everaers
CCSA 22 February 2010 Governance of the Global Statistical System The role of CCSA Henri Laurencin / Pieter Everaers

2 Background 13th CCSA meeting in depth discussion on relations between the work of the CCSA and its involvement in the 'global statistical projects’. Recognition that these projects contribute to the general need and usefulness of statistics. More commitment and coordination will lead to better cooperation and to more efficient use of resources. .

3 The role of the international organisations
Countries are expecting a substantial input from the international organisations, both in terms of specialised resources as well as leadership in the coordination, also because it is recognised that only the international organisations can oversee the full width of the impact and usefulness of the international projects. Furthermore, for many developments on the level of the countries, the IO are looked for support and coordination from the perspective of their different form constitutions

4 Some conclusions of the discussion
Common feeling that the relationship between the global projects is insufficiently used, with as a consequence a lower as expected and possible result in terms of the progress in the development and implementation of these projects. Lack of detailed knowledge of the CCSA members in several of the projects creates a situation of missed opportunities.

5 Follow up Co-Chairs were requested to develop a strategy for the CCSA to allow regular discussions on 1 the relationship between the CCSA and the global projects and 2 the methods the CCSA can use to maximise the efficiency of its involvement in these projects.

6 Current mandate and mission give all the opportunities
Members contribute actively to the development of a coordinated global statistical system….. contribute to the coordination of statistical activities of international organisations promotes coordination of statistical actions required from international organisations by intergovernmental meetings promotes common standards and platforms

7 Current mandate and mission give all the opportunities (2)
contributes to the coordination of the work on methodological development in statistics provides a forum to share experiences and best practices and .. provides guidance and suggestions on how to address challenges related to international statistical activities promotes and contributes to the coordination of the design and delivery of the capacity-building services of its members

8 Recommendations Set an agenda for discussion in the CCSA on the global projects Aim: informing and coordination and link to horizontal CCSA agenda points Organise structured feedback from lead and non lead agencies in the projects Input requested from the IO in the discussion from their special fields of interest Define a follow up recommendation on the treatment of the global project from the perspective of international organisations

9 Recommendations A first try out in the upcoming CCSA meeting on two projects Further development of concept paper Proposal for format of structured input from CCSA members

10 Thank you

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