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Better Forecasting Bureau

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Presentation on theme: "Better Forecasting Bureau"— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Forecasting Bureau
Forecasting Lake-effect Snow November 10, 2011

2 What do we look at? Temperature difference Wind direction & wind shear
Moisture Convergence/ lift

3 Temp difference Ideally you want the temperature difference between the lake surface and 850 mb at least 13°C Only a little warm air advection is good Heat fluxes Wind speed Temperature differences

4 Wind direction Determines the type of lake-effect Long fetch is best
LLAP bands Wind parallel rolls Tea kettle (land breeze) Vortices Long fetch is best Might have lake-to-lake connection i.e. Georgian Bay, Lake Huron

5 Wind shear Less than 30° directional shear is best
Too much speed shear isn’t good for the band either

6 Moisture Boundary layer moisture at least 70%
No moisture, no lake-effect (simple as that) Moisture from upstream can enhance moisture over the lake

7 Convergence Orographic lift Land breezes Frictional shear Tug Hill
Chautauqua Ridge Land breezes Frictional shear

8 Making the forecast Look at current obs! Look upstream
Look at everything else we mentioned (RUC & BUFKIT may help)

9 BUFKIT & Lake-effect Check current lake temp

10 Other sites worth checking
SPC Mesoanalysis HRRR model NWS Buffalo’s locally-run WRF model


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