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Take out your Homework question planning sheet.

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1 Take out your Homework question planning sheet.
Explain who was responsible for the Death of Thomas Beckett. You may use the following in your answer: Henry II The Knights One reason Henry II was responsible for the death of Thomas Beckett was his reaction to Beckett not doing what he wanted. The evidence for this is that Henry and Beckett had been best friends. Henry made Beckett Archbishop of Canterbury, the most powerful position in the English Church. Henry hoped that Beckett would do as Henry wanted and give him more power over the Church. But Beckett became religious and refused to do has Beckett asked. Henry called out in anger one day ‘Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?’ This led to four knights believing that Henry wanted Beckett dead. They rode for Canterbury Cathedral to find Beckett and murder him. This links to Beckett being responsible for his own death, by causing trouble for his King Henry II. Take out your Homework question planning sheet. 3 4 5 6 7 8 You need to be able to identify reasons. You also need to be able to make a judgement. You need to be able to begin to explain a reason. You also need to be able to make a judgement. You need to be able to begin to explain at least two causes or consequences. You must be able to make a judgement and support it with a reason that you begin to explain. You need to be able to explain at least one cause or consequence. You must be able to make a judgement and support it with a reason that you begin to explain. You need to be able to explain at least two causes or consequences. You must be able to make a judgement and support it with a reason that you begin to explain. You need to be able to explain at least two causes or consequences in detail with accurate supporting detail. You must be able to explain how specific reasons support a judgement.

2 Answer the WIN marked question
Explain who was responsible for the Death of Thomas Beckett. You may use the following in your answer: Henry II The Knights One reason Henry II was responsible for the death of Thomas Beckett was his reaction to Beckett not doing what he wanted. The evidence for this is that Henry and Beckett had been best friends. Henry made Beckett Archbishop of Canterbury, the most powerful position in the English Church. Henry hoped that Beckett would do as Henry wanted and give him more power over the Church. But Beckett became religious and refused to do has Beckett asked. Henry called out in anger one day ‘Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?’ This led to four knights believing that Henry wanted Beckett dead. They rode for Canterbury Cathedral to find Beckett and murder him. This links to Beckett being responsible for his own death, by causing trouble for his King Henry II. Answer the WIN marked question 10 minutes 3 4 5 6 7 8 You need to be able to identify reasons. You also need to be able to make a judgement. You need to be able to begin to explain a reason. You also need to be able to make a judgement. You need to be able to begin to explain at least two causes or consequences. You must be able to make a judgement and support it with a reason that you begin to explain. You need to be able to explain at least one cause or consequence. You must be able to make a judgement and support it with a reason that you begin to explain. You need to be able to explain at least two causes or consequences. You must be able to make a judgement and support it with a reason that you begin to explain. You need to be able to explain at least two causes or consequences in detail with accurate supporting detail. You must be able to explain how specific reasons support a judgement.


4 Was King John an evil King?
Learning Objective: To evaluate what sort of leader King John was.

5 Why were Medieval Kings a bit like rappers?
Starter - discuss Why were Medieval Kings a bit like rappers? 5

6 By the end of this lesson...
ALL OF US will be able to extract information from a source and comment on how useful it is. (3/4) EVEN BETTER IF you can extract information from a source and give reasons why a source is or isn’t useful. (5) EXCELLENT IF you can begin to explain, with your own knowledge, or reference to its authorship, reasons why a source is or isn't useful. (6/7) CHALLENGE!!! CAN YOU EXPLAIN, WITH YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE AND REFERENCE TO ITS AUTHORSHIP, A REASON WHY A SOURCE IS AND A REASON WHY A SOURCE ISN’T USEFUL? (8)

7 Kings vs. Rappers Kings, just like successful rappers, had to have certain characteristics to be successful. Just like rappers, Kings had to work hard to stay popular. If you made bad decisions, your popularity might start to decline, your reputation would suffer, and before long you might find yourself out of a job. If we are going to judge if King John was a good King, we need to decide what he needs to be judged on!

8 Personality Pleasing the Church Having lots of money Winning wars
Just like rappers, Kings needed to Stay relevant, and make sure people Liked them. If rappers say the wrong thing at the Music Awards they can lose popularity. If the King said the wrong thing about the Church, they could lose a lot of support – everyone believed in God! TASK: Draw this cross section on a full page in your book. Write down as many reasons as you can to explain why these Four things were important to being a good King Having lots of money 5 minutes Winning wars A lot of rappers need to keep up a ‘tough’ image, whether they are or not. Just like Kings…If Kings kept peace at home, and won battles abroad, they were generally regarded as being good leaders, and people would follow them, and forgive their mistakes. Rappers need money to buy their bling. Kings needed money to fight wars, keep them in luxury, and pay their soldiers and workers. If they ran out, they would often charge high taxes to their barons, or ordinary working folk, who usually struggled to pay. This could make them VERY unpopular. 10

9 How is John portrayed in this clip?
Our focus today is the reign of King John. Son of Henry II, and younger brother of Richard the Lionheart. 5 minutes How is John portrayed in this clip? How do his qualities compare to those in your diagram? How reliable was that clip as a historical source? Give explanation to support your answer.

10 Using these sources complete your table.
John was a terrible King. He was cruel. He made many enemies and killed people with his bare hands. He was the worst King to have sat on the English throne. Source A – recent history book John tried hard to be a good king. He visited all parts of England and was merciful to helpless people – the poor, the sick and children. But he was untrustworthy and a terrible soldier who lost the war with France. Source D – recent history book Using these sources complete your table. Then… Design a poster explaining: Why John was a good and bad king. Was John a good king? His punishments were cruel. He starved children, crushed old men. He abused women and treated priests terribly. He is in hell. Source B – J.R Green ‘Short history of the English people’ John threw all the monks out of Canterbury, even those blind and crippled. He then captured his nephew Arthur and murdered him. Any money he stole from us he then wasted. Source E – Written by a monk at the time Or… In your own words explain whether or not John was a good king. Try to explain ways he was good/bad and make a judgement supported with reasoning. He was a terror. He was a destroyer and hated his own people. He lost lots of land. He hated his wife and she hated him. He strangled anyone that tried to talk to her. Source C – Matthew Paris: A priest from the time Look after the Jews in your city. If anyone tries to harm them, protect them. Source F – John’s orders to an English city

11 0-2 No rewardable content.
3 You need to be able to extract information from a source and comment on how useful it is. 4 You can judge source usefulness by commenting on its authorship and/or content. 5 You need to be able to extract information from a source and give reasons why a source is or isn’t useful. 6 You need to be able to begin to explain reasons why a source is and isn't useful, based on what is in the source, the authorship of the source or your own knowledge. 7 You need to be able to begin to explain, with your own knowledge, or reference to its authorship, reasons why a source is or isn't useful. 8 You need to be able to explain, with your own knowledge, a reason why a source is and a reason why a source isn’t useful. You need to be able to comment on the authorship of a source. The source can be seen as useful because if tells us many of the negative aspects of John’s rule as King. I know that John was a very unpopular king and even suffered a rebellion from his Barons which led to the Magna Carta. The source was written by a priest from the time that John was king, which is useful for showing us an opinion of John from the time, however it is only one person’s opinion and may not be a fair reflection of the views of many of his subjects.

12 Plenary Write down three words to describe King John. Choose carefully, you may be picked on to explain them! Finish this sentence: In my opinion King John was a good/bad King. I think this because… Evidence that agrees with me is from Source ___ which says that…

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