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Elements of Design An Intro.

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1 Elements of Design An Intro

2 The Elements & Principles of Design
The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of art. The Elements of design are the things that make up a graphic design. The Principles of design are what we do to the elements of design.

3 Element #1: Line Vertical Line - Anything taller than it is wide.  Represents dignity, formality, stability, strength, permanence Horizontal Line - Anything wider than it is tall.  Represents peace, calm, relaxation Diagonal Line - Anything that is tipping or leaning.  Represents activity, action, moving, excitement Curve - Anything that bends or twists.  Represents natural, free, soothing, softness.


5 Element 2: Shape Can be symmetrical or asymmetrical
Usually symmetrical because we feel uncomfortable with imperfection


7 Element #3: Texture Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft, hard, glossy, etc Patterns can give smooth items a textured look


9 Element 4: Colour Colour has the most immediate and profound effect on a design Warm Colours - reds, oranges, yellows = heat Cool Colours - blues, purples, and often greens = soothing, restful Colours can affect how humans feel and act.




13 Activity Using Paint, rewrite the following words so that the font characterizes the word. Keep in mind the design elements! Be sure to give a short description of why you chose the font type using design element vocabulary. Write the following words based on how you would try to sell the following products- include an explanation. Keep in mind your audience for the advertisement!!! Ice Cream, Snowboards, Lava Lamps, Video games, Hip-hop CD’s, Tuxedos, Baby Clothes, Romance Novels

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