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Cell Communication REVIEW.

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1 Cell Communication REVIEW

2 Cell Signaling cells communicate by: Direct Contact
VERY short distances - Examples: gap junctions plasmodesmata

3 cells communicate by: 2. Secreting Local Regulators short distances (paracrine signaling) Examples: - growth factors - neurotransmitters moving across a synapse

4 cells communicate by: 3. Long Distance Examples: - hormones traveling through bloodstream (endocrine signaling)

5 3 Stages of Cell Signaling:
Reception Transduction Response

6 Reception signal molecule is detected coming from outside the cell
Signal moelcule/ligand/protein Protein Receptor Initiates Transduction Binds to / activates Changes shape / activates Protein Receptor Ligand

7 Transduction signal is converted to a form that can bring about a cellular response (often involves amplification) Amplification

8 Response Cell responds to the signal molecule
Ex: apoptosis, cell division, gene transcription, protein activation, cell growth, etc. - Response can target the nucleus or the cytoplasm

9 1. Reception 2 types of Receptors:
1) Plasma Membrane Surface Protein Receptors Bind hydrophilic / water-soluble ligands / proteins Allow for facilitated diffusion G-Protein Coupled Receptors Tyrosine Kinases Ligand-Gated Ion Channels

10 G-Protein Coupled Receptors
Moves along the membrane Binds to Changes shape Ligand Protein Receptor G-protein Activated Enzyme Activated Protein receptor is highly specific to the shape of the ligand! Activated enzyme changes shape and triggers next step in cell response G protein is a molecular switch. Inactive/off when GDP is bound Active/on when GTP is bound

11 Tyrosine Kinases Tyrosine Kinase Receptor acts like an enzyme Binds to
Amplification of cellular transduction & response Goes through a shape change & activates Tyrosine Kinase Receptor acts like an enzyme Binds to Ligand Many relay proteins at once

12 Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
Ex: Neurotransmitters Ligand-gated ion channel receptor (=gate) Neurons are an example of a voltage-gated channel Movement of ions (Ca++, Na+, Cl-, etc) to move in or out of the cell to activate it in some way Changes shape & allows Binds to & opens Ligand Gate closes when ligand dissociates

13 1. Reception 2 types of Receptors: 2) Intracellular Receptors
Allows hydrophobic , small, or lipid-soluble molecules to pass through the receptor/membrane Examples: Testosterone, Nitric Oxide (NO)

14 2. Transduction Cascades: a series of relay molecules
Help AMPLIFY a signal to cause a greater cellular response Often involve Protein kinases (turn signal on) May involve Protein phosphatases (turn signal off) Ex: Phosphorylation cascade


16 2. Transduction Second Messengers
small, non-protein molecules or ions that can relay a signal inside cell Once activated, cause a phosphorylation cascade Examples: cAMP, Ca2+

17 3. Response If the signal’s target response is in the: CYTOPLASM 
regulates activity of cytoplasmic proteins and/or enzymes Usually a quick response, but short lived

18 AP Test Prep Book Review pp. 62-65 236 253


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