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Events leading up to World War II

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Presentation on theme: "Events leading up to World War II"— Presentation transcript:

1 Events leading up to World War II
The war to end all wars….

2 What’s what and where is it?

3 Using your phones as a reference, correctly label the countries of 1939 Europe
You will have 10 minutes


5 Now add the following: Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Atlantic Ocean
North Sea English Channel Arctic Sea You have 5 minutes

6 Arctic Atlantic North Sea Eng. Chnl Black Sea Mediterranean Mediterranean

7 Now add ^^^and labels for the following mountain ranges
Alps Apennines Caucasus Carpathian You have 5 minutes

8 ^^^ALPS^^^^^ Arctic Atlantic North Sea Eng. Chnl Black Sea
^^Carpathian^^ ^^Caucasus^^ ^^^ALPS^^^^^ Black Sea ^^APPENINES^^^^^ Mediterranean Mediterranean

9 Now add the following capitals and a
Paris Berlin London Rome Moscow Brussels Warsaw You have 5 minutes

10 ^^^ALPS^^^^^ Arctic Atlantic North Sea Eng. Chnl Black Sea
Moscow North Sea London Berlin Warsaw Eng. Chnl Paris ^^Carpathian^^ Brussels ^^Caucasus^^ ^^^ALPS^^^^^ Black Sea ^^APPENINES^^^^^ Rome Mediterranean Mediterranean

11 Now add the following locations and mark them with an X
Beaches of Normandy Vichy Auschwitz Ardennes Forrest

12 ^^^ALPS^^^^^ X X X X Arctic Atlantic North Sea Eng. Chnl Black Sea
Moscow North Sea London Warsaw Berlin X Eng. Chnl Ardennes Auschwitz X X Brussels Paris ^^Carpathian^^ X ^^Caucasus^^ ^^^ALPS^^^^^ Beaches of Normandy Vichy Black Sea ^^APPENINES^^^^^ Rome Mediterranean Mediterranean

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