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New Features Update Web of Knowledge : Discovery Starts Here

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1 New Features Update Web of Knowledge : Discovery Starts Here
This brief session will update you on new features added to the Web of Knowledge in the Spring 2012 upgrade. Download the slides from this presentation by clicking the Attachments tab to the left of the viewing window. Spring 2012 1

2 New Features/Enhancements
Search by Web of Knowledge and Web of Science Subject Category Left-hand truncation More complete cited reference data Mark and export cited references from an article’s bibliography View and Search cited article titles Web of Knowledge has been upgraded with several features that make searching and managing records simpler and more effective. Changes to searching include: The ability to search by both Web of Knowledge Subject Area and Web of Science Subject Category schemes The use of left-hand truncation A change in data capture means that many records will now display complete cited reference data Searching an article’s title is now possible in a cited reference search These complete cited references can also be marked and exported to bibliographic software 2

3 Search by Subject Category/Area
Web of Knowledge Subject Areas Web of Science Subject Categories Generally more broad Often more narrow Mapped to each Web of Knowledge database classification system (i.e. Inspec, Biological Abstracts, etc.) Unique to Web of Science SU = advanced search field tag WC = advanced search field tag Equivalent to Journal Citation Report categories Search by subject classifications to retrieve all papers in a given discipline area. There are two subject classification systems that are now available for searching. Web of Knowledge subject areas are broad categories that are used to unify the classification systems of each literature database within the Web of Knowledge. So, for example, the classification systems of BIOSIS, Web of Science, and Inspec, among others are all mapped to this one structure. The Web of Science subject categories are more narrow in scope and are specific to Web of Science records. They are also used as the Journal Citation Reports categories. For Web of Knowledge subject areas use the SU field tag For Web of Science subject categories use the WC field tag. You will find links to each subject category list in the Web of knowledge help file on the Advanced Search page. 3

4 Subject Area search WC= Web of Science category
SU= Web of Knowledge subject area Subject areas are searchable using the Advanced Search functionality of Web of Science. Search using the SU field tag to retrieve papers in a Web of Knowledge subject area. Use the WC field tag to retrieve items in a Web of Science category. A listing of all category headings for both fields is available in the Help file. Click the links from the field tag list to view them. 4

5 Topic/Title Searching With Left-hand Truncation
Dihydroxylation Dihydroxylations Dihydroxylated Aminohydroxylation At least three characters must follow the leading wildcard Search: *hydroxy* Searching with left hand truncation allows searching word roots that may have multiple prefixes. Here, I’ve selected the Topic field from the dropdown menu on the right. I’ve entered the term osmium and specified that I want it to appear within five words of the root term hydroxy. I’ve included the asterisk truncation symbol both before and after hydroxy. At least three characters must follow the leading wildcard character. At least three characters must come before the ending wildcard. 5

6 Export Cited References
An article’s references are now exportable when complete data is available. Use the checkboxes to export cited references to bibliographic citation managers, saved text files, or your inbox. You can also take advantage of the powerful Related Records tool. Use the second row of checkboxes to search Web of Science to find other articles which cite the same references. 6

7 More Complete Cited References
A change in data capture means that many more items in Web of Science will display complete cited reference data, including a full title, publisher information and URL if available. 7

8 Search Cited Titles These more complete references provide more ways to search for cited references. Searching by Cited Title is now an option from the Cited Reference Search page. If I know Francis Collins published an article called “A Vision for the Future of Genomics Research” but I’m not sure where it was published, I can now search by the title of the article rather than the journal title. Use the dropdown menu to select Cited Title. Clicking Search brings back a listing for an article in Nature. Clicking the “Show Expanded Titles” link will display the full cited reference information. The article title displays as well as all authors on the work. Bear in mind that citation variants are still possible if an article was cited incorrectly, so the best practice is to use the journal abbreviation to perform the lookup. 8

9 Cited Reference Search, cont.
You’ll also find URLs available when online sources are cited. The complete data is captured and will be present in an article’s cited references as well as here in the Cited Reference Search lookup table. 9

10 Summary Changes to Searching:
Search by Web of Science subject category Use left hand truncation in Topic/Title searches Search for Cited Titles in a Cited Reference Search Complete Cited Reference Data Display and export of more complete cited reference data from the article full record Cited Reference Lookup table displays all authors as well as cited titles and URLs.

11 Thanks! To view additional recorded training visit our website:
If you have questions contact the training team: Find us on Facebook Thanks for viewing this presentation. To see more recorded training modules visit our training site or contact us for more information. You can also find us on Facebook. If you have additional questions or would like more information contact the training team using the second URL listed here. Don’t forget that you can download these slides and other supporting documentation by clicking on the attachments tab in the brainshark viewer. 11

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