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Do Now They say humans are a unique species that is growing at an exponential rate! Some scientists agree with this, some scientists do not. Where do.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now They say humans are a unique species that is growing at an exponential rate! Some scientists agree with this, some scientists do not. Where do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now They say humans are a unique species that is growing at an exponential rate! Some scientists agree with this, some scientists do not. Where do you stand? Why?

2 Human Exponential Growth

3 Investigative Question
How does the change in “r” affect the exponential growth of the bird bean island population?

4 Welcome to Bird Bean Island!
Here, everything is perfect! The sun is shining, its clean, and its completely safe! There is nothing but harmony amongst those that live here. Need more room for your growing family? No problem! There is more than enough space to go around, and enough food to share! So come visit Bird Bean Island where nature and creatures live as one!

5 Objectives Use mathematical growth models to generate population growth curves for given situations. Compare exponential growth curves with different growth rates (r) Make real world assumptions that satisfy the exponential models created.

6 Materials Bag of dry beans Plastic Cup Paper Pencil Calculator Phones
Chrome Books

7 By the end of lab: Gather you data, and take a picture of all r values
2. Begin creating your lab report, and start organizing data in lab report. 3. You and your partner begin thinking/answering post-lab discussion questions (these will be up on the board during the lab)

8 Post Lab Discussion: Activity 1
What conclusions can be made about the r values and population change? Can we compare these r values to human growth? Why or why not? What are the three assumptions made for part 1? What is an example of an organism that follows the model in part 1?

9 Do Now Last class, we looked how the human population is displaying exponential growth and continues to do so. We also discussed types of limiting factors that would hinder that growth. But what limiting factor do you think would begin to hinder the growth first? Why? Give evidence to support your reasoning! What do you think is the most important factor that determines if a population will survive or not?

10 Trouble on the Island Bird bean island is experiencing some trouble! It’s once perfect world is turning into a dystopia: Habitat space is limited and emigration is increasing Birth rate is now controlled Strong prevailing winds prevent immigration to the island

11 Investigative Question
How do limiting factors affect the growth of a population over time, and in what way can the differences in death rate influence population growth?

12 Objectives Mathematically generate the number of individuals in a population subjected to limiting factors 2. Examine the effects of limiting factors on the size of a population of bean birds over time. 3. Simulate logistic growth of a population 4. Compare and contrast J and S curves

13 Materials Bag of dry beans Plastic Cup Bird Bean Maps Paper Pencil
Calculator Phones Chrome Books

14 Before We Start! Read the lab handout (page S-3) and answering the following questions: What is the maximum number of offspring a breeding pair can have? 2. What will happen to the death rate in this simulation? 3. What is the maximum number of birds that can occupy a nest? 4. What is the present carrying capacity of the bean bird population?

15 Data to be Collected: Activity 2
Data Table 2 and 3 Aerial Photo of the island for t=2, t=5, t=10 Line Graph

16 Do Now Please hand in your lab reports. Make sure to staple BOTH graphs to ONE lab report, but both partners hand in their own lab reports. Then take out your study guides, and circle topics you want to go over. (Think about what exactly you want to clarify that confuses you)

17 Post Lab: Activity 2 What was limiting the bean bird population’s growth? What needs to happen for the bean bird population to surpass the carrying capacity? How did the graph in activity 2 compare to the graph in activity 1 when the growth rate was greater than 1? How does the value for the population rate compare with that in activity 1? How did changing the death rate alter the growth of the population? What happened to the number driven off when the death rate increased? What happened to the population in terms of carrying capacity when death rate changed to 0.5? What assumptions does the logistic growth model make? Are they realistic?

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