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Session Objectives After class today, students will be able to:

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1 Session Objectives After class today, students will be able to:
Describe how instructional objectives are useful in course design and student prep Find an electronic version of the web page for Fall 2010’s CSCE 1030 Write instructional objectives for a lesson Hit a life-sized picture of Phil Sweany with a dart from 8 feet away while standing on one foot and imbibing a beverage of choice

2 Instructional Objectives
“An intent communicated by a statement describing a proposed change in the learner” (Mager 1962) Describes how learner demonstrates that objective reached Describes important conditions Indicates how to evaluate performance

3 Objectives Answer Where am I going? How shall I get there?
How will I know I’ve arrived . (What will be on the exam?)

4 Why ? Leads teaching, student towards goal Allows prioritizing topics
Leads to well-structured course (???) Makes preparing exams easy Study aid for students

5 Tips Avoid ambiguous verbs.
Identify terminal behavior as narrowly as possible. Would another teacher be able to easily tell if students met objectives?

6 Verbs To know To understand To appreciate To grasp significance
To enjoy To believe To have faith in To write To recite To identify To differentiate To solve To list To compare To contrast

7 Examples (The student will be able to:)
Solve quadratic equations Given a list of 35 chemical elements, recall and write the valences of at least 30 Demonstrate an appreciation of music Know the rules of football Given a list of algebraic equations with one unknown, solve for the unknown without aid of references, tables, or calculating devices

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