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CEOS Carbon Strategy Mark Dowell, European Commission

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1 CEOS Carbon Strategy Mark Dowell, European Commission
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEOS Carbon Strategy Mark Dowell, European Commission On behalf of the CEOS Carbon Activities teams CEOS 2018 SIT Technical Workshop Session and Agenda Item # 2.4 EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany 13 – 14 September 2018

2 Ongoing Activities Introduction AC-VC GHG Whitepaper [agenda item 2.5] WGISS Carbon data portal prototype WGCV Cal/Val and production of biomass products Colombia Data Cube prototype [agenda item 3.6] IPCC TFI Guidelines [agenda item 2.6] CEOS-CGMS Coordination on GHG/Carbon

3 WGISS Carbon Community Portal
CEOS Work Plan CARB-15: Carbon Data Portal prototype (WGISS Action) Objective: Implement a prototype carbon data portal to facilitate the discoverability and accessibility of ECV products and space-borne CDRs. The portal will seamlessly access data both in CWIC and FedEO to provide necessary data and services to the carbon science community of both CEOS and GEOSS. Approach: prototype developed by WGISS in coordination with CEOS WGClimate Carbon represpesative (requirements and use cases provision/validation). Status: Several iterations held between WGISS and Carbon teams. Carbon Portal latest version (August 2018) with Carbon Team for review/feedback. Next steps: 1) Improve discoverability of ECV/CDR key datasets for Carbon Community and functionalities based on received feedback; 2) Open-up portal to wider user community to gather additional feedback (target end October 2018). Carbon Portal prototype The relevant Carbon Actions in the CEOS Carbon Strategy Carbon-Action-27: “publicly available all information necessary” Carbon-Action-30: “easy discovery and access” of products

4 WGISS Carbon Community Portal Searches
Keywords (auto- completion with IDN Science Keywords) Return records from both CWIC and FedEO Objective: Implement a carbon data portal to facilitate the discoverability and accessibility of ECV products and space-borne CDRs. The portal will seamlessly access data both in CWIC and FedEO to provide necessary data and services to the carbon science community of both CEOS and GEOSS. Approach: Working with Mark Dowell (CEOS Carbon lead) and Stephen Plummer (WG Climate), WGISS will begin defining a preliminary set of “requirements” for a future Carbon Portal. WGISS will start with the initial list of ECVs that are key for Carbon and start putting together a list of relevant data collections from identified data providers. Additional Resources: requirements definition and development resources provided by NOAA; support from WGClimate and experts for requirements definition.

5 Carbon Regions of Interest and Topics
Special regions Global RECCAP TransCom Country Names ECV Inventory Temporal Searches: support for time range and specific date Pre-defined topics/datasets: Atmospheric Carbon Ecosystem Carbon Ocean Carbon Mixed-Theme Carbon

6 Action Completed at WGCV-43
Work Plan 3.2 Progress on the implementation of the CEOS Strategy for Carbon Observations from Space CARB-19: Land product validation listing and framework Q4 2017 Summarize current list of validated land data products relevant to Carbon Strategy. Document validation framework and protocols Provide guidance for online platform for intercomparison of terrestrial carbon products. WGCV Action Completed at WGCV-43 Miguel Román (NASA Goddard) Jaime Nickeson (NASA Goddard) Laura Duncanson (Univ. Maryland) Zhuosen Wang (Univ. Maryland)

7 CARB-19: Global Surface Albedo Product validation protocol (draft to be release in Fall, 2018)
CEOS-LPV Plenary (Frascati, May, 2018) Authors: Z. Wang, C. Schaaf, A. Lattanzio, D. Carrer, I. Grant, M. Román, F. Camacho, Y. Yu.

8 CARB-19: CEOS LPV Super Sites endorsed at CEOS-WGCV-43
CEOS-LPV Super Site page added to LPV web site: Definition: Well-characterized (canopy structure and bio- geophysical variables) site following well-established protocols useful for the validation of satellite land products and for radiative transfer modeling approaches. Active long term operations (funding and infrastructure support). Interactive map of sites, color coded by network (10 networks included). Click on site renders a pop-up window with site name, land cover type, and a link to site network page. Page includes a link to spreadsheet of site details. Link to selection report: Objective site selection process helps inform CEOS Agency field experiments (e.g., ESAFiducial Reference Measurement framework:

9 CARB-16: Cal/Val and Production of Biomass Products from CEOS Missions
Intermediate Actions Q4 2018 Book chapter for ISSI special issue on biomass: review on the importance of validation NASA/ESA Q3 2019 CEOS WGCV biomass protocol CEOS-LPV with contributions from NASA/ESA Recommendations for global ground-based biomass cal/val sites GEDI Forest Structure and Biomass Database (Potential Biomass cal/val Sites) Map current as of July, 2018

10 CEOS CGMS collaboration on GHG
Specific Chair Initiative : Laying the foundation for an international CO2 and GHG monitoring system Three specific activities are foreseen for advancing this effort in : Facilitate the completion and follow-on activities of the AC-VC whitepaper on defining an optimum constellation for CO2 and GHG monitoring, including the joint competences of CEOS and CGMS, and in the general framework of the continued implementation of the CEOS Carbon Strategy Advance the relationship with CGMS for an operationally implemented and sustained observation capability. Consider establishing a formal working relationship between CEOS and CGMS as with the successful ongoing relationship on Systematic Observations of ECVs in support of UNFCCC. Place the space segment in the broader context of a fully sustained system for CO2 monitoring. Individual CEOS Agencies have counterparts in their individual countries/regions who have responsibility for Inventories, the required modelling, in- situ infrastructure and the ground segment elements.

11 COP-23/SBSTA-47 Considerable support in the RSO negotiations from Japan and EU delegations Especially for Conclusions 9 & 12

12 CEOS CGMS Coordination on GHG monitoring - options
Continue adhoc collaboration in context of CEOS Carbon Strategy Actions e.g. as-in joint efforts on AC-VC Whitepaper Establish a sub-group (with dedicated resources) in context of existing standing WG i.e. Joint WG on Climate Extend the current CEOS Atmospheric Composition Virtual Constellation to be a Joint CEOS-CGMS Virtual Constellation Establish a dedicated Joint WG specifically on Carbon /GHG observations Assess/discuss these different options both within CEOS and CGMS - propose a preferred option

13 Pros and Cons of Options 2 & 3
Subgroup to Joint WGClimate Option 3 Joint AC-VC Pros The Joint CEOS-CGMS WGClimate already exists, just need to decide on assigning subgroup lead maybe update ToR Existing and strong working relationship with GCOS and UNFCCC/SBSTA May provide basis for longer-term home for CEOS Carbon Strategy Action Will Ensure that the GHG products requirements/improvement process follows same being implemented for other ECVs/CDRs Take advantage of other ECVs associated to the natural Carbon Cycle Could build on existing adhoc collaboration started in context of GHG Whitepaper If focus is primarily on building physical constellation, based on GHG Whitepaper, then competence are within VC Would provide an additional “model” of collaboration between CEOS and CGMS GHG may not be only area of CEOS-CGMS collaboration within AC-VC e.g. Air Quality Cons Enlarges scope/mandate of WGClimate Would need dedicted resources competences for CEOS agencies to WGClimate Would need strong dialogue between WGClimate and AC-VC Concern on creating parallel track with SBSTA and GCOS Risks to remain disconnected to other activities of CEOS Carbon Strategy

14 Conclusion from CGMS-46 “…CGMS was requested to confirm its interest in pursuing a more structured collaboration with CEOS on GHG monitoring and provide comments or preferences on the options presented. In the discussion it was noted that whilst recognising the technical capabilities of the CEOS AC-VC team and the support it is providing in terms of drafting the White Paper, concerns were raised by several members that it may not be the most suitable entity to lead activities with strategic implications and reporting to various bodies like UNFCCC and SBSTA. It was also noted that JWG Climate has domstrated its ability to take on board complex and heavy tasks and deliver on schedule. Furthermore JWGClimate already has all the reporting lines in place. Whilst having concerns on the workload it was noted that the situation is now improving. …The CGMS Plenary then decided on the following Action: Action: JWGClimate to complete their analysis of the feasibility of establishing a subgroup on CO2/GHG in JWG Climate … Recommendation: CGMS to recommend to the CEOS Chair the establishment of a subgroup within JWGClimate for the coordination of greenhouse gas monitoring activities.”

15 Possible “Hybrid” Scenario
Option 2 GCOS/UNFCCC WMO IG3IS GEO Carbon & GHG Initiatives on Carbon relevant ECVs, input for SBSTA Reporting SBSTA, formal GCOS link Space Agency input to GEO Initiative Joint WGClimate CEOS Carbon Strategy (CCS) WGClimate Subgroup on GHG monitoring Addressing GHG relevant GCOS Actions e.g. T71 CCS Actions for the Atmospheric Domain WGCV ACSG Atmospheric Composition - VC GSICS CGMS representation Joint meetings with WGClimate

16 Conclusion Conclusions
There is an increasingly strong policy demand for coordinated provision of information on GHGs (both from UNFCCC/SBSTA and GCOS) This has strong synergies with the successful existing collaboration between CEOS and CGMS on more traditional Systematic Observations (ECVs, CDRs) The adhoc collaboration between CEOS and CGMS agencies in preparing the draft whitepaper on the GHG Constellation has proved to be effective, and brought complimentary competences to the existing team A number of options are available for a more structured collaboration on GHG monitoring, taking advantage of existing CEOS (and CGMS entities) of these would result in considerable added-value.

17 Asked to Plenary – for Decision
Confirm the interest in pursuing a structured collaboration between CEOS and CGMS in the area Greenhouse Gas observations and monitoring Confirm that the options considered for this collaboration, present, are representative of those available through the technical entities within the organisations Agree that the identified proposed solution is appropriate, and that the implications of it's implementation are understood and acceptable (including those relating to resourcing and Agency participation) Agree that the proposed timeline for implementation are appropriate and that the draft ToR and governance/leadership arrangement are acceptable

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