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Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer V6.0

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1 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer V6.0
Module 1: Rational Asset Analyzer Overview Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

2 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Module overview After completing this module, you will be able to perform the following tasks in Rational Asset Analyzer: Describe the value of the RAA tool in development and maintenance Describe key application features and users Describe the RAA basic architecture Navigate the RAA Web interface This module introduces the Rational Asset Analyzer solution and basic navigation of the Rational Asset Analyzer Web interface. From this module, you will gain a basic understanding of where RAA fits into your solution development processes and how its capabilities address key development challenges. The second section introduces basic navigation concepts and skills that you will use throughout this course to navigate the RAA Web interface in Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

3 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Topics > Rational Asset Analyzer Overview Navigating Rational Asset Analyzer > = Current topic This section introduces the Rational Asset Analyzer solution for creating an asset inventory, exploring assets for understanding, and performing impact analysis. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

4 1-Minute Poll: Development challenges
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer 1-Minute Poll: Development challenges Which of the following are challenges for your development organization? Existing portfolio is too complex, no one understands what we have Need to onboard new developers quickly Too many maintenance risks, can’t estimate effort Need to modernize, consolidate systems, use SOA Errors and inefficiency at rebuilding and refactoring modules Many problems or mistakes making simple field expansions Consider the following development needs: Need an inventory of applications that reflects the current the state of current systems. Assess the impact of changes: For more accurate planning, evaluate how widespread the impact of the required changes are. Reduce risk of downtime, need impact analysis as part of development to improve accuracy of changes. Understand relationships and dependencies in development and maintenance. Control costs: Assist new developers to get up to speed quickly. Account for all impacts when planning for and executing changes To reduce risk of downtime, run impact analysis as part of development to improve accuracy of changes. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview 4

5 IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer IBM Rational Asset Analyzer An application understanding tool for effective software development and maintenance Accelerate project delivery Reduce risk Increase productivity Improve quality Gain intellectual control of applications Gain transparency into outsourced development Customize for organizational processes and IT environments Rational Asset Analyzer is an application understanding tool that offers an efficient way to perform static application code analysis. It assists in the development or maintenance, testing, and support lifecycles to identify impacts across components, applications, and the enterprise as a whole. It can programmatically collect information about applications from mainframe and distributed sources, and organize it all in a single repository. With automated scanning and processing, RAA can significantly reduce the time you spend researching and resolve application-related questions more accurately to reduce development and maintenance risk. Rational Asset Analyzer offers: Improved project effectiveness with reduce risk and improved productivity Enables realistic project scoping using a source asset inventory Delineates relationships among source and data artifacts Identifies the scope and impact of change Gathers metrics and counts related to IT artifacts Extensible for special needs through the Custom Query feature Improved agility in business decision-making Provides business rule identification in existing source inventory Enables business rule capture and management with WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS Role-oriented user interfaces Easy-to-use, browser-based interface for search and exploration Developer-oriented Eclipse user interface integrated with RDz A comprehensive Repository built on DB2 Accessible via RESTful interface with a documented data schema Suitable for Insight dashboard integration or Cognos based reporting Platform-specific editions Windows server based with z/OS access z/OS server based with Windows and AIX access Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

6 Rational Asset Analyzer Overview
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Rational Asset Analyzer Overview Mainframe Distributed Note: This is a step slide, with custom animation. The point here is not to introduce the RAA architecture per se, but to provide an overview of the main features of RAA. Here is how to use the steps in the animation: RAA helps you analyze both mainframe and distributed artifacts (you can describe examples from the student notes). During the inventory process, RAA gathers a “snapshot” (a common collection of metadata) in its DB2 database, from wherever the artifacts reside. You can then can explore the database for application understanding or perform impact analysis. You can access RAA in any of three ways: interactively using the Internet Explorer Web browser or through the Eclipse-based RAAi plug-in for Rational Developer for System z, or programmatically using the RESTful API. Business analysts, system analysts, developers, testers, project managers User community RDz RAAi, Eclipse-based tools Web browser RESTful API Eclipse Plug-in Companion tool integrations Dashboards Portfolio Analysis Business tool extracts Documents Spreadsheets Enterprise distributed application development artifacts Enterprise mainframe application development artifacts Application metadata (DB2) Inventory process Impact analysis Application understanding Rational Asset Analyzer is a server-based solution that allows you to define an inventory and perform static analysis focused on all types of software artifacts in development lifecycle. It collects knowledge programmatically and in a human-augmented way and stores it in a highly structured scalable model, allowing instant, interactive delivery of high value information. RAA helps enterprises gather knowledge about their static environment—finding and reusing application code and the components that connects that code. It also helps in understanding the dynamic environment by showing what code is executing in runtime environments. At project startup, or as part of a corporate-wide effort to manage assets, the key z/OS artifacts (JCL, CICS and IMS transactions, COBOL, PL/I Source and copybooks) and Distributed artifacts (EJBs, Java, C++ and so on) are loaded into the DB2 repository. You can use RAA to identify relationships among the artifacts, gathers metrics, counts related to the IT artifacts in the enterprise Distributed assets include: Java technology-based applications, HTML, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), enterprise archive (EAR), Web archive (WAR) and Java archive (JAR) files, and C/C++ applications Mainframe assets include: COBOL, PL/I applications for CICS, IMS and DB2 plus z/OS Job Control Language (JCL) and High Level Assembler Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

7 Example Rational Asset Analyzer users and goals
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Example Rational Asset Analyzer users and goals Architect Gain application understanding Develop implementation architecture Analyst Perform change analysis Estimate effort RAA is useful for many roles across the enterprise, including the following development team roles: Analysts: Change analysis, project estimation Developers: program understanding, data flow analysis Testers: Test planning Everyone: Application understanding, component relationships Developer and Tester Gain program understanding Perform data flow analysis Plan testing Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

8 Use analysis strategically, across the lifecycle
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Use analysis strategically, across the lifecycle Analyze Impact Inventory Explore Build, Deploy Data Tests, Test data Appl Structure Data Discover Deploy Source Code Data Business request Deploy Rational Asset Analyzer has applications across the development lifecycle. Consider the following examples: End-to-End Analysis: At a high-level of “systems analysis” RAA identifies relationships that span software systems, even different platforms/environments. For programmer and programmer/analyst tasks, RAA identifies things such as the calling hierarchy, paragraph flow, and data passed among software programs. For managers RAA provides a set of dashboards to understand makeup of a software application that includes different metrics, counts, broken down by complexity, language or environment Application Understanding/Documentation: RAA significantly reduces the time it takes to educate new developers, consultants or outsourcers on existing application metatdata - so that they can start contributing quickly and at a deep production level. For applications that have less-than-stellar documentation, RAA generates relationship diagrams, structural diagrams, impact analysis lists, etc. for quick understanding and “live” documentation - of the current application’s behavior as maintained by the code - not hit or miss documentation through comments. Impact analysis: Before making any changes to code artifacts you need to know the impact of those changes on other parts of application. and this is where RAA can help you significantly, by performing an automated impact analysis - which is used to determine: The scope of the change Additional changes (both direct and indirect) to other elements of the application Generation of Test Environment: RAA can identify software application artifacts related to test data (Data sets, Files, Batch Jobs, Transactions, Programs) involved in runtime scenarios. Knowing this helps to replicate the production environment for application testing purposes to provide a full scale, robust test environment. Production Support: RAA can assist with data flow analysis and control flow analysis, which form the under-pinnings of what is described as “Root Cause Analysis” of a production ABEND. Understand Application Promote Develop and maintain Analyze Impact Test Estimate effort/cost Debug Generate Build Code Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

9 Explore applications for understanding
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Explore applications for understanding Quickly understand code and relationships across the enterprise, with little or no documentation Answer questions, such as: What program is invoked by a batch job or CICS transaction? What subroutines are called? What files are used? Batch job diagram WAR file graph You can use RAA to explore groups artifacts as user-defined groups, logical applications. You explore applications visually using various types of diagrams for understanding how the application “hangs together”: Use annotations to capture knowledge from SMEs such as Business function, description, and so on. Create user-defined relationships for situations where relationships cannot be determined through static analysis. Perform enterprise-level keyword searches. Use the Explore function to view application components and their relationships. View assets by categories, in lists, and in detail pages. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

10 Perform end-to-end impact analysis
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Perform end-to-end impact analysis Reduce time to market and risk of downtime by understanding change impact upfront Find components affected by changes to: Field declarations (data elements, data sets, data stores) Section of program source code Entry point signature (name, parms) Distributed assets, such as Java classes, packages, or EJBs Impact Analysis Overview For zSeries impacts, you can focus is on identifying impacted assets when data or interfaces change (remember roots are identifying Y2K problems). For distributed impacts, you can focus is on identifying changes when asset is deleted. The goal is to reduce time to determine scope of change, whether for new enhancements or maintenance efforts: View the metrics for impacted artifacts to determine the risk of change i.e. cyclomatic complexity, lines in file, and so on. Traverse user-defined relationships to determine impacts across platforms i.e. follow dependencies from mainframe to J2EE and back. Create a “bill of materials” of impacted artifacts by evaluating the details page. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

11 Rational Asset Analyzer – Counts and Metrics
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Rational Asset Analyzer – Counts and Metrics Gain control of your assets and know what you have Assess breadth of technologies Assess quality and complexity Identify required resources Identify “brittle” modules Use counts and metrics to: Identify the breadth of technologies currently used in the enterprise – using a dashboard or report view Understand the quality and complexity of your assets Identify missing resources (Errors view) Assess validity of data (Error rate), use tools to help reduce the error rate. Rational Asset Analyzer also provides a metrics framework that enables you to collect and contribute your own metrics. This framework provides for the following tasks: Define new, additional numeric attributes for files. Control how and where these attributes are reported in the Rational Asset Analyzer user interface for metrics. Control whether to expose new attributes for reading and writing using the Rational Asset Analyzer REST interface. Populate the newly defined metrics by means such as the REST interface, SQL, or a stored procedure. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

12 Rational Asset Analyzer for System z topology
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Rational Asset Analyzer for System z topology Optional RAA Distributed Scanners Application Source Windows or AIX Server Note to WAS is shown on the host system, but actually could be on the Windows server also. Client Workstation z/OS System Application Source RAA System z Scanners IBM Rational Asset Analyzer for System z installs on z/OS and scans artifacts “in place,” such as z/OS source and other “resources of interest” and inventory data is retained in DB2 for z/OS. RAA for z/OS provides a remote component for Windows or AIX server for scan of Java assets. RAA for System z offers the same functionality as RAA on Windows. Rational Asset Analyzer for z/OS offers better performance than RAA running on Windows. The slide shows a typical installation topology for distributed and mainframe development. The following solution components are shown in the slide: Client: Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer is the only Web browser supported at this time. Uses the RAA HTTP interface. You can also use the integration with Rational Developer for System z (RAAi).DB2: Stores RAA application metadata WebSphere Application Server: There is a Support for WAS V6 on z/OS, WAS v6 on Windows, V5.1 on AIX. z/OS development System: LPAR with z/OS development artifacts. RAA scanners: include System z scanners for COBOL, PL/I, JCL, CICS, DB2, Assembler, and so on. There are also distributed scanners. Rational Asset Analyzer Application Server App metadata Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

13 Rational Asset Analyzer (for Windows) topology
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Rational Asset Analyzer (for Windows) topology Best to talk to this slide at a high level for now for the developer audience. The intricacies of scanner configurations and scanning are covered further in the next module, for Administrators. With z/OS scanners configured on the z/OS development system, you can scan the following artifacts in place on the remote system: DB2 (catalog) CICS and IMS (resource definitions, subsystem information) Assembler (source) For other (non-Assembler) source artifacts, you have to manually download them to Windows and scan them there: COBOL PL/I Batch JCL Client Workstation Rational Asset Analyzer Server z/OS Development System App metadata Application Server Application Source Rational Asset Analyzer software can also be installed on workstations running the Windows operating system. The scanning functions are performed on the Windows platform after the source code is downloaded. Information about the mainframe execution environments is gathered from the z/OS servers using components provided as part of Rational Asset Analyzer software. The resulting metadata is held in a DB2 database on Windows. Rational Asset Analyzer for z/OS can run on the zSeries development platform offering better performance. The slide shows a typical installation topology for distributed and mainframe development. The following solution components are shown in the slide: Client: Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer is the only Web browser supported at this time. Uses the RAA HTTP interface. You can also use the integration with Rational Developer for System z (RAAi).DB2: Stores RAA application metadata WebSphere Application Server: There is a Support for WAS V6 on z/OS, WAS v6 on Windows, V5.1 on AIX. z/OS development System: LPAR with z/OS development artifacts. RAA scanners: include zSeries scanners for COBOL, PL/I, JCL, CICS, DB2, Assembler, and so on. There are also distributed scanners. RAA Scanners (z/OS) Inventory process Application Source RAA Scanners (z/OS and distributed) Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

14 Rational Asset Analyzer user roles
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Rational Asset Analyzer user roles RAA User RAA Admin RAA Advanced user Client Workstation Rational Asset Analyzer Server App metadata DB2 Admin System Admin Application Server The following roles are involved in using and maintaining this infrastructure. In most shops, users play multiple roles: System administrator: Installs and configures RAA and related products and handles product maintenance and upgrades. Database Administrator: Administer for RAA database tables. Performs backups, reorgs, runstats, and so on. RAA administrator: Manages application inventory in Asset Analyzer database, performs inventory tasks and resolves inventory issues. RAA user: Performs Search, Explore, and Impact Analysis functions, RAA Advanced user: Toolsmith and SME, who creates and maintains custom queries and end-user customizations. z/OS Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

15 RAAi: IBM Rational Developer for System z Integration
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer RAAi: IBM Rational Developer for System z Integration Bring enterprise analysis directly into developer workbench Analyze local and remote workspaces Faster impact and change analysis The Rational Asset Analyzer Integration is an Eclipse plug-in for IBM Rational Developer for System z. Compatibility: On a given machine RDz with local RAA The integration enables connectivity to remote instances of the latest levels of WSAA and RAA High level benefits Provide software artifact analysis of local workspaces to the developer Reduce developer's time needed to understand impact and make the changes in complex applications Allow developers to see their work in context of heterogenous artifacts across the whole enterprise Bring enterprise analysis directly into developer workspace Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

16 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Topics Rational Asset Analyzer Overview > Navigating Rational Asset Analyzer Show students these slides and let them walk through the navigation steps on their machines. Note that when onsite using the customer’s own data/inventory, individual screens and result tables will look different than the examples shown here. > = Current topic This section is a hands-on demonstration that will familiarize you with key navigation features in the Rational Asset Analyzer’s Web interface. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

17 Navigation in Rational Asset Analyzer
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Navigation in Rational Asset Analyzer Explore and Search Home Page General (all assets) Specific (asset) Explore Assets This slide provides an overview of the hierarchy of page types available in Rational Asset Analyzer. Whether you explore or search for assets, you will traverse this hierarchy of pages as you study assets and their relationships, gather counts and metrics, or view asset diagrams. Home page: The home page provides three ways to begin your exploration of assets. From this page, you can search enterprise assets by name, use the links on the Common assets tab to open summary pages, or use the Lines of code and File size (bytes) charts to open the File summary page for detailed statistics about the files defined in your Rational Asset Analyzer database. Explore Assets: You explore or search MVS or Distributed assets from these pages from an overview of assets of each type. Search the inventory database for assets, or do an advanced search on other attributes. You use the Result tables (showing counts of various MVS or Distributed asset types) to expore for assets. There is an action drop-down list to bookmark the page or run a custom query. Asset Summary page: Shows the complete list of MVS or Distributed assets of a specific type. The Action drop-down list allows you to bookmark the page or run a custom query, with additional options such as to view diagrams, annotate or delete assets, and so on. Asset Details page: Shows the specific details for a single MVS or Distributed asset of a particular type. The action menu on this page allows you to open diagrams, manage annotations, and run a custom query. Asset Summary Asset Details Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

18 Exercise: Rational Asset Analyzer navigation
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Exercise: Rational Asset Analyzer navigation The following slides walk you through steps to open Rational Asset Analyzer. Together with the instructor, you will perform some simple tasks in the application This section is presented as a hands-on demonstration of basic navigation Rational Asset Analyzer. Lead the students through a few simple navigation tasks, and then let the students explore on their own. The instructor will guide you through performing some simple actions in the Rational Asset Analyzer Web interface. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

19 Exercise: Navigate Rational Asset Analyzer
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Exercise: Navigate Rational Asset Analyzer To start the product, do one of the following: Double-click the Rational Asset Analyzer icon on your desktop Click Start > IBM Rational Asset Analyzer > IBM Rational Asset Analyzer V6 > IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Note: Make sure that your default browser is Internet Explorer. Log in using credentials provided by the instructor Start Rational Asset Analyzer. You can also start the application from a browser bookmark in Windows Internet Explorer. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

20 Home Page in Microsoft Internet Explorer
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Home Page in Microsoft Internet Explorer Back button Window Controls Browser Menus Menu bar Search bar Tabs Rational Asset Analyzer’s Web interface runs in the Windows Internet Explorer browser. Notice that there are some features of the browser itself that are useful when using Rational Asset Analyzer: Browser tool bar: If displayed, this provides easy access to often-used browser functions. With Rational Asset Analyzer, you can use the Back button, to return to the previous page. Browser menu bar: If displayed, this provides access to browser functions. You can print the current page by using File > Print. Window controls: These three buttons (from left to right) Minimize the browser to the Windows task bar, Maximize or Restore the browser to full or custom size, and Close the application. Examine the layout of the Rational Asset Analyzer Home page. Rational Asset Analyzer menu bar: Available on every Rational Asset Analyzer page, the menu bar provides access to Rational Asset Analyzer key feature sets. Rational Asset Analyzer search bar: This is displayed on every count and list page. On some pages, the search bar includes the Advanced search link, which enables you to qualify the search with attributes that a specific asset type may have. Rational Asset Analyzer application area: This area is unique for each Rational Asset Analyzer page. On the Home page, this area contains a Rational Asset Analyzer search bar, Common Assets table, a Dashboard with metrics charts, Metrics tabs, and the Task Help list. Rational Asset Analyzer status area: This area displays the date and time. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

21 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Using context Help 3. Click the Help button to open context-sensitive Help. Context Help In the upper right of every page in Rational Asset Analyzer’s Web interface, there is a Help button that links directly to Help content specifically for the features available on the current page. So if you want to learn more about a result table, metric, or other section, you can find it by clicking the Help button. You can navigate the Help in Rational Asset Analyzer to find task-based information, as well as the feature-based information you find for the current page. Rational Asset Analyzer Help provides tutorials, reference information, and access to the manuals. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

22 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Explore menu 4. Open the Explore menu. Hover the mouse over the Explore menu in the menu bar. Across the Rational Asset Analyzer menu bar, you see four buttons: Home, Explore, Impact analysis, Database. Each is a drop-down menu that you hover the mouse over to find a menu list of links to specific pages for each of these task-based headings. The exception is the Home option, which is simply a link, available to navigate back to the Rational Asset Analyzer Home page from anywhere in the tool. Under each menu, there are groupings of tools useful for the specific task you have selected. So, for example, the Explore option offers: Explore assets: Options for exploring results tables of assets from the inventory, in MVS, Distributed, and Web services categories. Explore site: Manage physical files and sites that are included in the inventory. Business rule mining: A page with tools for mining business rules from the asset inventory. Explore tools: Explore tools in Rational Asset Analyzer that allow you to manage results and tailor the Explore experience to your project. 5. Click MVS assets to navigate to the MVS assets page. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

23 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Using Search 6. In the Search field, enter a search term that includes the wildcard character (*). Then click Go. The search field allows you to search the inventory database. Using Advanced search options, you can further change the scope of a database search and limit the results to certain assets. Try a simple search for a set of assets in the database. You can use the wildcard character (*) to search for pattern asset names. For example: CICS*, *ICS, *ICS*. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

24 Follow links and breadcrumbs
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Follow links and breadcrumbs 7. After search, the Results column appears. Click a result to navigate to a results page. Search Results On this page, search results appear in the form of a new column in the tables, called Results. Items that have no search results show “0” in the results column, whereas items that have results contain the number of results in the form of an active link to a Results page. Breadcrumbs and Home link On the results page, note that under the main Rational Asset Analyzer, you can see the hierarchy of pages you have clicked through shown in the Context field as a trail of breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are links you can click to retrace your navigation path. Try clicking back to the Explore MVS assets page. Note that on this and on every page, you can click the Home link on the menu bar to return to the Rational Asset Analyzer home page. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

25 Working with browser tabs and multiple windows
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Working with browser tabs and multiple windows Note that a developer audience may not be familiar with basic Web browser behavior or Windows GUI conventions. The slide shows both the context-menu and the keyboard shortcut approach to opening new windows and tabs. Right-click a link or Window to open it in a new: Browser Tab (or Ctrl-click) Window (or Shift-click) You can use Internet Explorer’s Tabbed browsing and ability to open links in new browser windows to save time. A good example of how this is useful is in comparing details pages from a Summary or results page. You can open a link in a new tab or new window either by using the context menu (right-click the link) or by clicking while holding the Ctrl key to open a link in a new tab, or clicking while holding down the Shift key to open the link in a new window. Note: You can control how Microsoft Internet Explorer handles tabs by clicking Tools > Internet Options. On the General tab, in the Tabs section, click the Settings button. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

26 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer
Follow breadcrumbs 8. From the results page, use Context to navigate back to Explore MVS Assets. 9. Click the Home link to navigate back the home page. Or go back using the Back button on the browser. You can navigate back and forth down the hierarchy of pages you open while exploring the inventory by clicking the back and forward buttons on the browser, or by using the “breadcrumb” links at the top of the page. 8 9 Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

27 Home page: Navigating metrics
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Home page: Navigating metrics The Home page provides metrics organized in tabs. 10. Click the tabs to bring different Metrics views forward. Metrics Rational Asset Analyzer calculates several measurements for programs, files, applications, containers, and impact analyses. The home page provides two ways to access these measurements: Use the Metrics - overview tab to see a summary of the measurements taken by Rational Asset Analyzer for all assets in the inventory database. Use the Metrics - detailed tab to see a summary of a single measurement by language or file type. You can use this tab, for example, to see a summary of the number of lines for each language or file type in the inventory database. Use the Metrics dashboard tab to see a summary of measurements taken by Rational Asset Analyzer for all assets in the inventory database. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

28 Review: Thought questions
Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Analyzer Review: Thought questions Which tasks/features in Rational Asset Analyzer are most useful in addressing challenges in your work? Why? What navigation features will you use most in your work with RAA? ILT: Ask these questions and capture student responses on the whiteboard. ILO: You can let students comment anonymously directly on the slide, using whiteboard features. Or have students use the chat feature of the classroom environment. Module 1 - Rational Asset Analyzer Overview

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