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Arts Education Brings Out the Best in Students

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1 Arts Education Brings Out the Best in Students
Slide 1 (45 seconds) Introduction: Good evening, my name is ________________ My children attended (Name of school) I am a ___________________________________________ (parent / teacher / community member / member of the Name Alliance for Arts Education). Purpose: I am here because like all of you I want to see the students in our schools succeed and I’ve seen first hand the powerful impact arts education can have on students’ academic success. Share a story: Share a quick story (2 sentences / 20 seconds) about how the arts have helped your son or daughter or student i.e. why you care. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Arts Education Brings Out the Best in Students Your Name, Parent / Student / Title Organization if applicable

PRIORITIES Student engagement Parental involvement School climate Common Core Standards Broad course of study Student achievement Pupil outcomes Basic services Slide 2 (20 seconds) After years of budget cuts and a focus on test-taking, the Local Control Funding Formula gives us an incredible opportunity to fund all six areas of the core curriculum. Arts education can help us achieve many of the goals outlined in the new funding formula, for example:

3 ARTS EDUCATION IMPACT Student engagement Parental involvement
School climate Common Core standards Broad course of study Pupil outcome Student achievement Slide 5 (15 seconds) Finally, students of all backgrounds and cultures are more likely to achieve higher GPA and test scores, graduate from high school and attend college when they have access to the arts.

4 CA EDUCATION CODE 51210, 51220 The adopted course of study for grades 1-12 shall include visual and performing arts, including instruction in the subjects of dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. Slide 6 (10 seconds) The arts are specifically addressed in the Education Code – an indication that they have long been a valued part of a quality education in California schools.

Creativity Critical thinking Problem solving Communication Collaboration Slide 7 (15 seconds) You might be interested to know that CEOs ranked creativity as the most important leadership quality they were looking for in workers in a recent study by IBM. The arts can deliver what business is looking for and help our students to succeed in today’s job market.

6 SUPPORTERS Slide 8 (10 seconds)
Education leaders locally and nationally, including our state Department of Education and the California PTA, support the use of arts education to promote student success.

7 In addition a new coalition has emerged to assist school districts in their responsibility to offer a high quality standards based arts education for all students, K-12. On October 20th they launched the Arts Education Data Project which takes the data our district sends to the state each Fall and displays it in a user friendly platform.

8 Insert screen shot of your community’s data here
Name of Your District or School # of secondary students participating in arts classes % of secondary students participating in arts classes 38% CA students participate in arts classes Slide 7 (15 seconds) You might be interested to know that CEOs ranked creativity as the most important leadership quality they were looking for in workers in a recent study by IBM. The arts can deliver what business is looking for and help our students to succeed in today’s job market.

9 THANK YOU! Please support funding to Undertake a Strategic Arts Plan
Hire VAPA Coordinator Fund arts education professional development Slide 9 (30 seconds) Ask: So, where should we start? My request to the school board is to allocate funding to improve our district’s arts education offerings. There are many options. However, I would like to propose that we look at: ___________________________________________________________________ (Fill in an ask that makes sense for your district. This could include: Restoring something that has been cut in recent years, re-hiring a VAPA coordinator for the district, providing teachers with professional development to teach the arts, allocating a percentage of the budget for arts education.) Final: I am available to assist district administration to evaluate what makes the most sense as a first step. Thank you so much and I urge you to take advantage of this great opportunity.

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