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Monday, March 26th Quiz Ga. Film Industry Finish Leg. Branch Agenda

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, March 26th Quiz Ga. Film Industry Finish Leg. Branch Agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, March 26th Quiz Ga. Film Industry Finish Leg. Branch Agenda
Warm up: Quiz Ga. Film Industry Finish Leg. Branch Get out ONE sheet of paper. Answer the following questions. What are the FOUR elements on our state seal? Name two similarities in the Ga and US constitution. Name TWO differences in the GA and US constitution. Name the FOUR responsibilities of Georgia Citizen. How old do you have to be to vote? Name two locations where you can register to vote? Where do you go to vote?

2 Georgia’s Movie Industry
As you read the article, answer the following questions on your own sheet of paper. Why is Georgia an appealing location for T.V. and movie filming? What TWO Georgia governors passed incentives to further develop the movie industry in our state? How? What legislation was passed to promote the film industry? Use TWO statistics to show how Georgia’s film industry has changed over time. List FIVE ways the film industry has contributed to Georgia’s economy. Use as many statistics as possible.

3 Georgia’s Legislative Branch

4 House of Representatives
1. What power does Georgia’s constitution give the legislative branch?  law-making power What is Georgia’s legislative branch called? Georgia General Assembly Started in 1777 as a uni-cameral legislature Reorganized in 1789 as a bi-cameral legislature with a senate and house of representatives What are the two differences in operations of the Senate v. the House of Representatives? Senate House of Representatives Only the senate can confirm appointments the governor makes to executive offices. Only the house of representatives can write appropriations (spending) bills

5 House of Representatives
SENATE House of Representatives Number of Members  56 180  Election November, even numbered years Term  2 2 Qualifications Age 25 years 21 years US Citizenship YES GA Citizenship  2 years Resident of district  1 year Duties Serving on standing committees Pass state’s operating budget Enacting laws Redistricting- every 10 years members draw legislative district lines to create maps for the Senate and U.S. House of Representative Vote to place constitutional amendments on the election ballot Presiding Officer for Each Party Lieutenant Governor  Speaker of the House is elected

6 5. When and for how long does the Georgia General Assembly meet?
The session begins on the second Monday in January for 40 days that usually lasts until mid-March. (Breaks and recesses do not count as part of the 40 days) Other leaders in the General Assembly: Majority Leader- responsible for making sure its members vote for the bills and agenda the majority party favors Minority Leader- Same as majority leader Floor Leader- promotes interests of the Governor on the house floor

7 Committee System What is the purpose of the committee system?
To study and review bills Define each type of committee Standing committees- permanent committees or those that continue for every legislative session. House has 36 and Senate has 26. Ad hoc- committees created for a special purpose Joint- a committee made up of members of the Senate and House Conference- Created when the House and Senate create different versions of a bill. The members of each house must compromise and make one bill for it to become a law. 9. How many committees are the General Assembly members required to serve on? Each member of the General Assembly is responsible for serving on at least two or three committees. 10. What do these committees have the power to do? Amend- Change Engross- Approve Kill- Dies in the committee

8 How a Bill Becomes a Law

9 4. The bill is considered by the committee and can be
1. Legislator introduces an idea for a law or change to an existing law. 2. After the legislator goes to the Office of Legal Counsel to remedy legal issues, the bill is submitted to the clerk of its chamber and is assigned a number Ex: SB4 or HR 12 3. The Bill is formally introduced (1st reading) and assigned to a standing committee. 4. The bill is considered by the committee and can be Engrossed (approved) Killed Amended 5. The bill is read and is up for voting. If approved it is sent to the other chamber. 6. If second chamber passes the bill, it is returned to the chamber of origin 7. Bill is sent to the Governor for approval. The Governor may: -sign the bill into law - veto it -do nothing (after 40 days the bill becomes law)

10 Know your Laws What happens when a bill passes BOTH houses:
If the Assembly is still in session, the Governor has SIX day to take action If the Assembly is out of session, the Governor has 40 days to take action Governor’s Actions: Sign (pass into law) Veto (If he vetoes the bill, it will go back to the chamber of origin during the next year’s session to see if they wish to override the veto) If the Governor DOES NOT SIGN, it becomes a law without his signature. Which bills became a law during in 2017? Campus carry law School turnaround Campus rape policy Adoption law update CSX Lease of Western Atlantic Railroad Which bills may become a law in 2018? Sine Die (Latin Students- what does this mean?) This year’s final session will take place on Tuesday, March 27th

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