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WWII Begins.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Begins

2 “Peace in our Time” Trying to buy peace Munich Agreement
German occupation of the Sudetenland Germany invades Poland

3 “Peace in our Time” Austrian Anschluss: Nazi Germany annexed Austria
Munich Crisis & Appeasement Nazi Germany invades the Czech Sudetenland

4 “Peace in our Time” Danzig and Polish Corridor Hitler takes Danzig

5 “Peace in our Time” Nazi-Soviet Pact: agreed not to fight each other

6 War Begins Blitzkrieg in Poland: Nazis invade Poland
Fall of France: invaded and taken

7 War Begins Miracle of Dunkirk: Troops rescued
London Blitz: Germany bombs London

8 Holocaust Jewish Immigration: couldn’t find nations who would accept them “Final Solution” Genocide: the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population

9 Holocaust Concentration Camps: 6 million killed

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