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Amy Roberts, Mandalay University Fulbright Scholar, Mandalay Myanmar Double Tree Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur March 15, 2018 Panel 1, Education and Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Amy Roberts, Mandalay University Fulbright Scholar, Mandalay Myanmar Double Tree Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur March 15, 2018 Panel 1, Education and Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amy Roberts, Mandalay University Fulbright Scholar, Mandalay Myanmar Double Tree Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur March 15, Panel 1, Education and Culture 2018 FULBRIGHT REGIONAL ENRICHMENT CONFERENCE INNOVATIVE AND RESILIENT ASEAN COMMUNITIES Academic Writing at Mandalay University: Emerging Insights and Themes

2 Presentation Overview
Context Challenges Areas for Consideration

3 Mandalay University Mandalay Myanmar


5 Rationale…. In the 21st century, universities have been asked to support the development of their nation by creating economic wealth, solving big problems and ensuring students have something to offer their society. The better the university the more they can contribute. “Rankings matter. The university business model is built on quality. The better the institution, the more likely it is to attract better staff and better students, who in turn attract better rankings in a virtuous cycle.” Globalization Internationalization of Higher Education Globally Competitive Universities

6 The Role of Research Universities in Developing Countries
Research universities in developing countries are situated at the top of an academic and intellectual hierarchy and are central to the success of any modern knowledge-based economy. All developing countries need these institutions to participate in the globalized environment of higher education. Thus, understanding the characteristics of the research university and building the infrastructures and the intellectual environment needed for successful research universities is a top priority. Philip G. Altbach Ref: Altbach, P.G. (2013). Advancing the national and global knowledge economy: the role of research universities in developing countries, Studies in Higher Education, 38:3, , DOI: /

7 Context English language academic writing courses work for graduate students Writing for publication (in English language journals) workshops for faculty

8 Students Completing Research Paper & Data Analysis
Mobile Phones in the Classroom: A Comparative Study Exploring Task Based Learning in the Myanmar Context Students Completing Research Paper & Data Analysis

9 Faculty and Staff Session on Writing the APA Abstract

10 Discourse Analysis Scaffold learning, moving from more to less support for participants as they are guided towards independent construction of texts. Participants work with “apprentice” exemplars rather than expert models as a way of motivating them to work on and improve their own writing.

11 Identify and develop each part of the academic paper separately. 
Analyze each part in order to identify the main rhetorical stages (or moves) in the text. Facilitate a brief discussion of the aim and purpose of each part of the text. The analysis and discussion is used as a model for each participant to write his/her individual text. Participants compare and revise their texts using peer revision and editing.

12 Challenges Limited research courses available Outdated instruments
Academic writing is viewed as an individualistic activity

13 Areas for Consideration
Creating a community of scholarly English language writers. Writing is a shared activity Community remains consistent regardless of transfers, changes with faculty, etc The role of identified faculty to serve as English language writing coaches. Academic departments and disciplines differ, yet graduate student and faculty research and writing for publication in English can be viewed as a common goal across the university.

14 Thank You Amy Roberts

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