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Internship Development Program

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1 Internship Development Program
Amanda Sullivan Associate Director of Development, UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

2 agenda Experiential Education Initiative – College Wide
Department of Geological Sciences Strategic Focus Partnerships – Mutually Beneficial Opportunity

3 Experiential Education
President Kent Fuchs Dean Dave Richardson Student Driven Internships, Community Volunteerism, Regional and International Opportunities, Research Opportunities The restaurant analogy. Avoid paralysis through analysis. If there is reason to call a donor or donor prospect, guard against putting it on the backburner. If you see that a donor has made a gift to your unit through the gift report and it requires a phone call for a personal thank you, do it today and use that time on the phone to set up a visit. If a donor prospect asks something of you, do it now. Don’t forget the customer service aspect of what it is that we do. You may lose your chance to identify a prospect if you don’t act as if he or she is not important and doesn’t merit your immediate attention. EXAMPLE – Qualification Project (numbers may vary for position ie. Asst/assoc. have more qualifications than Directors) The qualification project is an initiative that a unit (CLAS) or an individual (for the sake of the presentation) can focus on to maintain a qualified pipeline for relationship management. This initiative includes a list of prospects (created through the Weekly Giving Report, AP, and PMRA); approx. 250 Prospects The number of prospects (250) is then separated out to the number of DOs in a unit as assigned to region/dept. 9 DOs in CLAS Each person is tasked with qualifying these prospects (as assigned to their region/dept.) and it’s tracked on our APPs as quarterly new qualifications. Example: 250 prospects / 9 DOs (in CLAS) = 28 qualifications per year. 28 qualifications / 4 quarters = 7 qualifications per quarter

4 Department of Geological Sciences
Alumni Development Board Department Chair: Dr. David Foster Support from Faculty, Graduate Coordinator, Undergraduate Coordinator and Students Group activity. For three minutes, have audience in groups of four or three come together to brainstorm the ways in which they and their units identify prospects. Then ask one of the groups to tell us their methods of prospect identification. Ask the remainder of the audience if there are methods that the first group did not suggest.

5 Department of Geological Sciences
Opportunities – What are they? Marketing – How do we promote the opportunities to our students? Evaluation – Continuing Success Weekly giving reports – Found in Advanced Reports in Carter’s weekly For your unit, develop an understanding what level of gift or pattern of giving through direct mail or annual giving merits a phone call to try and set up a visit. It could be gift amount, gift frequency or a combination of the two.

6 Partnerships Mutually Beneficial - Talent Acquisition Positive ROI

7 Thank you! Amanda Sullivan UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Office of Development and Alumni Affairs 2008 Turlington Hall PO BOX Gainesville, FL

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