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What is Product Design – the design style questions in the coming exam

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1 What is Product Design – the design style questions in the coming exam
You will be given a full design question in the paper, here is an example from the AQA mark scheme of how they will mark your paper; Use this time to plan what material you will describe and the processes; Remember at this stage you do not know what they will ask you to design!


3 Question in the paper 2008: You have been asked to pick a material area you are familiar with: Textiles Food Resistant Materials Electronics Product Design What they have asked you to do! A school is having a design show, they want the D&T department to make a range of goods that create the word DESIGN, pick one material you are familiar with.

4 You will be marked on! You will be marked on the notes, sketches and step-by-step stages of the process They want you to draw sketches of each stage if you can, add colour to the final product, annotation/notes please.

5 Naming the equipment and processes for your design question if making from a resistant material!
Any named plastic or metal but not “plastic” or “metal” Mild steel, wrought iron. Accept any named metal but not “metal” Every stage of production has been identified and fully explained. (4 marks) Drawings clear and sequential and easy to follow. (3 marks)

6 How you could describe the process for making your design question product!
Cast/moulded or vacuum formed. Candidates might interpret this example very differently. Casting – prepare mould in sand using wooden pattern or machine shape in reverse into MDF or Necuron foam (sometimes described as plastic wood). Heat metal (aluminium for sand casting, pewter for die casting) and pour into mould. When cool remove and cut off excess metal using hacksaw and file. Polish.

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