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Olomouc 2017 Light interferometry Pavel Pavlíček.

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Presentation on theme: "Olomouc 2017 Light interferometry Pavel Pavlíček."— Presentation transcript:


2 Olomouc 2017 Light interferometry Pavel Pavlíček

3 Welcome speech

4 Welcome speech

5 Light interferometry Interferometry : technique Interference : phenomenon

6 Interferometry : technique
Interference : phenomenon crest cresta hřeben trough ventre brázda

7 Interference is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose
anatomy of a wave crest cresta hřeben trough ventre brázda

8 Superposition of waves

9 Superposition of waves

10 Superposition of waves

11 Superposition of waves

12 Superposition of waves

13 Superposition of waves

14 Superposition of waves

15 Superposition of waves
in phase

16 Superposition of waves
in phase

17 Superposition of waves

18 Superposition of waves
out of phase

19 Superposition of waves
out of phase

20 Interference continuum of possibilities between „in phase“ and „out of phase“ out of phase in phase wave of zero amplitude giant wave constructive interference destructive interference

21 Interference

22 waves are superimposed => information about the waves

23 Michelson interferometer (1880s)
Light source Detector

24 Michelson interferometer
Light source in phase I ~10-4 nm Detector l

25 Michelson interferometer
Light source l/4 out of phase Detector

26 Michelson interferometer
Light source l/2 in phase Detector l/4 l/2 (3/4)l l

27 Classical interferometry
How does it work? CCD l/4 l/2 light source measured object

28 How does it work? CCD l/4 l/2 light source measured object

29 Michelson-type interferogram
phase the deviation of the measured surface from the reference plane y x

30 A problem: ambiguity

31 Michelson interferometer
Light source I in phase ~ nm Detector l

32 Michelson interferometer
Light source l/4 I out of phase ~ nm Detector l

33 Michelson interferometer
Light source l/2 in phase Detector l/4 l/2 (3/4)l l

34 Spectra and interferograms of various sources
~10-4 nm z l I I ~ nm l z I I ~ 1200 nm l z

35 Measured interferogram of He-Ne laser (l = 633 nm)
45 mm

36 Measured interferogram of He-Ne laser (l = 633 nm)
45 mm

37 Measured interferogram of He-Ne laser (l = 633 nm)
45 mm

38 Measured interferogram of a LED (diodo ad emissione luminosa)

39 Measured interferogram of a LED (diodo ad emissione luminosa)

40 Measured interferogram of a LED (diodo ad emissione luminosa)

41 Measured interferogram of an incandescent lamp
(lampadina) intensity path difference

42 White-light interferometry
How does it work? CCD light source measured object reference mirror

43 How does it work? CCD light source measured object reference mirror

44 How does it work? CCD light source measured object reference mirror

45 How does it work? CCD light source measured object reference mirror

46 Measured height profile
height profile coded by gray scales cross section along the horizontal line 100 mm

47 Measured interferogram and its envelope
74.7 mm 111.9 mm

48 Thank you for your attention


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