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“Democratic Society” Quarter 1, Unit 1

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1 “Democratic Society” Quarter 1, Unit 1
Citizenship “Democratic Society” Quarter 1, Unit 1

2 Essential Questions What is a citizen? What is civics?
What are the duties and responsibilities of a citizen? What are the qualities of a “model” citizen?

3 I.“We the People” 1787 All white men who owned property around 25 years old. NOT women, persons of any color, and Native Americans

4 “We the People” today All people born in the U.S. are considered citizens. All citizens can vote at the age of 18.

5 Why do citizens need to study Civics in a republic?
A republic is a type of government that needs its citizens to participate to work. Citizens need know rights, as well, as their duties and responsibilities to be effective helpers. Civics is the study of government and citizenship. Citizens study history so that they know their country and government’s successes and failures.

6 Cincinnatus (458 B.C./B.C.E)

7 Model of Civic Virtue Who is Cincinnatus?
A farmer who was made “temporary dictator” of Rome in 458 BC  to stop an invasion. Explain how he put the common good above his self-interest? Although he could held power longer, he gave it up. If he held on to power he could have become rich, but he put the greater good of all first. What are the most important actions citizens can take to make our country better?

8 A Call to Citizens “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” - John F. Kennedy in 1961 What does his words mean to us today? What are our duties and responsibilities?

9 Citizen’s Duties Duties are things citizens MUST do.
Obey the Law Pay Taxes Attend School Jury Duty Serve in the military (if there is a draft)

10 Citizen’s Responsibilities Responsibilities are things you SHOULD do.
Be Informed Vote Participate in the community Participate in government Respect other citizens

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