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Presentation on theme: "LINGUISTICS AND ITS FIELDS"— Presentation transcript:

LI Nathalie F. Martin I love being on top! linguistics

2 Table of Content At the end of this chapter you will know: Linguistics
Fields of linguistics: Descriptive linguistics Theoretical linguistics Applied linguistics Language: dialects, pidgins, creoles

3 UP FOR A CHALLENGE ? The Fields of Linguistics: Try to find ways in which linguistics could be useful for your field of study (or even for your own personal interest).

4 Perspectives Describe this object:
Write on a piece of paper. You have all given different descriptions since you looked at it in a different perspective. The same can be said about language !

5 Mise en situation

6 Perspectives The same can be said about language …
One « object », in other words « language », but different perspectives …

7 Perspective Grammar Grammar: Panini Greek Latin and French And today …
1st grammar Sanskrit (4th century BC) To preserve sacred writings Greek Latin and French And today …

8 The early days of the study of language
Philology (anthropology through ancient writings) - Objet: ancient civilisations Historical linguistics - Objet: language(s) and it’s/their evolution Comparative linguistics: - Objet: comparison BETWEEN languages

9 Comparative linguistics
Comparative Linguistics (examples: languages):

10 Comparative linguistics
Comparative Linguistics (examples: French dialects): Picard : CHAT: « ka » rather than « sha » (chat : ch'cat [ka]), MERCI: [ke] / [ki] > [che] / chi (ex : merchi). BOIS: [ei] > [oi] > [oe] > [o] (le bois : ch'bos) Francian : BOIS: [ei] > [oi] > [we] > [wa] : le bois MERCI: [ki] > [si] (merci) Dialects of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries,

11 The modern study of language
Linguistics The modern study of language

12 What Is Linguistics? Ferdinand de Saussure :
Founder of modern linguistics. His students published his course notes in 1916. Cours de linguistique générale. Language: Code & social institution

13 What Is Linguistics? “The scientific study of human language.”
Scientific study of language, covering the structure (morphology and syntax; see grammar), sounds (phonology, phonetics), and meaning (semantics), as well as the history of the relations of languages to each other and the cultural place of language in human behavior.

14 Theoretical Linguistics
Phonology  Morphology Syntax  Semantics  Pragmatics

15 Applied Linguistics Descriptive linguistics
Anthropological linguistics Comparative linguistics Historical linguistics Etymology  Sociolinguistics Computational linguistics Forensic linguistics Language acquisition Language assessment Language development Language education Linguistic prescription Linguistic anthropology Neurolinguistics Psycholinguistics Stylistics

16 Fields of LINGUISTICS Applied Lingusitics Sociolinguistics

17 Applied Lingusitics Fields of LINGUISTICS Ethnolinguistics
Benjamin Lee Whorf

18 Applied Lingusitics Fields of LINGUISTICS Dialectology
Atlas linguistique de la Basse-Bretagne (sud-ouest de la France)

19 Fields of LINGUISTICS Applied Lingusitics Psycholinguistics

20 Fields of LINGUISTICS Applied Lingusitics Lexicography

21 Fields of LINGUISTICS Applied Lingusitics Language planning

22 Fields of LINGUISTICS Applied Lingusitics Neurolinguistics

23 Applied Lingusitics Fields of LINGUISTICS
FORENSIC LINGUISTICS: The use of linguistic techniques to investigate crimes in which language data constitute part of the evidence Ex: In 1950 Timothy Evans was hanged for a murder, but then granted a posthumous pardon in 1966. Applied Lingusitics

24 UP FOR A CHALLENGE !!! How can linguistics be useful to you in your field of study (or even for your own personal interest).


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