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CMO introduction and main legal framework
Technical Assistance for Development of a Strategy for Alignment with Common Market Organisation (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001 This Project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey CMO introduction and main legal framework Antalya, March 1st, 2018
Introduction to CMO What is the CMO?
Theory on income problem and role of CMO Current legislative framework and key measures CMO challenges in the new CAP
What is a „Common Market Organisation”?
The shortest possible and legally ‘corect’ answer would be: set of very different measures applied in different agricultural sectors in the EU measures of the 1st pillar of the CAP, except the direct payments CMO measures are the result of a very long evolution of the CAP (first CAP measures in the 1960s were CMO) In the past: 90% of CAP expenditures Today: only 4% Is there a future for CMO measures? ...
Theory Why do we need to organize markets?
Most reasons for governments to intervene in the economy: Correction of market failures (price volatility) Redistribution of incomes (from industry to agriculture) Non-economic objectives (standardisation, fitosanitary, health, food security) Interventions could be monetary and non-monetary In the EU and most developed countries the main reason for intervention is redistribution of income because of Income problem in agriculture!
Income problem in agriculture
Old fashioned approach combination of: Market oriented price support: Minimum prices, production quotas, export subsidies, import / export tariffs,… Structural policy measures: to help farmers to leave farming The choice of price support without structural policy is not a sound policy in the long-run (old CMO policy!) Self-sufficiency in agriculture vs. farm income → both directions! Structural adjustment policy is seen as the only solution!
CMO was efficient in doing things right but were the things chosen right ?
Many dairy plants were producing butter and SMP for public stocks
Producer Support Estimates as % of gross farm incomes, 2014 – 2016 average
Source: own analysis based on OECD data
CMO in CAP policy perspective
CMO through specific policy tools helps in functioning of markets and ultimately contributes to the competitiveness of agri-food sector; Unlike the direct payments and the rural development, not all CMO measures are linked to financial support to beneficiaries (farmers are not the only beneficiaries of the measure as for direct payments); Beneficiaries are sometimes only ’obliged persons’ for certain rules; For most measures Paying Agency is the implementing body
Legal framework Single CMO Regulation = Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the EP & of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No. 922/72, (EEC) No. 234/79, (EC) No. 1037/2001 and (EC) No. 1234/2007 Adopted as part of the CMO reform package, proposed by the ECin October 2011 In application since 1 January 2014 232 Articles and 14 Annexes 32 Implementing regulations
„Umbrella” CMO Regulation 1308/2013
Part I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Definitions Scope Marketing years Reference thresholds Part II. INTERNAL MARKET Market intervention Public intervention and private storage aid Aid schemes Authorisation for vine plantings Marketing and producer organisations Marketing standards Designations in wine sector Specific provisions for individual sectors Producer organisations Part III. TRADE WITH THIRD COUNTRIES Import and export licences Import duties Tariff quotas Special provisions for certain sectors Export refunds Inward and outward processing Part IV. COMPETITION RULES Rules that apply to undertakings State aid rules Part V. GENERAL PROVISIONS Exceptional measures Communication and reporting Crisis reserve Part VI. DELEGATION OF POWER, IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS, TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS
Structure of CMO expenditures: Total EUR 2.67 billion for 2015
New intervention logic for CMO: challenges, objectives & instruments
The main issues regarding the future CMO relate to the: Volatility of agricultural prices and Instability of agricultural markets Role of farmers in the food supply chain General opinion is that the current safety net system is not adequate in periods of severe market crises, for which appropriate measures must be developed The crisis reserve mechanism should also be improved Some Member States consider that the establishment of efficient market stabilisation measures justifies the introduction of a separate 3rd pillar of CAP
The most recent challenges for EU farmers after Reform 2013 was adopted
Russian import ban from August 2014 showed how vulnerable the agricultural sector is to market instabilities Market crisis in EU dominated discussions of EU agricultural ministers in 2014, 2015 and 2016 Market stabilisation and support to producers facing a market crisis cannot be achieved by other policy measures For this reason, despite its lower share in the agricultural budget, CMO will continue to be an important part of CAP!
P1 - prilagoditi Source: DG AGRI, 2015
Recommendations of AMTF *
Reduce unfair trade practices ! Increase market transparency to help farmers negotiate their contracts Written contracts must be offered to farmers Producer cooperation → reduce complexity Improve the use of risk management tools by farmers Facilitate access to finance for farmers * Agricultural Markets Task Force → high level group established by the EC and led by former Duch Minister Veerman, issued its report in November 2016
CMO and accession to the EU
Highly demanding in terms of capacity building and institutional setup Extremely limited possibility for derogations of CMO acquis
This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union
The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union
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