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Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Record Linkage : a key and challenging process for CATI surveys. ESSnet on Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Record Linkage : a key and challenging process for CATI surveys. ESSnet on Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Record Linkage : a key and challenging process for CATI surveys. ESSnet on Data Integration, Neuchâtel Christian Panchard and Claude Joye, SFSO February 11, 2011

2 2 Record Linkage /ESSnet / Neuchâtel / February 11, 2011 Ch. Panchard Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Outline 1.Telephone sampling frame CASTEM (up to now); 2.Persons register-based frame : SRPH (new); 3.Link between the two frames : - Objectives; - Problems; - Solutions. 4.First conclusions / Discussion.

3 3 Record Linkage /ESSnet / Neuchâtel / February 11, 2011 Ch. Panchard Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI Bundesamt für Statistik BFS 1. CASTEM : fixed telephone numbers and households overcoverage undercoverage

4 4 Record Linkage /ESSnet / Neuchâtel / February 11, 2011 Ch. Panchard Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS SRPH Household forming 1 Persons 2 2. Register-based sampling frame SRPH (persons)

5 5 Record Linkage /ESSnet / Neuchâtel / February 11, 2011 Ch. Panchard Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS AIM : Draw samples in SRPH and get telephone numbers in CASTEM for CATI surveys. Link through name, first name and address (IIR). 3. Link between the two frames SRPH CASTEM AdvantagesDrawbacks CASTEM Direct usage for CATI surveys Undercoverage (Overcoverage) No auxiliary information SRPH Almost perfect coverage Auxiliary information Target population/stratification Not directly designed to perform CATI surveys

6 6 Record Linkage /ESSnet / Neuchâtel / February 11, 2011 Ch. Panchard Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS SRPH Not accessible through a fixed telephone Accessible through a fixed telephone Household forming 3 1 Sample of persons 2 Matching with CASTEM ?

7 7 Record Linkage /ESSnet / Neuchâtel / February 11, 2011 Ch. Panchard Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS PROBLEMS : -Standardisation before applying the matching program; -Misspeling in the name, first name or/and address; -Household forming ( building and dwelling link in person data ); -Matching pair wrong! -Undercoverage ( CASTEM );

8 8 Record Linkage /ESSnet / Neuchâtel / February 11, 2011 Ch. Panchard Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS SOLUTIONS : -Fine tuning of the program IIR (cascade strategy); -Further develop the quality of household forming; -Use of alternative modes for conducting the surveys; -Compute (estimate) the false matching pairs.

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