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Motor Control 흐름으로 바라본 Proprioceptive Neuromuscluar Factilitation

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Presentation on theme: "Motor Control 흐름으로 바라본 Proprioceptive Neuromuscluar Factilitation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motor Control 흐름으로 바라본 Proprioceptive Neuromuscluar Factilitation

2 발 표 순 서 PNF vs Bobath PNF pattern으로 ADL 연결 (사진) PNF pattern을 적용한 치료 (동영상)

3 PNF vs Bobath Theorietical
Dr.Kabat’s theorietical base guided the development of PNF Developed during the poliomyelitis epidemic multiple sclerosis Empirical Mrs.Bobath’s clinical observation developed the concept Developed at first with a patient suffering from a stroke later continued with cerebral palsy

4 PNF vs Bobath PNF Neurophysiology оSherrington (1947)
- temporal summation - after discharde - irradiation - reciprocal innervation - successure induction Bobath Neurophysiology оMagnus (1926) Shunting rule оSherrington - reciprocal innervation - normal movement - requires normal - background tonus

5 PNF vs Bobath оGellhorn (1949) оHierachy оEccles (1973)
The use of resistance to increase stretch reflex effectiveness оHierachy оEccles (1973) - inhibition оMagoun and Thines (1946) - Gamma spasticity оHierachy

6 PNF vs Bobath PNF Neurophysiology Bobath Neurophysiology
Emphasized activity at the spinal cord neuromusclar level ; influnenced from higher centers movement input Tactile kinesthetic Visual Auditory cognition Bobath Neurophysiology Attempted to integrate higher center organization to explain and treat movement disorders ; integrate Righting reaction Postural reaction Equilibrium reaction

7 PNF vs Bobath Positive approach оTreat the whole person
оGoal acheve highest оLevel of function Problem-solving approach The Bobath concepts is “problem-solving approach” to the assessment and treatment of indivisuals with disturbances of function, movement and tone due to a CNS lesion

8 PNF vs Bobath - Pattern / Groove - Resistance - Techniques
- Lumbrical grip - Stretch reflex - Traction / Approximation - Verbal stimulations - Visual stimulations - Guiding - Trunk - Normal movement - 24 hour concept - Spasticity - Tone Inhibition / Facilitation - Handing - Trunk

9 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

10 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

11 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

12 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

13 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

14 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

15 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Diagonal One Diagonal Two

16 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Bilateral Asymmetrical Bilateral Asymmetrical ‘Chopping’ ‘Lifting’

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