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Telephone Skills Workshop > Nature of Communication The telephone as a Communication Tool Good and Poor Telephone Communicators Factors of Voice Active.

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Presentation on theme: "Telephone Skills Workshop > Nature of Communication The telephone as a Communication Tool Good and Poor Telephone Communicators Factors of Voice Active."— Presentation transcript:


2 Telephone Skills Workshop >

3 Nature of Communication The telephone as a Communication Tool Good and Poor Telephone Communicators Factors of Voice Active Listening Steps to an Incoming Call – How Good Are You? Message taking – the 6 Ws Turning around Irate Callers Key Objectives

4 Good Phone Communicators Sounding enthusiastic, alert, warm and friendly Smiling!! Actively Listening Verbally acknowledging Showing empathy Speaking clearly Being polite Using names

5 Importance of the Voice Depicts information, personality and emotions - this in turn reflects on the perception of the company. Your voice and the way you use it is THE image of your company

6 How the Voice Works The basic process is that ________ are made by forcing ________ across vocal cords which vibrate to make a noise. This noise can be varied by altering the amount and ________ of the air involved through the use of muscles in the ________ and diaphragm. These sounds are then fine tuned into speech by delicate ________ movements in the throat, face, ________ and mouth. sounds air speed chest tongue muscle

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