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Latitude and Longitude Group Essay Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Latitude and Longitude Group Essay Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latitude and Longitude Group Essay Instructions

2 Instructions Each person will write a section of the essay. Whoever has their birthday closest to May 4th starts writing. We will go section by section. Once you have written a sentence for that section, move the paper over to the next person. The subject of each section will be displayed on this Presentation.

3 Introduction First sentence: Lines of Latitude and Longitude are… (define what they are and how they help us; at least two sentences).

4 Introduction Third sentence: There are many similarities and differences between lines of latitude and longitude (this is our thesis/claim)

5 Body Paragraph #1: Differences
First sentence: Lines of Latitude circle... (which way do they run?)

6 Body Paragraph #1: Differences
Second sentence: In contrast, Lines of Longitude circle... (which way do they run?)

7 Body Paragraph #1: Differences
Third sentence: Lines of Latitude are measured (which direction do they measure?)

8 Body Paragraph #1: Differences
Fourth sentence: However, Lines of Longitude are measured (which direction do they measure?)

9 Body Paragraph #1: Differences
Fifth sentence: Another name for Lines of Latitude is [...] because they... (what are they also called and why are they called this?)

10 Body Paragraph #1: Differences
Sixth sentence: Another name for Lines of Longitude is [...] because they... (what do the lines do at the top and bottom of the Earth?)

11 Body Paragraph #2: Similarities
First sentence: Lines of Latitude and Longitude are similar because they (what is one way they are similar?)

12 Body Paragraph #2: Similarities
Second sentence: Lines of Latitude and Longitude also both (what is another way they are similar?)

13 Body Paragraph #2: Similarities
Second sentence: Finally, Lines and Latitude and Longitude (what is a third way they are similar?)

14 Conclusion First sentence: Lines of Latitude and Longitude are useful for... (Why were Lines of Latitude and Longitude made to begin with?)

15 Put each of your group member’s first and last names on your essay.
Turn in to Mr. Mustonen

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