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Suggested Spelling Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Suggested Spelling Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suggested Spelling Strategies

2 write the word correctly
Speed Writing How often can you write the word correctly in one minute?

3 Mnemonics Making up a “story” to help spell a word.
sad – sally ate dumplings.

4 Breaking the words into parts.
Syllables/Chunks Breaking the words into parts. Clapping the sounds. jogging flying returned jogg ing fly ing re turn ed

5 Look for Small Words Inside the Word
about teacher a, out, bout tea, each, her, ache

6 Use a different colour for each letter.
Use of Colour Use a different colour for each letter. apples

7 Look Say Cover Write Check

8 Write your word in the shape of a pyramid.
Pyramid Writing Write your word in the shape of a pyramid. d do dog

9 Write the word then circle all the consonants.
Consonant Circles Write the word then circle all the consonants. b e l i e v e

10 Write the word then go over each vowel in blue.
Blue Vowels a e i o u Write the word then go over each vowel in blue. b e l i e v e

11 Different Sizes of Letters
Use different sizes of letters to help remember the letters in the word. apple – ApPlE painting - PaInTiNg

12 Writing the Word in Fancy Letters
Bubble cursive italics

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