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Attendance Homework Check

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1 Attendance Homework Check
Prayer Attendance Homework Check

2 The Nervous System Ms. Doshi

3 The Nervous System What does the nervous system do? What are neurons?
The nervous system allows organisms to receive and respond to stimuli (자극) from outside and inside the body. What are neurons? Cells of the nervous system What do neurons do? A neuron converts (변하게 하다) stimuli into electrochemical (전기) signals (신호).

4 Parts of a Neuron Memorize the structure of the Neuron, you have 10 min.

5 What is the part? A F G B D H C E

6 Dendrites, Cell Body, & Axon
What do dendrites do? They receive (get) information and transmit (부치다) it to the cell body. What does the cell body (soma) do? The cell body controls cellular activity. What does the axon do? It transmits electrochemical impulses (신경 자극) away from the cell body.

7 Neurons: Electrochemical Impulses
What are the the functions (기능) of neurons? Neurons convert stimuli from inside and outside the body into electrochemical impulses. Electrochemical impulses are transmitted linearly (선형) along the length of the nerve fiber. An impulse is conducted (실시) along the length of the axon. An impulse creates a wave of change in the neuron membrane (신경 세포의 막) permeability (투과성).

8 Questions 1

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