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Location Exploration.

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1 Location Exploration

2 Step 1- You and your partner need to pick a location to research from the list below.
Java Trench Baja Peninsula Hawaiian Islands Iceland Mount Everest Mount Fuji Mount Aconcagua 8. Mount Popocatepetl 9. Mount Saint Helens 10. Mount Kilimanjaro 11. Yellowstone 12. Island of Surtsey 13. The Himalayas 14. San Andreas Fault 15. Aleutian Islands 16. Mid-Atlantic Ridge 17. Mariana Trench 18. The Great Rift Valley 19. The Alps 20. The Andes

3 Step 2- Research the following things about your location and neatly write it on your poster. (The title of the poster should be your location) Identify the Longitude and Latitude of the specific location Identify the Continent and Country Identify the main geologic structures and explain what it is Identify the geologic activities that have occurred there explain what it is Draw and label the main geologic structures BONUS- What is the cause of the geologic activity? BONUS- How did the geologic structures form?

Gallery walk Step 3- Find 3 locations that you have never heard of before and in your notebook write: 1. Where is it? 2. What are the geologic structures? 3. What are the geologic activities? **RETURN TO YOUR SEAT WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED**

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