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Mrs. Fetters  Oct. 19th -23rd Homework Word Study Long e (ee, ea, y)

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Fetters  Oct. 19th -23rd Homework Word Study Long e (ee, ea, y)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Fetters  Oct. 19th -23rd Homework Word Study Long e (ee, ea, y)
Announcements/Reminders -Remember that students can get on IXL at home for math practice, MyOn for reading online at home, and Learn Zillion to access videos on skills!  -October 5-30 Shoe boxes for soldiers -October 30- Fall treat bags will come home-please see note in your child’s folder! -October is SPIRIT WEEK! M- Pajama Day, T- Camo Day, W- Patriotic Day, TH- College Day (Favorite Team), F- Blue & Gold Day Oct. 19th -23rd Word Study Long e (ee, ea, y) 1. sweet lucky 2. beep ivy treat week 4. team beach Fry Words: 9. also three 10. around small 11. form Dictation Sentences: 1. I will show you a good sentence. 2. Do you want a new pen? Homework *Due Friday* Reading comprehension passage with questions, vocabulary practice with three remaining words, spelling (3 nights-1 activity, each night), math practice with telling time Remember to read every night- even if it is only for 10 minutes  Remember to read every night, and review spelling and vocabulary! Upcoming Assessments Spelling assessment (Friday), math assessment (Friday) Cold read assessment on compare and contrast This week’s “I Can” statements are listed on the back of this sheet, and the vocabulary words and definitions can also be found in your child’s daily folder.

2 “I Can” Statements Reading- *These standards are for our six week unit. Therefore, we will focus on some more than others each week, however we will hit all of them this unit . RL 2.1- I can ask and answer questions such as who, what, when, where and why and how to show understandings of details in the text. RL 2.2 I can recount stories, including fables and folktales, from diverse cultures and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. RL 2.4 I can describe how words and phrases supply meaning and rhythm in a story, poem, or song. RL 2.9 I can compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or from different cultures. --Language skill: nouns (singular, plural, common, proper, and collective) Math 2. MD.7 I can tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using AM and PM. (LZ Codes: )

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