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“Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing”

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1 “Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing”
UBIWARE Project “Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing” Deliverable 1.2 “Expert” Resource Agent “Device” Resource Agent Resource Agent “Service” PI GB & SC shared services Industrial Ontologies Group University of Jyväskylä

2 Project Team: Industrial Ontologies Group
University of Jyväskylä Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics Researchers Vagan Terziyan (Head) Olena Kaykova Artem Katasonov Oleksiy Loboda Contact Person: Timo Tiihonen s: phone: Oleksiy Khriyenko Sergiy Nikitin Arnim Bleier Nikos Mouchtaris URL:

3 Project Goal Project aims at designing a new generation middleware platform (UBIWARE) which will allow creation of self-managed complex industrial systems consisting of mobile, distributed, heterogeneous, shared and reusable components of different nature.

4 UBIWARE Workpackages

5 Project Workpackages WP1
Core Distributed AI platform design (UbiCore); Managing Distributed Resource Histories (UbiBlog); Smart Ubiquitous Resource Privacy and Security (SURPAS); Self-Management, Configurability and Integration (COIN); Smart Interfaces: Context-aware GUI for Integrated Data (4i technology); Middleware for Peer-to-Peer Discovery (MP2P); Industrial cases and prototypes.

6 “Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing”
UBIWARE Project ( ) “Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing” INDUSTRIAL CASES AND PROTOTYPES INDUSTRIAL CASES AND PROTOTYPES DELIVERABLE D1.2 Workpackage WP7

7 workpackage WP-7 Tasks There are three industrial cases, those of ABB, Fingrid and Metso Automation. During the Year 1, with respect to all three cases the following tasks are to be performed : Task T1.1_w7: Case analysis: identification of relevant industrial resources, their dependencies and interactions. Task T1.2_w7: Connecting to relevant industrial resources: Development of appropriate resource adapters.

8 Rule: Send every new event
workpackage WP-7 (ABB case) ABB case architecture RAB: TextTableReader SCADA agent Operator agent Data Transformation SCADA events in CSV Semantic Reasoning Ontology Rule: Send every new event to the Operator agent XHTML generation RAB: XMLWriter RAB: HTTPResponseSender

9 workpackage WP-7 (ABB case)
ABB interface

10 Interesting in ABB case
workpackage WP-7 (ABB case) Interesting in ABB case Already provides a demonstration of how S-APL integrates programming with semantic reasoning: Normal programming tasks like data access, data transmission between agents, HTML interface production. Semantic reasoning – interpretation of data. Is a good case for demonstrating in (a very near future) the configurability (WP4) of UBIWARE: Many “constants” used now in reasoning are customer-specific and can be changed – so must be easily (re-) configurable

11 Fingrid case architecture
workpackage WP-7 (Fingrid case) Fingrid case architecture Standard S-APL models RAB: SQLReader DB agent User agent LIst Informer Data access, processing Oracle Event Log Follower Count Data Transformation XHTML generation RAB: XMLWriter Note: statistic processing is performed by DB agent, but the code for that is sent to it by User agent RAB: HTTPResponseSender

12 workpackage WP-7 (Fingrid case)
Fingrid interface

13 Interesting in Fingrid case
workpackage WP-7 (Fingrid case) Interesting in Fingrid case Already provides a demonstration of advanced inter-agent communication (WP2) in UBIWARE: DB agent works as a semantic database. It can answer any query on that that using standard Informer.sapl model DB agent also uses the standard Follower.sapl model, so it is able to execute an arbitrary piece of S-APL code (provided by User agent) – in this case to calculate the statistics from its data. Is a good case for demonstrating in (a very near future) the security (WP3) in UBIWARE: Informer and especially Follower functions of the DB agent should become policy-restricted – not every agent can access and not any code can be executed.

14 SWIMMER & UBIWARE ultimate vision
workpackage WP-7 (Metso case) SWIMMER & UBIWARE ultimate vision A Framework for DISTRIBUTED Configurable Adaptation No data in one storage! Seamless querying as it would have been a centralized solution DPM(APA) MSSQL DNA Alarm Historian Adapter Adapter DNA diary Adapter Multi-State Monitoring (MUST) Adapter Adapter Adapter Device Metadata from the Design database Adapter SAP PM module Historian (ready)

15 Last version of industrial case (28.01.08)
workpackage WP-7 (Metso case) Last version of industrial case ( ) EAST valves Loop Browser Process History Database Metso Automation Site Hub DPM Central Hub Smart Valve Analysis Tool ? Site Hub DPM Semantic Storage ?? ? = when ?? = approval needed WEST valves AlarmDB

16 Current situation on DPM
workpackage WP-7 (Metso case) Current situation on DPM Four types of messages: InitTopology (adapted) SaveAnalysisResult (adapted) UpdateTopology (in progress) HistogramsResetted (in progress) MySQL storage backup Data update Gateway Agent SOAP message Site Hub DPM Central Hub SOAP string DPM Agent Adapter HTTP server Operations of DPM Agent XSL-T based transformation to SAPL Handling of HTTP requests Generation of HTML (human adaptation) DPM browser UBIWARE platform

17 Current DPM adapter architecture
workpackage WP-7 (Metso case) Current DPM adapter architecture UbiwareGatewayAgent DPMAgent (MessageReceiverBehavior) SAXXMLtoSAPLN3 TransformerBehavior DPMAgent (MessageSenderBehavior) BlackBoardBean object from WS SOAP message string in ACL message Init transformation rule Semantic query transformation Init reply rule Confirmation ACL message BlackBoardBean object with response to WS Adapter

18 “Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing”

19 Status Report of other Workpackages
The main part of the development work in WP1 and WP2 has been done already at the time of Checkpoint 1. Some modifications and improvements to the workpackages were done during company cases development. The development work in WP3 and WP4 was postponed while work on the industrial prototypes was done. However, an architectural view on how WP3 and WP4 will be implemented does already exist. The actual development has also already been started. Regarding the workpackage WP5, an architecture of the first year prototype of Intelligent Interface is designed, first prototype of GUI-Shell is developed and work on a simple MetaProvider is in process.

20 Project Related Publications
UBIWARE Project Related Publications

21 UBIWARE publications up to 07.03.2008 (1)
Katasonov A., Kaykova O., Khriyenko O., Nikitin S., Terziyan V., Smart Semantic Middleware for the Internet of Things, In: Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, May, 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 11 pp. (to appear). Terziyan V., SmartResource - Proactive Self-Maintained Resources in Semantic Web: Lessons learned, In: International Journal of Smart Home, Special Issue on Future Generation Smart Space, 2008, SERSC publisher, ISSN: , 27 pp. (to appear). Katasonov A. and Terziyan V. (2007) SmartResource Platform and Semantic Agent Programming Language (S-APL), In: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Multi-Agent Technologies (MATES’07), September 24-26, 2007, Leipzig, Germany, LNAI 4687, pp.25-36 Terziyan V., Predictive and Contextual Feature Separation for Bayesian Metanetworks, In: B. Apolloni et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of KES-2007 / WIRN-2007, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, September 12-14, Vol. III, Springer, LNAI 4694, 2007, pp. 634–644. Khriyenko O., Context-sensitive Multidimensional Resource Visualization, In: Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2007), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, August 2007. Khriyenko O., 4I (FOR EYE) Multimedia: Intelligent semantically enhanced and context-aware multimedia browsing, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2007), Barcelona, Spain, July 2007.

22 UBIWARE publications up to 07.03.2008 (2)
Khriyenko O., 4I (FOR EYE) Technology: Intelligent Interface for Integrated Information, In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2007), Funchal, Madeira – Portugal, June 2007. Salmenjoki K., Tsaruk Y., Terziyan V., Viitala M., Agent-Based Approach for Electricity Distribution Systems, In: Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 12-16, June 2007, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, ISBN: , pp Nikitin S., Terziyan V., Pyotsia J., Data Integration Solution for Paper Industry - A Semantic Storing, Browsing and Annotation Mechanism for Online Fault Data, In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), May 9-12, 2007, Angers, France, INSTICC Press, ISBN: , pp Naumenko, A., Srirama, S., Secure Communication and Access Control for Mobile Web Service Provisioning, In: Proceedings of International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN2007), 8-10th May, 2007. Naumenko A., Semantics-Based Access Control in Business Networks, In: Jyvaskyla Studies in Computing, PhD Thesis, Volume 78, Jyvaskyla University Printing House, 215 pages, 2007. Naumenko A., Katasonov A., Terziyan V., A Security Framework for Smart Ubiquitous Industrial Resources, In: R. Gonzalves, J.P. Muller, K. Mertins and M. Zelm (Eds.), In: Enterprise Interoperability II: New challenges and Approaches, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications (IESA-07), March 28-30, 2007, Madeira Island, Portugal, Springer, pp

23 UBIWARE publications up to 07.03.2008 (3)
Naumenko A., SEMANTICS-BASED ACCESS CONTROL - Ontologies and Feasibility Study of Policy Enforcement Function, In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST- 07), Barcelona, Spain - March 3-6, 2007, Volume Internet Technologies, INSTICC Press, pp Khriyenko O., Coordination of the Distributed Proactive Smart Resource, In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2007) as part of the 25th IASTED International Multi-Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS, Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2007, 7 pp. Katasonov A., Terziyan, V., Agent Communications with S-APL as the Content Language, In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'08), July 1-3, 2008, San Francisco, USA, 6 pp. (to be submitted 12 March). Katasonov A., Terziyan, V., Semantic Approach to Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA-2008), August 20-22, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic, IEEE CS Press, 8 pp. (submitted 31 January 2008). Terziyan V., Katasonov A., Global Understanding Environment: Applying Semantic and Agent Technologies to Industrial Automation, In: M. Lytras and P.O. Pablos (eds.), Emerging Topics and Technologies in Information Systems, IGI Global, 36 pp. (submitted 14 May 2007).

24 Next Meetings 8 May (Checkpoint 3)

25 Obtain More Information about UBIWARE from:
Head of UBIWARE Industrial Consortium (Steering Committee Head) Dr. Jouni Pyötsiä, Metso Automation Oy. , Tel.: UBIWARE Contact Person Prof. Timo Tiihonen, Vice-Rector, University of Jyväskylä , Tel.: UBIWARE Project Leader Prof. Vagan Terziyan, Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä , Tel.:

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