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ETNAR conference, Palić

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Presentation on theme: "ETNAR conference, Palić"— Presentation transcript:

1 ETNAR conference, Palić
Reports from the sessions on natural resources and energy and climate change

2 Presentations - EU legislation (Directives, Natura 200, EU Bidi strategy, CBD strategic plan- Aichi targets) - ecosystem services (TEEB, FoEI position) - land grabbing in Serbia (bad/missing legislation, Alliance for common goods)

3 Problems in the region Hydro power plants Water management Monitoring in PA Logging and forest fires

4 Which activities are present
Campaigns Direct actions Legal tools Networking

5 How ETNAR can help? Networking and capacity building Providing expertise Financial support (sub-grants) Advocacy support

6 Topics for regional work
Water management/ common campaign on HPP Waste management Air pollution Land grabbing


8 Open space Energy community Implementation of IPPC
Energy strategy Serbia Regional networking for advocacy local energy policy change Energy cooperatives Climate change in SEE Renewables in SEE

9 THANK YOU! Zelena akcija, Hr
Centar za životnu sredinu, BiH Zelena akcija, Hr

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