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Plate Tectonics.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics

2 How Plates Move

3 Different Types of Boundaries

4 Divergent Boundary – Arabian and African Plates
Arabian Plate Red Sea African Plate

5 Divergent Boundary – Iceland

6 Divergent Boundary - Oceanic

7 Divergent Boundary - Continental

8 Convergent Boundary – Indian and Eurasian Plates
Indian Plate

9 Convergent Boundary – Oceanic & Continental

10 Convergent Boundary – Oceanic & Oceanic
Note – plates are reversed &

11 Convergent Boundaries - Continental

12 Transform Boundary – San Andreas Fault

13 Review Name the 3 main layers of the Earth What is a tectonic plate?
What was Pangea? What is Sea-Floor spreading? Name the three different types of plate boundaries and one location on Earth for each one

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