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Wednesday, 28 November 2018 INNOCENT SWEEP.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, 28 November 2018 INNOCENT SWEEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, 28 November 2018 INNOCENT SWEEP

2 To each table, a task… C: content of the poem – what is it about?
L:What features of language can you spot that are interesting? Can you suggest what effect they have? I: What ideas is the poet trying to put across? Why has he written this poem? M: Does the poem have any particular mood? Is there a clash of tone ( how the poem feels) and mood? E: How do you respond to the poem, what effect does it have?

3 C A ballad, a childish rhyme, story telling.
Simple structure and comforting rhymes… But the last line doesn’t rhyme. Why? simple ballad which seems to tell the story of a group of children through the eyes of one particular boy. Children lead an awful life but the poem seems, at first glance to find hope.

4 L… Contrasts: Black and White or Darkness and Light are symbolic features of these poems. Why? L.4 “YOUR” chimneys. Effect? L20 never “WANT” joy. Meaning? Which is better? Why is there a deliberate confusion here? L.12 Coffins can link with chimneys… if chimneys vent fire do they come from Hell or Heaven? L.24 Seems like a proverb… why?

5 I… Dream: Escape to paradise is implied. Paradise seems to be like the countryside… we know from “London” that this is the world of innocence. Bright Key (L13) could be a reference to The key of HELL – Milton, Paradise Lost. Naked and white reflects Adam and Eve in Eden Angel is messenger of God – is his message good?

6 M… Final line might be a meaning. If so it requires us to believe that it is true. Does Blake help us to do so? What will happen to the boys if they “do their duty” as required? Is there a sense in which Religion might be tricking the boys?

7 E… Unsettling? The poem seems so straightforward, but is it?
Even if Tom is innocent, are we? (your chimneys and response to last line). Songs OF innocence… Of = ABOUT? If this is so, what are we being told about innocence here?

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