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Aim: How did the Han dynasty collapse

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1 Aim: How did the Han dynasty collapse
Aim: How did the Han dynasty collapse? What role did women have in the Han Dynasty? Do Now: As a king/queen of a large empire how would you ensure that the people in outlying areas were following your rules?

2 Papermaking Made out of wood pulp.
The Han probably made paper for the first time in 100 B.C.E The emperor found out about paper about 200 years later in 100 C.E.

3 Chinese paper

4 What are some surprises about this social structure?
The Structure of Han Society Emperor Local kings (appointed by Emperor) and governors Confucian scholars & Officials Peasants Artisans & Merchants Soldiers Slaves A complex bureaucracy helped the emperor rule. Taxation was critical, and farmers gave part of their crops to the government Peasants also had to work for the state one month of the year. What are some surprises about this social structure?

5 Agriculture versus Commerce
Chinese people considered agriculture the most and honored occupation “Agriculture is the foundation of the world. No duty is greater. Now if anyone personally follows this pursuit diligently, he has yet [to pay] the impositions of the land tax and the tax on produce… Let there be abolished the land tax and the tax on produce levied upon the cultivated fields.” Ban Gu and Ban Zhao History of the Former Han Dynasty

6 Social Structure Population grew to 60 million. New innovations in technology - such as better plow and wheelbarrow. Farmers were highly regarded (had higher status than merchants and soldiers).

7 Women

8 Women during the Han Dynasty
Liu Bang – emperor from His son became emperor, but in name only, he was too young. Empress Lu – ) First female ruler of China 2) used intimidation and violence to have succession go to her infant son 3) Served as the Regent and outlived her son 4) Named more infants as successors so she kept control. 5) They died under mystery circumstances 6) After she died in 180BC people who were loyal to Liu Bang t took control and executed her relatives The emperor would normally pick his favorite wife and his oldest or favorite son with her to be the next ruler This caused palace women and their families to compete for power.


10 Women during the Han Dynasty
Most women led quiet lives at home, in keeping with the Confucian idea of relationships What was the Confucian belief about relationships Woman should obey the husband.(superior and inferior) beliefs were key to Confucianism But some aristocratic women gained education and power at the royal court. "Lessons for Women" - a Handbook from the Han Dynasty Read the lessons and answer the questions with a partner (elbow buddy)

11 IX. The Fall of the Han Dynasty
Despite economic and cultural gains, Han emperors faced problems caused by the imbalance between the rich and the poor. A family’s land was equally divided among male heirs when a landowner died. This meant that each generation got smaller plots. On small plots, it was often hard to raise enough to eat. Large landowners often bought out small farmers. Since large landowners were not required to pay taxes, the government took in less money.

12 F. The gap between the rich and the poor widened.
G. At the royal court, there was too much behind-the-scenes intrigue and a period of weak rulers. H. Eventually, a Confucian scholar decided that the disorder was dangerous and seized the throne. This emperor tried to stabilize the country, but his plan to redistribute land to poor farmers angered nobles. J. A huge flood left millions homeless [natural disasters were a bad sign under the Mandate of Heaven]. K. Eventually, the dynasty crumbled, and China was divided into three kingdoms.

13 Final Assessment Read Poem and answer questions

14 Review from River Valley
I. Shang Dynasty (1700 BCE BCE) II. Zhou Dynasty (1027 BCE-256 BCE) A. Over time feudal lord’s allegiance to the King weakened 1. Fighting over land 2. Became more powerful than the emperor B. Strategies: 3 schools of thought emerged 1. Legalism 2. Confucianism 3. Daoism

15 1 Legalism Silently read the selection of Legalism and answer the question in a complete sentence in your notebook. Follow up: How would this system help maintain order?

16 2 Confucianism You are divided into 3 groups
An “elder” will be responsible for making sure you understand the information Students must treat elders with respect You must represent your group well by being able to answer questions correctly Follow up: How would this system help maintain order?

17 3 Daoism You may read the material alone or with others
You may sit wherever you choose You may respond to the question in any way you choose as long as you understand the material. You DO NOT want to bring attention to yourself. This is an atmosphere of peace and quiet. Play Daoist music

18 Activity Completion Compare & Contrast:
Your in class experience with the characteristics of Legalism, Confucianism, Daoism

19 Summary Which way did you prefer to learn? Why?
What are the pros and cons of each system? Consider both our experience and governmental systems.

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