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Southeastern Tribes.

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1 Southeastern Tribes

2 Caddo Indians Location Northeastern Texas
Parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana

3 Caddo Indians Sedentary Farmers
Grew maize Established several homesteads and villages Built Spiro mounds for worship and rituals

4 Caddo Indians Built dome shaped huts to live in.
Organized government system. Greeted Europeans with the word “Tejas”

5 Wichita Indians Location North central Texas
Also found in Oklahoma and Kansas

6 Wichita Indians Sedentary Grew corn, beans, and squash
Hunted buffalo, deer, rabbit, turkey Established several large villages along river systems

7 Wichita Indians Known for tattoos around their eyes known as “raccoon eyes.”

8 Apache Indians Location Western panhandle
Also lived in New Mexico and Arizona Lived in farming communities along the river called rancherias for part of the year.

9 Apache Indians Nomadic
Known to be fierce warriors and skillful fighters Hunted buffalo Used hide as protection from harsh landscape.

10 Tigua Indians Location Far west Texas New Mexico

11 Tigua Indians Sedentary Farmers Traders Lived in pueblos
Would trade Comanche Indians for meat and hides Lived in pueblos

12 Assignment Complete the state map showing different Indian tribes
Comanche -Jumano Apache -Tigua Cohiltecan -Caddo Atapakans -Wichita Karankawa Make sure to include major cities and a map key that shows the different Indian tribes Dallas -Houston Austin -San Antonio Fort Worth -Brownsville El Paso -Amarillo

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