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Framing Grade 1 Math Instruction Session 4

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1 Framing Grade 1 Math Instruction Session 4
February 9, 2017

2 Participation Norms Be ready to fully participate Minimize “air time”
Take risk Celebrate accomplishments Ask tables to discuss each of the participation norms for the cohort. What should each norm look like? Are there any other norms we should add? Our participation over the school year should focus on learning and implementation rather than frustrations and complaints.

3 Discourse Norms Listen and think about what others say Share ideas
Learn from mistakes Ask questions Learn from trying new things Please look over the discourse norms as a table. What should each norm look like? Are there any we should add? Why do we have discourse norms in addition to participation norms? These norms are helpful in the classroom for students as they remind us of specific ways to participate in math activities and conversations. Although I generally avoid absolutes when it comes to describing good teaching, I will highlight a few common instructional practices that feed a negative classroom climate, thus working against belongingness. First, many math classrooms emphasize competition. Whether this comes from formal races, timed tests, or just students’ constant comparison of grades, competition sends a strong message that some people are more mathematically able than others. This is problematic because there is typically one kind of smartness that leads students to “win” these competitions: quick and accurate calculation. To paraphrase mathematician John Allen Paulos, nobody tells you that you cannot be a writer because you are not a fast typist; yet we regularly communicate to students that they cannot be mathematicians because they do not compute quickly.

4 Mathematics Norms Task require more than simply the answer
Use words, pictures, and numbers to communicate connections Use academic vocabulary Use mistakes to support rich learning about mathematics What would each norm look like? Are there any other mathematics norms we should add? How could establishing mathematics norms be helpful in the classroom?

5 Unit 13: Three Dimensional Figures
Stuff What Students “DO” 1.6B Distinguish between attributes that define a two-dimensional or three-dimensional figure and attributes that do not define the shape. 1.6E Identify three-dimensional solids, including spheres, cones, cylinders, rectangular prisms (including cubes), and triangular prisms, and describe their attributes using formal geometric language 1.1A apply math in everyday life 1.1B use a problem solving model 1.1C select tools 1.1D communicate mathematical ideas 1.1E create and use representations 1.1F Analyze mathematical relationships 1.1G Display, explain and justify

6 You and your group have just won the cruise of a lifetime!
Today you and your table group will be cruising each of the 6 geometry stations. Instruction cards are at each of the stations. Your group may move about leisurely to each station. If a station is occupied, just skip it at this time and come back to it when it is open. The expectation for each station is for you to work through the station (constructing, recording, and reflecting) as your students would. . After you and your group completes a station, construct 3 questions that you might ask students as you visit the station. Write the 3 questions on a sticky note and post on the chart paper hung beside the station. Please write only one question per sticky note. Each group has a different color of sticky notes to use

7 Types of Questions Question Type Description Example
Gathering Information Student recalls, definitions or procedures How many rectangles did you count on that prism? Probing Thinking Student explain, elaborate, or clarify their thinking Why were the two square ends included in your count? Making the Mathematics Visible Students discuss mathematical structures and make connections among mathematical ideas and relationships Would you still be able to create a cube if the square faces were different sizes? Explain how you might test this idea? Encouraging Reflection and Justification Students reveal deeper understanding of their reasoning and actions What makes a cone different from a cylinder? Ask teachers to sort their sticky note questions for the stations by question types. Once they are sorted place them on the appropriate labeled chart on the wall.

8 As a table, what types of questions did you brainstorm?

9 Jigsaw This time Teachers will visit the excursion station posters to record example questions for the various types.

10 Unit 12: Fractions and Time to the Half Hour
Stuff What Students “DO” 1.6G Partition two-dimensional figures into two and four fair shares or equal parts and describe the parts using words. 1.6H Identify examples and non-examples of halves and fourths. 1.7E Tell time to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks. 1.1A apply math in everyday life 1.1B use a problem solving plan 1.1C select tools 1.1D communicate mathematical ideas 1.1E create and use representations 1.1F Analyze mathematical relationships 1.1G Display, explain and justify Ten-Frames; Cuisenaire Rods; Sum Blox

11 Hand Clocks Materials: Chart paper Washable paint

12 Play-Doh Fractions Play-Doh Tools Plastic cup to make circles
Square cookie cutter Triangle cookie cutter Craft Stick Play-Doh Mat

13 Strengthening Focal Points
Place Value Adding and Subtracting a Number by Ten Basic Facts



16 It’s a Ten Directions: Each Team places their game piece on start.
Shuffle the game cards and place them face down in a pile. Team 1 will take the top card from the deck and determine if the next space has the value of their card plus or minus ten. If the answer there Team 1 will move their game piece to that space/box; if not the game piece remains where it is and Team 1s turn is over. After each turn, put your team’s card face down on the bottom of the pile. Team 2 will repeat the same process. Whichever team makes it to home first wins the game.

17 It’s a Ten Reflection Things to look for:
Do students randomly choose a number to add/subtract 10 or do they recognize a choice that will allow them to move their game piece forward? Do students have automaticity when adding 10 to a number? Subtracting 10 from a number? Do they demonstrate an understanding when moving from 2-digit to 3-digit numbers?

18 In Order Cards Directions:
Shuffle cards and deal 5 cards to each team and place the rest of the deck face down in a pile. Teams order their 5 cards from greatest to least, then each team will draw 5 additional cards without looking at them. Once both teams have their cards, the game starts. The first team to add the 5 newly drawn cards to their order line up correctly wins that round. Return all cards to the deck and shuffle well. Repeat the process for two additional rounds. The team that wins two out of the three wins the game.

19 In Order Card Reflection
Things to look for: What language did you hear? Formal mathematical language? What strategies were students using to order the cards? Did students struggle moving from 2-digit numbers to 3-digit? Did you observe any misconceptions?

20 Modeling Strip Diagrams
4 + 2 = ? ?

21 Planning Reflection How many days did you devote to a specific TEKS for instruction? How will you spiral kindergarten skills that support your upcoming instruction? How have you ensured that quality questions are asked to promote student understanding?

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