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Smart Lighting and Smart Cities

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Lighting and Smart Cities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Lighting and Smart Cities
Get Smart: Smart Lighting and Smart Cities Paul Brown

2 These are the first images on google when I searched for smart cities.
…not very helpful something future, something colourful, something complex…. In addition they aim to do things better, more efficiently and in a more sustainable manner…. 2

3 What if there were no road signs?
What is Smart? …..or no rubbish collection? What if there were no road signs? What if there was no rubbish collection? When there is no electricity things are very busy at the bins at the back of the supermarket to rescue the ice cream… What would we do without electricity? What if there were no road signs? 3

4 "I’ll know it when I see it"
What is a Smart City? The smart city sector is still in the "I’ll know it when I see it" phase, without a universally agreed definition. Street lights are awesome for smart cities because they are: 1. Wherever people are 2. High on a pole – great for communicability and visual ability to see what is happening in a street 3. Have low cost electricity already there 4

5 A Smart City.... Pictures are
The sensor is telling the Council that the light is not working… The communications system takes that information and tells the councils parks maintenance teams to go and fix it. A software developer created an app that told the cyclist the light was working again and he could safely travel that route at night… 5

6 A Smart City.... Gathers data from smart devices and sensors
Pictures are The sensor is telling the Council that the light is not working… The communications system takes that information and tells the councils parks maintenance teams to go and fix it. A software developer created an app that told the cyclist the light was working again and he could safely travel that route at night… 6

7 A Smart City.... Gathers data from smart devices and sensors
Shares data via smart communications system  Pictures are The sensor is telling the Council that the light is not working… The communications system takes that information and tells the councils parks maintenance teams to go and fix it. A software developer created an app that told the cyclist the light was working again and he could safely travel that route at night… 7

8 A Smart City.... Gathers data from smart devices and sensors
Shares data via smart communications system  Smart software creates valuable information & services Pictures are The sensor is telling the Council that the light is not working… The communications system takes that information and tells the councils parks maintenance teams to go and fix it. A software developer created an app that told the cyclist the light was working again and he could safely travel that route at night… 8

9 A Smart City.... Gathers data from smart devices and sensors
Shares data via smart communications system  Smart software creates valuable information & services Pictures are The sensor is telling the Council that the light is not working… The communications system takes that information and tells the councils parks maintenance teams to go and fix it. A software developer created an app that told the cyclist the light was working again and he could safely travel that route at night… 9

10 Smart Cities and Public Lighting
Street lights are awesome for smart cities because they are: 1. Wherever people are 2. High on a pole – great for communicability and visual ability to see what is happening in a street 3. Have low cost electricity already there 10

11 What are councils doing?
Planning Being Open (ish) Piloting and Doing Pics 1: Controllable (for events, emergency services etc.) 2. Fault reporting. Asset mgt 3. Programmable and accessible platform. Compatible with other systems, future proofed 11

12 1. Planning Parramatta will know it when it sees it… Pics
1: Controllable (for events, emergency services etc.) 2. Fault reporting. Asset mgt 3. Programmable and accessible platform. Compatible with other systems, future proofed 12

13 2. Being open (ish) Benchmarking Open data 13

14 3. Pilots & projects Pilot/experiment/innovate
Adelaide: Current pilots… Innovation hub Environmental Monitoring, Smart Lighting and Smart Parking 14

15 Australian Government
Co-ordinated investment for LG,s State and Feds Open for Expressions of interest now for “City Deals” Pics 1: Controllable (for events, emergency services etc.) 2. Fault reporting. Asset mgt 3. Programmable and accessible platform. Compatible with other systems, future proofed 15

16 Position of councils? Key players are:
Gov’t (all 3 levels) Private providers Community Innovators Collaborative systems make sense Negotiating & advocating agreement with other levels of government is important… Pics 1: Controllable (for events, emergency services etc.) 2. Fault reporting. Asset mgt 3. Programmable and accessible platform. Compatible with other systems, future proofed 16

17 Where next for "Smart” Public Lighting?
Confirm need Negotiate or Sponsor Plan/Fund Deliver Expand……. Pics 1: Controllable (for events, emergency services etc.) 2. Fault reporting. Asset mgt 3. Programmable and accessible platform. Compatible with other systems, future proofed 17

18 Questions/comments Paul Brown

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