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Welcome to 7th Grade Math

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1 Welcome to 7th Grade Math 2018-2019

2 Classroom Rules Be your BEST! Be PREPARED!
Be MINDFUL of no food or beverages Be RESPECTFUL to yourself, others, and our school

3 Coulwood STEM School Wide Consequences
1st - Verbal Warning 2nd - Classroom Intervention 3rd – Lunch Detention and/or In-Class Isolation (reflection zone) and/or Bounced 4th – BMT removal to CDP 5th – Referral to administration/BMT, CDP, OSS ***It’s simple…Just follow the rules!***

4 Cell Phones/Technology
NO Cell Phones at desks. Cell Phones and other non-Coulwood Technology is to be kept in your book bag Failure to do so will result in the following Step 1 – Friendly reminder to put away Step 2 - Loss of Item for Block & Parent Contact Step 3 – Loss of Item until End of Day & Parent Conference Step 4 –Loss of Item until Parent comes to pick it up

5 Food & Drinks Absolutely no food unless approved by Mr. Archer
Gum is permitted so long as it’s not distracting Any other candy should be approved by your current teacher, even if you got it last block as a reward, just ask before you eat it. Clear WATER bottles/containers are permitted NO juice, Gatorades, sodas, etc. Must have a top CMS policy

6 Entering the room Class time End of class
Bag Zone – put in locker/closet Warm-Up – Everyday first 8 minutes Daily Materials Needed – Found outside classroom and on whiteboard Class time Put your hand in the air – wait patiently! Bathroom breaks – Homeroom/Open Lunch/Escort only Emergencies End of class Exit Ticket – Last 5 minutes of instruction Clean up – Last 3 minutes of class time Transition procedures – quietly in a line

7 Beginning of Class Enter quietly or we will practice until we get it right! Individuals who can not get it together and follow procedure will have a BMT or Student Support staff member to call home immediately! Materials Need For Today 1 outside door 1 on White Board Book Bag Zone Get everything you need for the day! THERE’S NO GOING BACK WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE! Cellphones/ Technology Students MUST be seated and working within 2 minutes of entering Warm- Up

8 Warm-Up Everyday there will be a Warm-Up copy in the Materials Needed Basket as you enter on the first day of the week. Work will also be on SMARTboard before you enter along with the time you have to work on it. ALL students are expected to complete the problem set by SHOWING ALL WORK!!! Even if you aren’t sure, YOU MUST SHOW ME THAT YOU TRIED!!! 2 minutes per problem! EOG Ready!!! We will review the “Warm-Up” together as a class, be ready to share your answers. You are responsible for fixing your mistakes. Warm-Ups will be graded on a daily basis. Credit is receive based on the following: 1.) All problems are ATTEMPTED 2.) All correct work is shown (remember we go over it!) 3.) Put your name on it! NO NAME = NO CREDIT!!!

9 Instructional Time Put your hand in the air!
How to make partners or move from you seat Bathroom Breaks Class Materials

10 Pencils If you do not have a pencil, you may borrow a pencil, however if this becomes a habit their will be consequences If you need to sharpen your pencil, please raise your hand with your pencil in hand, and I will sharpen it for you or trade you out for a new one Personal Hand Sharpeners Encouraged

11 End of Class Exit Tickets
Clean up. Make my room nicer than you found it! (Great way to earn a reward!!!) Exiting Procedures

12 Grading 65% Formal 35% Informal EOG A = 90-100% B = 80-89%
C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = < 59% EOG 5 = > 80% 4 = 56-79% 3 = 52-55% 2 = 39-51% 1 = < 39%

13 Class Work & Homework Everyday we will have Class Work to complete, students who work diligently or simply run out of time will have the opportunity to take it home and return it the next class for full credit. Students not focus and/or distracting you will receive the grade for the work you have completed, additional credit maybe gained during OPEN LUNCH ONLY. Class Work Grading Policy ALL work attempted and ALL work shown = Check Plus 100% Most of the work attempt and work shown = Check 85% Only answers and no work = Check Minus 70% Roughly half done = 50% Less than half = 0%

14 Weekly Homework will be assigned on the 1st day of each week, usually Mondays
Review based questions, nothing we haven’t covered already 5 problems per day Work at your own pace Friday’s I will come around and give students who have attempted all problems on a separate sheet of paper, recorded their answers on the Homework paper, and followed all directions will be given a “Stamp of Approval” Friday Night the Weekly Homework Answers will be put up on my website, you may look over the answers to check how you did, copy any questions you were completely lost on, and also to highlight any issues/questions you may have that you couldn’t figure out on your own to ask me in our next class Monday’s students will turn in the assignment (Homework Paper & Work paper stapled together with name on any sheets)

15 Students who turn the assignment on time with my “Stamp of Approval” will receive full credit
Students who turn the assignment on time without the “Stamp of Approval” will receive a reduced grade. Students who turn in partial work will receive partial credit will receive the according grade Students who turn in less than 50% of the assignment receive a Zero

16 Weekly Homework Grading Policy
100 points will be awarded for homework based on the following: Showing ALL work/ Stamp of Approval = 20 points Completing the assignment on time = 70 points Neatness/Organization/Following Directions/Name on paper = 10 points

17 Classroom Materials Spiral Notebook Folder with pockets
Pencils…EXTRA PENCILS, So many pencils!!! *** NO PENS!!! THEY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE WRITING TOOLS IN MATH CLASS!!! YOU WILL MAKE A MISTAKE AT SOME POINT THIS YEAR (and that’s okay, if you have a pencil)***

18 Extra Help If you do not understand the directions, please ask!!!
If you do not understand a math concept, PLEASE COME FOR EXTRA HELP!!! I am available during homeroom. I am available during Open Lunch I am available after school. (Parental Consent Form) PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EXTRA HELP BEING OFFERED.

19 Exit Ticket Write down at least 4 things you have ever learned in a Math class You can go allllllll the way back to 1st grade, I don’t care how basic the concept is

20 Keep this as a reminder to when things get rough this year, you’ve learned a lot, and you will continue to learn. Stay positive!!

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