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WASH Objective 1: Affected people have safe and equitable access to a sufficient quantity of water for domestic needs, per sector's standards Indicator.

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Presentation on theme: "WASH Objective 1: Affected people have safe and equitable access to a sufficient quantity of water for domestic needs, per sector's standards Indicator."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASH Objective 1: Affected people have safe and equitable access to a sufficient quantity of water for domestic needs, per sector's standards Indicator Activities Number of people having adequate access to temporary safe water facilities and services Water trucking in m3/per month Cash for water in m3/per month Distribution of treatment tablets in m3/per month of water that can be treated Number of people gaining access to adequate safe water facilities and services per sector's standards through new construction and rehabilitation of water systems Borehole Small Solar Construction Borehole Small Solar Rehabilitation Borehole Small Motorised Construction Borehole Small Motorised Rehabilitation Borehole Small Dual Solar-Generator Construction Borehole Small Dual Solar-Generator Rehabilitation Borehole Medium Solar Construction Borehole Medium Solar Rehabilitation Borehole Medium Motorised Construction Borehole Medium Motorised Rehabilitation Borehole Medium Dual-Solar-Generator Construction Borehole Medium Dual-Solar-Generator Rehabilitation Borehole Big Solar Construction Borehole Big Solar Rehabilitation Borehole Big Motorised Construction Borehole Big Motorised Rehabilitation Borehole Big Dual Solar-Generator Construction Borehole Big Dual Solar-Generator Rehabilitation Borehole Handpump Construction Borehole Handpump Rehabilitation Borehole Dual Solar-Handpump Construction Borehole Dual Solar-Handpump Rehabilitation Number of people whose water systems functionality is supported by sustained operations and maintenance (boreholes, pumps, solar panels, overhead tanks, taps, chlorination including monitoring of free residual chlorine, etc) Fuel provision for water in m3/per month of water that can be extracted *WASHCOMs Establishment and Training **Operation & Maintenance Monitoring Maintenance/Repair Kits Provision to WASHCOMs ***Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Parts of Handpumps ***Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Parts of Solar System Parts ***Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Parts of Generator System Parts ***Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Parts of Electric Pumps *WASHCOM should be trained on (Financial Management [including Tariff Collection], Chlorination, Basic Mechanical Operation and Maintenance, Basic Hygiene Promotion, Community Mobilization, Monitoring*) – Data will also be collected on gender distribution of committee members. **For monitoring refer to WASH guidelines for list of monitoring activities --- This should be done by the established and trained WASHCOM members and analysis should be based on the number of times suggested by the Technical Standards ***For the list of activities in this subcategory, please refer to WASHCOM Guidelines + WASH Sector Technical Working Group will define basic standardized list of activities/spare parts under “Repair” “Maintenance” and “Replacement”.

2 Number of people gaining access to household latrines
WASH Objective 2: Affected people have access to improved sanitation facilities, per sector's standards Indicator Activities Number of IDPs in camps gaining access to gender segregated sanitation facilities and services (latrines, showers, handwashing stations) *Female Latrine Emergency Construction *Gender Marking of Constructed Emergency Latrines *Female Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation *Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Emergency Latrines *Male Latrine Emergency Construction *Male Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation *Female Disabled Latrine Emergency Construction *Female Disabled Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation *Male Disabled Latrine Emergency Construction *Male Disabled Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation *Gender Marking of Constructed Emergency Disabled Latrines *Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Emergency Disabled Latrines *Female Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction *Gender Marking of Constructed VIP Latrines *Female Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation *Male Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction *Male Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation *Gender Marking of Rehabilitated VIP Latrines **Female Emergency showers Construction **Gender Marking of Constructed Emergency Showers **Female Emergency Showers Rehabilitation **Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Emergency Showers **Male Emergency showers Construction **Male Emergency Showers Rehabilitation ** Female Mid-term Showers Construction **Gender Marking of Constructed Mid-term Showers ** Female Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation ** Male Mid-term Showers Construction ** Male Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation **Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Mid-term Showers Handwashing Stations Installation *Female Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction *Gender Marking of Constructed VIP Disabled Latrines *Female Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation *Male Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction *Male Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation *Gender Marking of Rehabilitated VIP Disabled Latrines **Female Disabled Emergency showers Construction **Gender Marking of Constructed Disabled Emergency Showers **Female Disabled Emergency Showers Rehabilitation **Male Disabled Emergency showers Construction **Male Disabled Emergency Showers Rehabilitation ** Female Disabled Mid-term Showers Construction **Gender Marking of Constructed Disabled Mid-term Showers ** Female Disabled Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation ** Male Disabled Mid-term Showers Construction ** Male Disabled Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation **Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Disabled Mid-term Showers Number of people gaining access to household latrines Latrine Household Construction Latrine Household Rehabilitation Number of people benefiting from sustained desludging and cleaning of their latrines/showers Latrine (VIP) Institution Desludging Latrine Emergency Desludging Latrine (VIP) Institution Cleaning and Disinfection Latrine Emergency Cleaning and Disinfection Latrine Disabled Cleaning and Disinfection ***Establishment and Training of Rotational Sanitation Committee ****Sanitation Committee Kits distribution *****Latrine Sludge Dumping Site Preparation (Excavation, Compaction, Disinfection, and Fencing) Latrine desludging and cleaning and disinfection Monitoring Shower cleaning and disinfection monitoring Refilling of handwashing stations Number of people benefiting from sustained environmental sanitation services (solid waste management) Cleaning Campaigns2 (Campaigns/Month) Solid waste management committee kits3 (for camps) Communal Refuse Pit Excavation for incineration and burial (per camp) *Key Emergency Latrine features– 1. Unlined Pit, 2. Plastic Slab, 3. A plastic sheeting superstructure or local material (bamboo, thatch, etc)…. Key VIP Latrine features – 1. Lined pit, 2. Ventilation Pipe, 3. Reinforced concrete slab, 4. Zinc superstructure including roof ** key Emergency Shower features: 1. A plastic sheeting superstructure or local material (bamboo, thatch, etc) 2. An unlined floor (made of stone, gravels, etc), 3. Draining away wastewater to the open (no soak-away pit) ….. Mid-term Showers – 1. Reinforced concrete lined floor, 2. Zinc super-structure 3. Zinc roofed super-structure 4. Drains wastewater to a soak-away pit ***Sanitation Committee should be trained on (refer to guidelines) – Collect Data on the gender distribution of committee members (1 member to 20 chambers), **** Refer to the guidelines to see what is in the kits ***** Include the list of activities for latrine dumping site preparation

3 WASH Objective 3: Affected people benefit from community tailored hygiene messages for improve hygienic practices and behaviours per sector’s standard Indicator Activities Number of people benefiting from community-tailored hygiene messages for improve hygiene practices and behaviours *Establishment and training of female and male hygiene promotion volunteers **Provision of Hygiene Promotion Training Materials (IEC Kit) to volunteers Hygiene Promotion leaflets/flyers Distribution Hygiene Promotion House to House Visit Hygiene Promotion Focus Group Sessions Hygiene Promotion Mass Campaigns (Radio/TV) Hygiene Promotion Speaker Campaigns Hygiene Promotion other campaigns (theater, show, cleaning) ***Monitoring of Hygiene Promotion Activities * Training curriculum to be defined by HPTWiG ** HPTWiG to inform us on what materials should be included in the kit *** Refer to technical guidelines/HPTiG for this

4 WASH Objective 4: Affected people benefit from basic hygiene items including top-ups, per sector’s standard Indicator Activities Number of people benefiting from basic hygiene items including top-ups. *Initial hygiene kit Distribution *Replenishment hygiene kit Distribution Post Distribution Monitoring Number of children admitted for SAM treatment having received WASH-Nut NFIs **WASH-Nut NFI Kits distribution *Refer to the guidelines for a list of Hygiene Kits ** WASH-Nut NFI Kits list will need to be defined and included in the reviewed technical guidelines

5 WASH Objective 5: Support institutions (such as health and nutrition centers, and schools) with adequate Water and sanitation facilities Indicator Activities Number of health and nutrition centres and schools provided with adequate safe water facilities and services Water trucking in m3/per month Cash for water in m3/per month Distribution of treatment tablets in m3/per month of water that can be treated Borehole Small Solar Construction Borehole Small Solar Rehabilitation Borehole Small Motorised Construction Borehole Small Motorised Rehabilitation Borehole Small Dual Solar-Generator Construction Borehole Small Dual Solar-Generator Rehabilitation Borehole Medium Solar Construction Borehole Medium Solar Rehabilitation Borehole Medium Motorised Construction Borehole Medium Motorised Rehabilitation Borehole Medium DualSolar-Generator Construction Borehole Medium DualSolar-Generator Rehabilitation Borehole Big Solar Construction Borehole Big Solar Rehabilitation Borehole Big Motorised Construction Borehole Big Motorised Rehabilitation Borehole Big Dual Solar-Generator Construction Borehole Big Dual Solar-Generator Rehabilitation Borehole Handpump Construction Borehole Handpump Rehabilitation Borehole Dual Solar-Handpump Construction Borehole Dual Solar-Handpump Rehabilitation Number of health and nutrition centres and schools provided with adequate gender segregated sanitation facilities and services (latrine, showers, handwashing) Placing of solid waste bins (10L)1 for schools and temporary learning spaces **Female Latrine Emergency Construction **Gender Marking of Constructed Emergency Latrines **Female Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation **Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Emergency Latrines **Male Latrine Emergency Construction **Male Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation **Female Disabled Latrine Emergency Construction **Female Disabled Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation **Male Disabled Latrine Emergency Construction **Male Disabled Latrine Emergency Rehabilitation **Gender Marking of Constructed Emergency Disabled Latrines **Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Emergency Disabled Latrines **Female Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction **Gender Marking of Constructed VIP Latrines **Female Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation **Male Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction **Male Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation **Gender Marking of Rehabilitated VIP Latrines ***Female Emergency showers Construction ***Gender Marking of Constructed Emergency Showers ***Female Emergency Showers Rehabilitation ***Male Emergency showers Construction ***Male Emergency Showers Rehabilitation *** Female Mid-term Showers Construction ***Gender Marking of Constructed Mid-term Showers *** Female Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation *** Male Mid-term Showers Construction *** Male Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation *** Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Mid-term Showers Handwashing Stations Installation *Female Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction *Gender Marking of Constructed VIP Disabled Latrines *Female Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation *Male Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Construction *Male Disabled Latrine (VIP) Institution Rehabilitation *Gender Marking of Rehabilitated VIP Disabled Latrines ***Female Disabled Emergency showers Construction ***Gender Marking of Constructed Disabled Emergency Showers ***Female Disabled Emergency Showers Rehabilitation ***Male Disabled Emergency showers Construction ***Male Disabled Emergency Showers Rehabilitation ***Female Disabled Mid-term Showers Construction ***Gender Marking of Constructed Disabled Mid-term Showers ***Female Disabled Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation ***Male Disabled Mid-term Showers Construction ***Male Disabled Mid-term Showers Rehabilitation ***Gender Marking of Rehabilitated Disabled Mid-term Showers

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