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DOs & DON’Ts of Marketing

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Presentation on theme: "DOs & DON’Ts of Marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 DOs & DON’Ts of email Marketing
The only actions that create results are those that make you stand out above the crowd, attract, engage, and win more customers than your competition. Presenter: Gloria Lau – VP – Client Relations 1 of 20

2 What we’ll be discussing today:
DOs DON’Ts Send an with a clear goal Automate the Outreach Process Personalize your Make sure your s can be read on mobile devices Track your metrics Keep s simple Be honest and transparent Separate yourself from the crowd Be a Spammer Write boring s Forget your links Forget to test your s Concentrate only on the sale Go overboard 2 of 20

3 The Evolution of Email Marketing
What matters today: Targeting Personalization Value Graduate enrollment increased nearly 40 percent over the past decade. How are you tapping into this market? 3 of 20

4 DO Send Emails With A Clear Goal In Mind
Never send an without a purpose in mind. Have a call-to-action and focus on it. What you write should support that goal. Get rid of anything distracting. Fact: Including a call to action button instead of a text link can increase conversion rates by as much as 28%. 4 of 20

5 DON’T Be A Spammer Make it clear who you are in your emails.
Include several ways a customer might contact you. Avoid sending too many s over too short a period of time. Make it easy to unsubscribe from your s. Fact: 13% of recipients in 2016 marked an as SPAM because they could not find full company details within the body. 5 of 20

6 DO Automate The Outreach Process
Create content in advance. Think of sequences. Create a mental picture of the road ahead. Fact: Marketers who leverage automation have seen conversion rates as high as 50%. 6 of 20

7 DON’T Write Boring Emails
Subject lines should be short and attention-grabbing. Add cool, relevant images. Keep salesy content at a minimum. Keep your prospect wanting to know more. 7 of 20

8 DO Personalize Your Emails
Use your recipients names. Build a ‘persona’ for each segment—a list of general demographic details and interests that apply to the general group. Utilize time and location. Make reference to when an is being sent. Fact: Marketers have noted a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns. 9 of 20

9 DON’T Forget Your Links
Offer users the opportunity to click- through to the programs and careers you offer. Consider including a sidebar with icons and links similar to the ones on your website. Active questions (for example “Isn’t it time you did X instead of Y?”) tend to resonate. Call to action must be in-line with what makes your school stand out. 10 of 20

10 DO Ensure Your Emails Are Easy To Read On Mobile Devices
Reduce the size of your images through compression. Make use of an HTML editor to alter the style of your so that the images are sized by screen rather than by pixel. Increase the size of your buttons and links. Consider investing in a responsive template. Avoid overloading your s with rich media. Fact: Google has been mentioning the importance of mobile responsive sites and has said the increase in ranking factor will become largely apparent next year. 11 of 20

11 DO Track Your Emails & Monitor Progress
Track metrics such as conversions, click- through rates, bounces, subscription rates, and unsubscribe rates. And if you track open rates, make sure you only consider them in conjunction with other metrics. Open Rates as a metric are functionally useless on their own. 12 of 20

12 Questions? 13 of 20

13 DO Keep Your Emails Simple But Enticing
Single core message. read times tend towards fifteen seconds on Android, and three seconds on iOS. Make your s short and sweet. Even newsletters shouldn’t be more than a few hundred words at the absolute longest. 14 of 20

14 DON’T Send Emails Without Testing, Editing, and Proofreading
s should be treated the same as web pages or blog posts. Proofread. Test them on multiple devices Share your message with others so they can serve as a fresh set of eyes. TEST – TEST - TEST 15 of 20

15 DO Be Honest and Transparent
Be upfront about the content your will offer. Don’t underestimate how much people appreciate transparency. People will appreciate it if you’re clear about what you get by signing up. Fact: 68% of recipients say they base their decision to open an on the ‘From’ name. 16 of 20

16 DON’T Focus Solely on the Sale
marketing is about cultivating relationships. People will start to unsubscribe if they don’t see anything for them in your message. You need to give people something of value. s aren’t just sales pitches. 17 of 20

17 DO Give Your Emails A Distinct “Flair”
s should be pleasing to the eye. They should be empathetic, considerate and most importantly, creative. s should be the sort of thing recipients want to forward to their coworkers, friends and/or family. 18 of 20

18 DON’T Go Overboard Some s turn ‘trying too hard’ into an art form. They’re overloaded with too many images. Repeat the recipient’s name like some sort of cult mantra. There is too much to distract your recipient from your goal. 19 of 20

Bottom Line ALWAYS PUT RECIPIENTS FIRST. Thank you and safe s! Stop by again at 3:30PM for our next presentation on Data Privacy Presented by: Gloria Lau – Client Relations Manager 20 of 20

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