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Complete Or Incomplete Metamorphosis ?.

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Presentation on theme: "Complete Or Incomplete Metamorphosis ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete Or Incomplete Metamorphosis ?

2 What are the two types of metamorphosis?
incomplete metamorphosis complete metamorphosis

3 How many stages are there in incomplete metamorphosis?
There are three stages in incomplete metamorphosis.

4 Name the stages of incomplete metamorphosis.
egg nymph adult

5 How many stages are there in complete metamorphosis?
There are four stages in complete metamorphosis.

6 Name the stages in complete metamorphosis.
egg 2. larva pupa adult

7 Identify the cycle as complete or incomplete metamorphosis.

8 Identify the cycle as complete or incomplete metamorphosis.

9 We hope these questions did not
“bug” you too much!

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