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Autumn 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn 1

2 Key Instant Recall Facts
Autumn 1a Key Instant Recall Facts This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Say the number names in order to 5 Know all the number bonds to 5 (then moving to 10) Know all the number bonds to 20 Know all the number bonds for each number to 20 Red Orange Yellow Green Example of number bonds to 5: All number bonds to 10: = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 Five teddies are sitting on a shelf, 1 fell off, how many are left? Four are left! Well done, that was quick!

3 Helpful hints for parents
Autumn 1a Helpful hints for parents Use objects to consider the bonds in a practical way. Look at the patterns with both objects and numbers e.g. as one number increases the other one decreases. Practise with the numbers in order and chosen randomly - remember the aim is for the child to be able to respond immediately. Key vocabulary Add, Total, How many more to make?, Altogether Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! There are 5 ladybirds on the leaf. Two fly away, how many are left? Play number ping pong! Start by saying 'ping', child replies with 'pong'. Repeat and then convert to numbers i.e. say '2' and they reply '8' (number bonds to 10) 3 ladybirds! How do you know? Well, 2 add 3 make 5. What's hidden? There are 5 beans on this plate, I hide some under a beaker - how many have I hidden? Playing cards: Take out the picture cards from the deck of cards. Include the jokers as 'zero'. 1) Play snap by matching the number bonds. 2) Play the 'memory game' to find matching number bonds. I have 7p in my purse. How much more do I need to make 10p? 3p! Why? Because 3p and 7p totals 10p Dominoes: Connect two dominoes to make the bond. I have 18 cm of ribbon, I cut off 14 cm. How much ribbon is left? Songs and rhymes e.g. 5 speckled frogs, 10 in a bed, 10 green bottles 4 centimetres. Are you sure? Yes, because I know that 4 and 14 make 18 altogether. Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record?

4 Key Instant Recall Facts
Autumn 1b This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know all number bonds for each number to 20 Know all number bonds to 100 Know all decimals that total 1 or 10 (1 decimal place) Know all previous number bonds including decimals Know the two place decimal complements of 1 Green Blue Purple Lilac Example of number bonds to 100: All decimal bonds to 1: = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 10; = 10 so = 3.8; = 6.2 = 10; = 10 = 5.1; = 4.9 Example of decimal bonds to 10: I have a metre of string. I use 67cm to wrap my parcel. How much string is left? Well done, that was quick! 33cm are left!

5 Make it real! Make it fun! Helpful hints for parents
Autumn 1b Create regular, short opportunities for rapid fire questions where an instant correct answer is required Use objects to consider the bonds in a practical way Look at the patterns with both objects and numbers e.g. as one number increases the other one decreases Practise with the numbers in order and chosen randomly - remember the aim is for the child to be able to respond immediately Key vocabulary How many more to make? altogether, make, sum, total, how much more is…than…, …difference between Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! Jack has £1, he spends 30p. How much change does he get? Play number ping pong! Start by saying 'ping', child replies with 'pong'. Repeat and then convert to numbers i.e. say '0.3' and they reply '0.7' (decimal bonds to 1) 70p! Are you sure? Yes, the sum of 70p and 30p is 100p - that's £1 What's hidden? There are 17 beans on this plate, I hide some under a beaker - how many have I hidden? (bonds for each number to 20) A bag of sugar contains 1 kg. If I use 340g how much will I have left? Playing cards: Remove picture cards and the 10s. Play snap treating each card as tenths. When you have a pair which total 1, shout snap and explain why e.g = 1 660 grams! How do you know? The difference between 1000 grams and 660g is 340g. Dice: Roll two die treat them as the first as the tens digit and the second as the ones - ask how many more to make 100. A litre jug is filled with 0.25l of juice. How much more is needed to make a litre? Dominoes: Pick a domino from a set facing down. Choose one side to represent the whole number and the other side to be the tenth. Ask how much more to make 10. e.g. picture shows 5.2, so 4.8 more makes 10. 0.75 of a litre! How did you work that out? Because a quarter of a litre plus three quarters of a litre equals 1 whole litre. Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? Remember - a great place to think about capacity is in the bath!

6 Autumn 2

7 Key Instant Recall Facts
Autumn 2 a Begin to know the days of the week Know the days of the week and the seasons and months of the year Know multiplication and division facts for 2x table. Know multiplication and division facts for 5x and 10x tables Example of 2 times table fact: If I have 5 pairs of socks how many socks will I have? 2 x 5 =10 0 x 10 = 0 1 x 10 = 10 2 x 10 = 20 3 x 10 = 30 4 x 10 = 40 10 ÷ 10 = 1 20 ÷ 10 = 2 30 ÷ 10 = 3 40 ÷ 10 = 4 Arrays AND 5 x 2 =10 10 socks! Well done, that was quick!

8 Helpful hints for parents
Autumn 2a Helpful hints for parents Create regular opportunities for rapid fire questions where an instant correct answer is required Encourage children to look for patterns, such as all the answers end in 5 or 0 for the 5x table Chanting tables really does help. Make it fun by adding actions too or singing! Don't forget to chant those division facts too, they are often much harder to recall. Key vocabulary times multiplied by lots of groups of multiple of divided by shared double half Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! Play Fizz Buzz. To practice the 2 and 10 times tables together take it in turns to count in ones. If a number is in the 2x table say 'Fizz' instead of the number. Say 'Buzz' if it's in the 10's and 'Fizz Buzz' if it's in both. How many days are there in a week? Which day comes after Wednesday? 7 days in a week! Thursday! Well done - let's look on the calendar to see what we are doing on Thursday. Sequencing Cut up an old calendar. Ask children to order the months and talk about the seasons. Playing cards: There are 2 buns in one row - how many buns will be in three rows? Remove picture cards from the pack. Pick a card and state the multiplication and division fact that the child is working on. eg Pick the '8' card; so 5 x 8 = 40 and 40 divided by 5 = 8 6 buns! Great - how do you know? Because 3 times 2 is 6. Dominoes: Pick a domino, add the number of dots together then multiply by the table they are working on. There are 20 stamps on a sheet. There are 5 stamps in a row, how many rows are there altogether? Songs and rhymes There are lots of CDs available with musical tables. Great fun to sing along to on long car journeys! 4 rows! How did you work that out? Because I know 20 divided by 5 is 4. Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? Many other things form an array like window panes, milk crates, stickers and wrapping paper!

9 Key Instant Recall Facts
Autumn 2b This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know multiplication and division facts for 5x and 10x tables Know multiplication and division facts for the 7 and 8x tables Consolidate multiplication and division facts for all times tables Use all multiplication and division facts for the times tables up to 10x10, to derive x and ÷ of decimals numbers Use place value and all multiplication and division facts for the times tables up to 10x10, to derive x and ÷ of small multiples of 10 and 100 (e.g. 30 x 900; 8100 ÷ 9) How many 10 pence pieces make 50 pence? If 36 divided by 4 is 9, £3.60 divided by 4 must be 90 pence! 0 x 7 = 0 1 x 7 = 7 2 x 7 = 14 3 x 7 = 21 4 x 7 = 28 7 ÷ 7 = 1 14 ÷ 7 = 2 21 ÷ 7 = 3 28 ÷ 7 = 4 So.... five coins! Well done, that was quick!

10 Helpful hints for parents
Autumn 2b Helpful hints for parents Create regular opportunities for rapid fire questions where an instant correct answer is required Encourage children use what they already know, for example the 6x table is double the 3x table! Chanting tables really does help. Make it fun by adding actions too or singing! Don't forget to chant those division facts too, they are often much harder to recall. 9 Key vocabulary times multiplied by lots of groups of multiple of divided by shared product divisible by factor square number Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! A vending machine is broken and only takes 5p coins. How many coins do you need to pay for a bar of chocolate that costs 45p? Play Fizz Buzz. To practice the 5 and 8 times tables together take it in turns to count in ones. If a number is in the 5 x table say 'Fizz' instead of the number. Say 'Buzz' if it's in the 8's and 'Fizz Buzz' if it's in both. 9 coins! How did you work that out? Well, the product of 9 and 5 is 45. What's hidden? Use a multiplication square, hide some of the facts. Ask your child what is missing and why? There are 7 smarties on each bun, if we make 6 buns how many smarties will we need? Playing cards: Remove picture cards from the pack. Pick a card and treat the number as tenths. State the multiplication and division fact that the child is working on. e.g. Pick the '8' card so 7 x 0.8 = 5.6 and 5.6 divided by 7 is 0.8 42 smarties! Can you explain why? 7 lots of 6 are 42. Dominoes: Pick a domino, add the number of dots together then multiply by the table they are working on. To extend to all times tables, pick two dominoes to multiply the total number of dots on each together. A piece of ribbon measure 56cm in total. 8 cm are needed to make a bow. How many bows can we make? 7 bows! Can you prove it to me? Well there are seven, eights in 56. Songs and rhymes There are lots of CDs available with musical tables. Great fun to sing along to on long car journeys! Encourage children to use doubling to work out their 8x table if they already know their 4x table. Equally if you know your 8x table, then the 0.8x table follows the same pattern! Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record?

11 Spring 1

12 Key Instant Recall Facts
Spring 1a This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Say the numbers in order to 10 Know all number bonds to 10 Know multiplication and division facts for 10x table Know multiplication and division facts for 2x and 4x table If there are 10 pencils in the packet and I take 7 out, how many are left? If I know 7 x 2 = 14 then I can double the answer to find 7x4!.It's 28! 0 x 10 = 0 1 x 10 = 10 2 x 10 = 20 3 x 10 = 30 4 x 10 = 40 10 ÷ 10 = 1 20 ÷ 10 = 2 30 ÷ 10 = 3 40 ÷ 10 = 4 3 pencils are left So... Well done, that was quick!

13 Helpful hints for parents
Spring 1a Helpful hints for parents Look at the patterns with both objects and numbers e.g. as one number increases the other one decreases. Practise with the numbers in order and chosen randomly - the aim is for the child to be able to respond immediately. Chanting tables really does help. Make it fun by adding actions too or singing! Don't forget to chant those division facts too, they are often much harder to recall. Add Total How many more to make? Altogether Key vocabulary times multiplied by lots of groups of multiple of divided by shared double half Make it real! Make it fun! If there are 14 socks in the wash baskets. How many pairs will there be? Call out! Use a puppet or favourite teddy to count to 10, making a mistake. Can the child spot the mistake and explain what is wrong - then count along correctly with you. 7 pairs! How do you know? Double 7 is 14. What's hidden? Play bunny ears! Parent to hold up 4 fingers to make 'ears'. Child makes ears with 6 fingers. (bonds to 10) For a party we have four 2 litre bottles of pop. How many litres do we have altogether? 8 litres! How do you know? Two multiplied by four is eight. Playing cards: Remove picture cards from the pack. Pick a card and state the multiplication and division fact that the child is working on. e.g. Pick the '8' card; so 4 x 8 = 32 and 32 divided by 4 = 8 There are 4 children in the paddling pool, how many toes are there? 40 toes! How come? 4 times 10 is 40. Dice: Roll two die, find the total. The child multiplies the total by 2, 4 or 10. Can they also say the associated division fact? Six children have 4p each. How much will they have altogether? Songs and rhymes There are lots of CDs available with musical tables. Great fun to sing along to on long car journeys! Songs to support number bonds to 10 in a bed, 10 green bottles 24p! How did you work that out? Six lots of four pence is 24p. Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? Encourage children to use doubling to work out their 4x table if they already know their 2x table. To work out 4x table facts, double and double again!

14 Key Instant Recall Facts
Spring 1b This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know multiplication and division facts for 2x and 4x table Know all 2-digit pairs that total 100 Know the doubles and halves of all two-digit numbers Know doubles and halves of 2-digit decimals Know the prime numbers within 50 If there are 4 wheels on a skateboard, how many wheels will there be on 4 skateboards? Double 34  68 35  70 36  72 Halves 84  42 85  42 ½ or 42.5 86  43 What is 1/2 of 0.38? 1/2 of 0.3 =0.15 Sixteen wheels! 1/2 of 0.08 = 0.04 So 1/2 of 0.38 must be 0.19! Well done, that was quick!

15 Helpful hints for parents
Spring 1b Create regular opportunities for rapid fire questions where an instant correct answer is required Encourage children to use what they already know, for example the 6x table is double the 3x table! When children are confident with doubles ask them to find the corresponding halves Practise halving at least as often as doubling. This will help children with subtraction at a later date Key vocabulary multiply product times by lots of share group divide double near double twice lots of times half halved divided by 2 shared between 2 group in pairs Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! A piece of ribbon measuring 63 cm is cut from a piece which is a metre long. How much ribbon is left? Play number ping pong! Start of saying 'ping', child replies with 'pong'. Repeat and then convert to numbers i.e. say 3.9' and they reply '7.8' (double 2 digit decimal) Or say, '7.8' and they say '3.9' Money: 37cm! Can you tell me why? I know 63 and 37 make there are 100cm in a metre Show children a set of coins, children work out the value of the coins and say how much more is needed to make a pound. Two tickets cost £67, how much would one ticket cost? Playing cards: Remove picture cards from the pack. Pick a card, state the multiplication and division fact that the child is working on. e.g. Pick the '8' card so 4 x 8 = 32 and 32 divided by4 is 8 £33.50 How do you know? I know because half of 60 is 30 and half of 7 is 3.5 Dominoes: The swimming pool is 3.7km away. How far will we travel there and back? Pick a domino This domino could represent 0.52 or 5.2 or 52. Use any of these numbers to double or halve Songs and rhymes 7.4km Can you explain? Well, double 3 is 6 and double 0.7 is 1.4 which makes 7.4 altogether As well as commercial CDs children enjoy inventing their own clapping games and chants linked to the times tables Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? If children are finding decimals tricky relating questions to money makes it much easier to understand.

16 Spring 2

17 Key Instant Recall Facts
Spring 2a This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Be able to partition numbers to 5 into two groups Know all doubles and halves to 10 Know the doubles and halves of all numbers to 20 Know doubles and halves of: All whole numbers to 20 All multiples of 10 to 500 All multiples of 100 to 5000 If I have 5 apples and two plates how many apples can I put on each plate? Example of doubles and halves of multiples of 100: What is half of 360? Double 1  2 2  4 3 6 Halves 20 10 19  9½ 18  9 1/2 of 300 =150 2 on one plate 3 on the other 1/2 of 60 = 30 So half of 360 must be 180! Well done! Can you do it another way?

18 Make it real! Make it fun! Helpful hints for parents
Spring 2a Helpful hints for parents When children are confident with doubles ask them to find the corresponding halves Practise halving at least as often as doubling. This will help children with subtraction at a later date Double near double twice lots of 2 times half halved divided by 2 shared between group in pairs Key vocabulary Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! How many different ways can you share 5p between 2 people? Repeat for 4p, 3p etc Play number ping pong! Start of saying 'ping', child replies with 'pong'. Repeat and then convert to numbers i.e. say '12' and they reply '24' (doubles to 20) Or say, '36' and they say '18' 0p +5p 1p +4p etc If there are 10 shoes. How many dolls can have a pair of shoes? 5 dolls! Can you tell me why? Because double 5 is 10. Playing darts Use a magnetic dartboard. Create a game involving doubling and halving. To extend change the numbers to multiples of 10 e.g. 13 becomes 130 A TV programme lasts for 40minutes. The next programme lasts for twice as long. How many minutes does this one last for? Dominoes: Pick a domino 80 minutes! How do you know? Because 40 minutes plus 40 minutes is 80 minutes, which is also 1 hour 20 minutes. This domino could represent 52 or 520 or Use any of these numbers to double or halve A bag of potatoes weighs 4 600g . What would half a bag weigh? Challenge! 2 300g! Are you sure? Because half of 4 600g is 2 300g. Start with any single digit number. Keep doubling. How far can you get? Can you get back to the beginning again? Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? Encourage children to partition the numbers when doubling and halving 2- or 3-digit numbers e.g. 1/2 of 240 is 1/2 of 200 and then 1/2 of 40

19 Know the doubles and halves of all multiples of 1000 to 100000
Key Instant Recall Facts Spring 2b This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know doubles and halves of: All whole numbers to 20 All multiples of 10 to 500 All multiples of 100 to 5000 All whole numbers to 50 All multiples of 5 to 1000 All multiples of 50 to 5000 All whole numbers to 100 All multiples of 10 to 1000 All multiples of 100 to 10,000 Know the doubles and halves of all multiples of 10 to 10000 Know the doubles and halves of all multiples of 1000 to If there are 18 pencils in a pack, how many pencils will there be in 2 packs? Example of doubles and halves of multiples of 5 to 1000: What is half of 545? Doubles: 25  50, so 250  500 37  74, so 370  740 Halves: 70  35, so 700  350 43  21.5, so 430  215 1/2 of 500 = 250 1/2 of 40 = 20 36 pencils! 1/2 of 5 = 2½ Well done, that was quick! So half of 545 must be 272½ or 272.5

20 Helpful hints for parents
Spring 2b When children are confident with doubles ask them to find the corresponding halves Practise halving at least as often as doubling. This will help children with subtraction at a later date Children will often find numbers such as 35 harder to halve, so practise halving these numbers more often, encourage your child to give the answer using a fraction (17 ½) and/or a decimal (17.5) Key vocabulary Double near double twice 2 lots of times half halved divided by 2 shared between 2 group in pairs Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! Play number ping pong! Start of saying 'ping', child replies with 'pong'. Repeat and then convert to numbers i.e. say '12' and they reply '24' (doubles to 20) Or say, '36' and they say '18' In a sponsored swim, Paul swam 75 lengths of the pool, his sister swam twice as far. How many lengths did she swim? 150 lengths Can you tell me why? Because double 75 is 150. Playing cards: Pick 3 cards, the first one to represent the thousands, the second one to represent the hundreds and the third one to represent the tens, so that your number is always a multiple of 10. How quickly can you double AND halve this number? E.g. Cards show 8150 If two children have £27 to share equally between them, how much do they have each? £13.50 each! How do you know? Because half of £20 is £10 and half of £7 is £3.50 which is £13.50 altogether! Playing darts Use a magnetic dartboard. Create a game involving doubling and halving. To extend, change the numbers to multiples of 10 e.g. 13 becomes 130 Jenny walks 1250 metres to school each day, she meets Kate half way; how far does Kate walk? Top Trump Cards: Pick a Top Trump card. Choose any category and see how quickly you can halve AND double this number. 625 metres! Tell me how you worked it out. Well, I know that half of 1200 metres is 600 metres and half of 50 metres is 25 metres. Choose any even 4 digit number, halve it: if the answer is even halve again, if it's odd add 1 then halve again. How far can you go? Challenge; Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? Encourage children to partition the numbers when doubling and halving 2- or 3-digit numbers e.g. 1/2 of 240 is 1/2 of 200 and then 1/2 of 40

21 Summer 1

22 Key Instant Recall Facts
Summer 1a This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know all addition and subtraction facts for all numbers between 0 and 10 Know all addition and subtraction facts for multiples of 10 to 100 Know all addition and subtraction facts for: Multiples of 100 to 1000 Multiples of 5 with a total of 100 Number pairs that total 100 Count in 10s If we cut the pizza into 6 pieces and we eat 4 how many pieces will be left? Remember, when you know 1 fact, you also know 3 more! e.g. = 1 000; = so = 200; = 800 = 100; = 100 so = 35; = 65 = 100; = 100 = 73; = 27 2 pieces! Well done, that was quick!

23 Helpful hints for parents
Summer 1a Remember to count backwards at least as many times as forwards as this is what children find most difficult Remind children that if they know = 9 they also know that = 9, = 90 and that = 900 List pairs of numbers. Jot the opposite statements alongside e.g = = 30 Key vocabulary How many more to make? altogether make sum total add how much more is…than…? …difference between Make it fun! Make it real! Call out! Tap a number of regular beats. Ask the child to count silently in tens, calling out the number you stop on. What’s Hidden? Have a bag of twenty 5 pence pieces. The child can select a random number and quickly call out the change from a pound which is hidden in the bag. Playing cards: Remove the picture cards from the pack. Pick 2 cards and use one to represent the tens and the other to represent the unit. e.g. pick ‘3’ card and ‘6’ card making the number 36 Ask the child to find another pair to make the total a multiple of 10 such as 90, 80, 70 etc Dominoes: Pick a domino from a set facing down. Choose one end to represent the tens and the other to be the unit. Ask how much more is needed to make 60, 70, 80 etc. e.g. picture shows 52 – so answer would be 8, 18, 28 We have eaten 3 ice lollies and there are 5 left in the box. How many were in the box to start with? 8 lollies! How do you know? I know because 3 plus 5 makes 8! We invited 30 children to the party but 4 children can't come. How many children will be at the party? 26 children! Why? Because 30 take away 4 is 26! If I put 65 pence into the piggy bank, how much more do I need to make a pound? 35 pence! How did you work that out? Well I know that 35 and 65 make 100 and there are 100 pennies in a pound! There are 100 pages in my book. If I have read 66 pages, how many more do I need to read? Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? 34 pages Why? Because 66 plus 34 makes 100!

24 Key Instant Recall Facts
Summer 1b This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know all addition and subtraction facts for: Multiples of 100 to 1000 Multiples of 5 with a total of 100 Number pairs that total 100 Know all pairs of multiples of 50 with a total of 1000 Know all pairs of factors of numbers up to 100 Know the tests for divisibility for 4 and 6 Know the decimal and percentage equivalents of the fractions ½, ¼, ¾, ⅓, ⅔, tenths and fifths Example of addition and subtraction facts for multiples of 100 to 1000: RULE: A whole number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits are divisible by 4. Let's try ... no, because 37 isn't divisible by 4 yes, because 48 is divisible by 4 RULE: A whole number is divisible by 6 if it is even and is also divisible by 3 REMEMBER! A whole number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 Let's try... no because it's odd no because the digits total 17 ( ) yes because = 15, which is divisible by 3 Factors of 24 6 4 1 24 12 2 3 X If I have 700 ml of orange juice and I pour 300ml into a glass how much is left in the jug? 8 400ml are left! so there are 8 factors of 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 Well done, that was quick!

25 Helpful hints for parents
Summer 1b Helpful hints for parents List pairs of numbers Jot the opposite statements alongside e.g Practise with the numbers in order and chosen randomly - remember the aim is for the child to be able to respond immediately. Key vocabulary How many more to make..?,altogether, make, sum, total, how much more is…than…, …difference between Divisible by, factor, shared, divided by, groups of Make it real! Make it fun! A packet of popcorn cost 74p. How much change will I have from a pound? Call out! Play number ping pong! Start of saying 'ping', child replies with 'pong'. Repeat and then convert to numbers i.e. say '73' and they reply '27' (number pairs that total 100) or' 550' and they reply '450'. 26p! Why? The difference between 74 and 100 is 26. What's hidden? Dad measures 350g of sugar from a kilogram bag of sugar to bake a cake. How much sugar is left in the bag? Have a bag of twenty 5p pieces - child can select a random number and quickly call out the change from a pound which is hidden in the bag. 650g! How do you know? Because 350 and 650 total 1000. Cards: Make cards with multiples of 50 on them (e.g. 50, 100, 150 etc) child can select one at random a quickly calls out how many more are needed to make 1000 ask children to sort them into pairs that total how quickly can they do it? Can they beat their last time? A farmer has 126 eggs and puts them into boxes of 6. Will there be any eggs left over? No! Are you sure? Yes, because it is even and the sum of the digits is in the three times table Dice: Roll a dice and generate a two-digit, three-digit or four-digit number. Children discuss whether the number is divisible by 4 or 6. A baker cooks a batch of 245 muffins and puts them into packs of 4. Will there be any left on the tray? Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? Yes! Can you explain? 45 is not divisible by 4, so neither is 245

26 Summer 2

27 Key Instant Recall Facts
Summer 2a This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know all multiplication and division facts for 3x, 6x and 9x table Count forward and backward in steps of 2, 5 and 10 Know multiplication and division facts for 5x tables Count in 2s Can you count the teddies' eyes? 2,4,6,8! 4 x 3 so, 12 ÷ 4 = 3 and 12 ÷ 4 = 3 Well done, that was quick!

28 Helpful hints for parents
Summer 2a Encourage children to use doubling to work out their 6x table if they already know their 3x table. Remember to count backwards at least as many times as forwards as this is what children find most difficult Chanting tables really does help. Make it fun by adding actions too or singing! Don't forget to chant those division facts too, they are often much harder to recall add total how many more to make? altogether Key vocabulary times multiplied by lots of groups of multiple of divided by shared double half Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! There are seven 5p coins in my purse. How much is there all together? Use a puppet or favourite teddy to count in 2s, making a mistake. Can the child spot the mistake and explain what is wrong - then count along correctly with you. 35p! How do you know? Because seven fives are 35. Dominoes? Pick a domino and add the dots. The child multiplies the total by 5, 3, 6 or 9. Can they also give the associated division fact? A tent sleeps three. How many tents will you need for 18 children? Playing cards: Remove picture cards from the pack. Pick a card and state the multiplication and division fact that the child is working on. e.g. Pick the '8' card; so 5 x 8 = 40 and 40 divided by 5 = 8 6! Can you explain why? There are 6 groups of 3 in 18. Dice: Six beans are planted in each pot. There are 8 pots, how many beans will be needed? Roll two die, find the total. The child multiplies the total by 5, 3, 6 or 9. Can they also say the associated division fact? Songs and rhymes 48! Are you sure? Yes, because 6 times 8 equals 48. There are lots of CDs available with musical tables. Great fun to sing along to on long car journeys! Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? There are some interesting patterns in the 9 x table. Look at the answers to the multiplications in the 9 times table. The digit sum is always 9! e.g = 9

29 Key Instant Recall Facts
Summer 2b This half term your child is working towards achieving knowledge of KIRFs, indicated below. The ultimate aim is for your child to be able to recall these facts instantly! Know all multiplication and division facts for 3x, 6x and 9x table Know all multiplication and division facts for all tables up to 10 x 10 Know the tests for divisibility for 2,3,5,9 and 10 Know square numbers to 12 x 12 Know the square roots of square numbers to 15 x 15 If you can cut a cake into 6 slices, how many cakes would you need to buy if there were 18 people coming to the party? RULE: A whole number is divisible by 2 if the last digit is 0, 2, 4 6 or 8. RULE:A whole number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 Let's try! yes because = 15, which is divisible by 3 RULE: A whole number is divisible by 5 if the last digit is 0 or 5 RULE: A whole number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9 Let's try ... no, because = 14 which isn't divisible by 9 yes, because = 18 which is divisible by 9 RULE: A whole number is divisible by 10 if the last digit is 0 3 cakes! Remember, when you know 1 fact, you also know 3 more! Well done, that was quick!

30 Helpful hints for parents
Summer 2b Encourage children to use doubling to link tables such as 2s, 4s, and 8s Look for patterns in the tables, for example in the 9 times table the digit sum is always 9! Chanting tables really does help. Make it fun by adding actions too or singing! Don't forget to chant those division facts too, they are often much harder to recall Key vocabulary times multiplied by lots of groups of multiple of divided by shared product divisible by factor square number quotient Make it real! Make it fun! Call out! A back yard is 8 metres long and 4 metres wide. What is the total area? Play ‘Beat the calculator’. One person works out the answer to a multiplication or division question (similar to those above) with a calculator and one person works them out in their head. Who is the quicker? 32 metres squared! How do you know? Because 4 multiplied by 8 is 32. Dice? Roll a dice and generate a two-digit, three-digit or four-digit number. Children discuss whether the number is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 9 or 10. A recipe for a cake requires three tablespoons of honey. If I make 6 cakes for a school fete, how many tablespoons will I need? Playing cards: Remove picture cards from the pack. Pick a card and state the multiplication and division fact that the child is working on. eg Pick the '9' card; so 9 x 7 = 63 and 63 divided by 7 = 9 18 tablespoons! Why? The product of 3 and 6 is 18. We go on holiday in 7 weeks time. How many days are left until we go? How many school days are left? Dominoes: To practice the 8 times table, for example, pick a domino and add the dots. The child multiplies the total by 8. The child should also give the associated division fact. 49 days and 35 school days! Why? There are 7 days in a week so 7 times 7 is 49. We only go to school for 5 days, so five seven's are 35. Songs and rhymes There are lots of CDs available with musical tables. Great fun to sing along to on long car journeys! Timed Games: How well are you doing? How many questions can you answer in 2 minutes. Can you beat your own record? Remember to work out a tricky multiplucation use what you already know! So to work out 6 x 8: "we might know 6 x 4 =24 and then double it to make 48"

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